I'm gutted, my scantily clad women have gone. Who is going to entertain my tribes men now. Also ,is there a new island ?
Nope not yet I have only gotten the incubators to drop (2) only after spending many, many hard earned gems. Now out of gems and nothing again dropping. At this rate I will be celebrating Mothers day on the 4th of July !!
Ash island I finished the quest. You get a crappy chest with some gold and food. Then the guy flies away. Not new island. I hope this is not another waste of time update but I suspect it is.
Well nuts! Thanks for posting! I was way disappointed with the other quest to complete pole.. Finished on 1 island then had to do all over again on second island
I haven't seen the new island yet. I wonder if this will be like the valentines day update where the android version gets released much later but the drop-dead date is the same on both...
I keep logging into FB, and I still don't get my reward.. it's couting down time.. why isn't it giving me the crystals for logging into FB? done it like, 6 times already, and the task is still there...
Yet another waste of time Why do they keep giving us expensive updates that result in crappy endings? The latest balloon flew away and left a less than useful chest with insignificant amounts of food and gold. Unless they do something with the tramcar soon, I'm off.
Hey everyone what do you think of the reply I got from game support after I complained I had used 100 gems thinking there was a new island? Here it is.... Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team! My name is Natalia and I am here to assist you. The new quests are dedicated to Mothers’ Day and according to the story line Aero asks for your help and support. When the quest is over Aero is glad to thank you with a surprise bonus that you can find in your Inventory. Your islands are more highly developed than the Ashy Islands and we appreciate that you decided to take part in the event and help your neigbours. The Natives of the Ashy Islands will always be grateful for the Dinos you sent them! Sincerely, Natalia Smirnova Your Support Team
Haha - short version - Thanks for the money sucker. I think they are more interested in using this game to provide the cash the need to develop other games than actually updating this game.
Help, please...I have been playing this stupid game for about a month. Just the three islands so far, Ancients, Marble Fiord, and the Mystery shore. Just spent 8000000.00 gold for my most expensive property on the Isle of the Ancients, have two other properties on the same island but can't access them because I need to build a bridge, which uses sand, and it seems like everything at this point needs sand. When I click on the sand pit, it tells me I need to complete a quest before I can build it, but the quest isn't available yet. So what am I doing just spinning my wheels, don't feel like I am accomplishing anything, except buying more useless property. Am on level 45...keeping the little guys happy etc. but can't seem to advance without the danged sand. Anyone please tell me where, how long yet before I can access some sand. Thanks.
Only way I got sand was increasing happiness until a quest for a police station came along. Develop all your buildings on mystery then keep increasing its happiness.
Mothers day quest Well Mothers Day has come and gone, and still waiting for the airplane to drop the last incubator. I think my first guess was right, the 4th of July sounds about right (with luck)
I was 4 days in the quest with 1 of 4 incubators and gave up. I was alot more devoted to the Valentine's Day and April Fool's quