I wonder what mobile gamers think about VR. With cardboard and Gear VR there are cheap entry points when owning a phone so did some of you try? If so, have these experiences convinced you to go "Full VR" or rather turned you off? Any members already owning some headset, waiting for there preorders to ship or ready to preorder/buy soon?
I went through the last round of VR hype as a kid so I'm a bit bah humbug this round, there's a lot of investment dollars going into VR and some excited people but I'm not convinced anyone really knows what to do with it properly apart from making an 'experience' that wouldn't hold up in its own right past being "oh wow, cool". Having said that I have tried GearVR and was impressed, so who knows it might work out. Pricewise I think they're a bit expensive until they prove themselves, if in two years people are still developing and the concept has matured I might stump up, I'd like access to the tech but not for the layout it is currently until it proves itself viable and not just a short term gimmick.
Been checking helmets since the early 90s and obviously the FOV was far below what I would call immersive. Tested OR two times and PSVR once and still FOV is limited. It is already impressive but I think for the full feeling of presence they need to be able to fill the full human FOV. With 100 or 110 degrees it never felt like the worlds had the full size they were supposed to have. But main problem for me is the rather gimmicky games. What I always wanted was to go to other worlds, maybe be a futuristic wasteland, revolutionary Paris or a huge fantasy world. Not really a fan of space sims. I know it is a little too early for AAA VR games but I am surprised nobody seems to care, everybody seems fine with stacking stuff or playing Minigolf or whatever.
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Like september said, I went through the hype years ago as well, and it petered out in no time. This time, however, I'm looking for this to really go somewhere! In early Google Cardboard apps, I could see that this can be really useful as well as fun, if they only apply it the right ways! Not only for gaming, but things like business and real estate, vacation rentals, and general sales of various things/places, to start with! You could go sight-unseen and fly through houses, properties and the like without ever setting foot there physically and buy solely from that while you're across the country or halfway around the world! Add in a cheap drone's video and outside views and you have an incredible tool on your hands! I'm seeing this VR thing doing wonderful things down the line! And I agree that these are very expensive for something that hasn't really proven itself at this point, and I wouldn't have a problem shelling out that amount of money for it after there's more meat on the bone, so to speak, but considering there's not much right now, I'll be watching from a distance. I did own a Google Cardboard for awhile, then got me a ColorCross viewer, then modded it with a switch made on a 3D printer, which worked well! Downloaded every app that tickled my fancy, and pared it down to the best ones. Had a good time with it for a time, then deleted all the apps and sold the unit! # It was alright and I couldn't expect much since the whole deal is in its infancy, but the thing that got me was the fact that I have my phone, IPad, etc. in covers, and after a short time I just couldn't be bothered to take the devices in and out of their cases every time I wanted to fool around with it. Just a hassle! So that was the end of that!
I hope it's more successful than the last attempt, I actually did get to play with it the first time round and play games with the full kit like Dactyl Nightmare. Back then the hardware wasn't really up to it but today I think it could become something really special.
I heard something about Pokémon Go, it is AR not VR exactly but it will be really cool according to what I've seen! http://bit.ly/1RVnLVL What do you think will be more successful in mobile AR or VR?
Wow, seems like VR is completely ignored by the general public and even most of the gaming community. Discussion by those owning a headset is mostly about shipping issues, tweaking and tech problems plus games that really need to be experienced to understand their appeal.
Personally I can't wait. I've been waiting for this since I played some of the earliest arcade games back in the 70s. VR is the practical end result that TV, books, movies, and games have been trying to achieve, (and the best of them succeed at) which is near total immersion in an otherwise nonexistent world. Got my Vive on the way. It gets here Tuesday.
Stern Pinball Arcade is going to support Oculus Rift and Gear-VR. No word yet on PlayStation VR. There's a Kickstarter to fund paying for the license for AC/DC which is a great pinball machine.
I have one on the way from China! http://www.innog.cn This company Inno was very helpful! Works with any phone and any app that's the claim. I will come back and let you know what's up but I have a person in the company I have been talking with and can message them directly with any questions/concerns etc I think VR will work this time in time! I want to jump on now and get a tatse of what's to come. It's gonna change not just gaming but media in general that's my hope anyways. I have never tried the new VR so this will be a first only about 5 more days of waiting!
Several. Here's a top 10 l totally agree with... http://www.wareable.com/vr/best-steam-vr-games Also check out Budget Cuts and Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. A couple of the more experience titles like The Lab and TheBlu are gotta see. There are quite a few titles on Steam, (over 50) with more than a few being free. Here's a pretty good, (though already outdated) list of the over 44 release titles... http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/htc-vive-virtual-reality-hmd,4519-5.html
Sure it is. But I totally fear I cant go back and I have zero interest in relying on the few (gimmicky) games available. And then I play Witcher or Uncharted and everything feels just flat (I had the same problem already with PS4 deserting 3D).