I'm not on Ancestor's Atoll yet but for your other question, I have found that SOMETIMES when I go ahead and build before a quest requires it, THEN a quest pops up telling me to build what I just did, it won't count towards the quest. This usually doesn't count on houses since you can only have 3 of each kind per island. Usually it's shaman shops, etc. So I would build whenever you can with the houses to get more people/money coming in but build slowly with the rest. Just my opinion.
game issues hi guys . I am totaly new to this forum, no even sure If I should post here and still novice to the Tribez (level 24) I am in the first island (of the ancients) got problem with my food patches. I bought 5 of them but only 3 are working for the 2 others I cannot do anything with them, neither plant on, move, destroy, or built on . even some time to time a couple of my glorious guys are volunteering and work like crazy (for nothing of course except that I do miss them for other labor ) I really need all my food patches Any idea?? did this happened to you?? please help I love the game
I'm no pro either, but that sounds like a glitch more than anything else! Might send a question into Game Insight through the settings menu in game? It's a problem not having to deal with real money, so you might get a good answer.
thanks. I have sent a request. now I will wait if I got some answer (as you said justly I will be maybe lucky because it does not involve money
Thanks KalBrigger for your answer. I'm still worried that I won't have enough place to build all the infrastructure for coral mining etc. Has anyone experienced such problems on Atoll?
Money and experience I'm level 39 (and half) right now. Everything I need to do can only be done at level 42. I finally broke the 2 million dollar mark over the weekend. So my question is, do I have to sit around doing normal stuff to slowly inch my way to level 42 (which at this rate should take me about 2 -3 weeks) and why does it seem like it takes forever to save money? I have the circus, 3 hotels on 3 islands and whatever else I can have at the moment. I know I'm missing something but can't put my finger on it!
That's strange. I'm currently on level 46 i believe and I never had a problem of being unable to do something required by a quest due to level limitations. I was always few levels over requirements. Are you sure you don't have any active quests to pursue? If not maybe try to upgrade all the structures to max level to speed things up? I don't have a better idea.
That's what I'm working on now is just upgrading EVERYTHING. I'm even purchasing land that isn't too stupid expensive just to see if that triggers anything. We'll see...
Help, please. I am on Atoll of the Ancients. Found everything to build lighthouse, Aurora says it is time to build the light house, but when I hit the "find" under lighthouse, the orange arrow points to a place that seems to be on the edge of the atoll that has the alien, right on the water...nothing there. I have clicked through all of the structure to see if I find a lighthouse and none there either. Dn't know where to go from here. Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the screen. It shows exactly where the lighthouse is. I don't know if that helps. The place is initially shown as a building spot with a hammer sign on it. Does it help?
Thank you so much!!! I had a household built there, moved it and then it showed exactly where the lighthouse should be. There is another place in the Atolls that is a bare lot with a sign with a hammer on it, but this one didn't have that. The other one says" we don't know how to use this yet", but this sight didn't prevent me from building anything on it.
Latest quest After collecting all the stuff you get a firework show of a few seconds and some cut stone or marble. Please don't waste any gems on this.
Tornadoes I may be posting in the wrong thread, however I just started playing the game level 12, and it seems like these tornadoes keep coming up to much making me waste 1200 gold. Is there a way to counter act them or am I going to be broke for the rest of the time playing the game???
Frustrated and needing to vent First let me say - I have been playing this game since the day it was released (April 2012). I'm at level 100 and my happiness on Island of Ancients is at level 112 which is as high as you can go at the moment. I have a whopping 285 million coins and 0 gems. I will NEVER buy gems or coins for real money. In the beginning, I was very supportive of the game. As I found bugs or "features" as I like to call them, I would create a support ticket. I provided screen shots and details of my problems. I know - I'm a geek. I have lost coins, gems, items and levels as a result of these "features". Now for the bitch fest. As noted in another post I read - the developers have gotten extremely greedy. The drop rate for quests is ridiculous. The current cannon quest at the moment is not providing the items I need. Oh by the way the game is constantly open. Additionally - I was unable to finish the Balloon quest, the Haunted House quest and the Christmas tree quest. I didnt get all the items needed to upgrade the Carnival platform. Oh - I know - I could have finished them all if I used gems to purchase the items needed. But - let me remind you - I don't buy gems or whatever in freemium games. I am currently being harassed by the warehouse popup that states I can expand for 1.99. So I exit every time, but one time, quit by accident I selected the 1.99 - no surprise - it didn't work. I read somewhere that if you level up, the popup goes away. Well guess what - I can't level up - I'm already at the max level so, I'll never get rid of that one, unless they do an update and increase the levels. I also have to say - that given this game is developed in Russia - it is IMHO that they lose something in translation. There have been quests that I need to gather, say 5 of some item, further down on the page, the requirement turns into 10 items. This leads me to the fact that this game is riddled with typos and math errors. I really like this game but, all that being said, I think this game has come to an end for me. I could go on, but I wont. Im hoping that some of this information is helpful to some you seeing some of the same problems Ive seen. Additionally I would recommend you always backup the game before doing an update. That way when they screw up you can get back to where you were.
The warehouse pop up does not go away after leveling up. I've leveled up at least 3 times and its still there. I don't pursue the limited time quests due to the fact you can only achieve them after buying gems and like you, I don't do that. Your anger is appropriate in this situation. I'm know my time will come when there is nothing left for me to do on the game but until then, I'm going to keep on trucking for something to give my mind a break from the monotony of work and sleep.
Sympathies, I know just what you mean. I have occasionally purchased a few gems in the past when on offer & decided to use them for the cannon thing to see if the developers had come up with any new ideas but obviously not. Thanks for the info re max level 100, not there yet & assumed that it would be 112, same as happiness max. I now just dip in from time to time but it's getting to the stage where I think I'll just wait for updates. Sorry to say I think it's a great game that has lost its way, yet there is so much potential for it to expand
I got randomly introduced to Tribez a month or so ago and was immediately hooked. Really fun and, honestly, one of a handful of time-management games I could stand to play. I loved the resource system and quests added a little something extra along with a story that seemed to promise mystery around every corner. When the July 4th event came up I thought, "Cool! Seasonal content rocks!" So, I started that. 5 days into the 8 day timer I had finally finished the first stage of the quest. The tornadoes were ridiculous. While watching tv I had it open and, once every 3-10 minutes, would tap the tornadoes that appeared. In 3-4 hours, I got 2 of the 8 required blueprints. Ummm... fun? But, I made it past that, and on to the second stage. The four cannonballs tripped me up. I had everything else and was on 3/4 with 1.5 hours left in the event. I clicked on it once more, but had to leave before the cave was finished. As I turned on the game, the event was gone and, just to throw salt in the wound, the last cannonball came up. Honestly, I'm a little embarrassed by the time I wasted this week on this garbage. I even took it into work to secretly try and finish it up. That one quest took a fun game and KILLED it for me. I thought I was doing something wrong, so come to these boards and discovered that the events aren't meant to be won without paying, and the game devolves into lower and lower chances of finding your special quest items. After that, everything else in the games started to annoy me to no end. Pops-up demanding if I'm sure I wanted to pass up the chance to get a tad more storage for $1.99 or another worker for a buck. Every quest suddenly became a chore as I realized that I wasn't allowed to enjoy this game once or twice a day. Luckily, that quest was the wake up call I needed and tonight I celebrate by deleting it forever from my iPad. Good riddance.
Yep, as I've been saying: I don't do any of the temporary or timed quests (on this, or any other game) b/c it is designed to get you excited, wait until you can't find that last item right before the timer runs out hoping you will spend some money. And those stupid pop ups, well I guess I just got used to them. I wrote in about them and only got generic responses about how to delete the game and restart "should" resolve the issue. I'm not willing to risk a few months of work on "should". This is a fun game, but like most other "free" games out there I don't put much emotion into them. That will only cost you (pun intended).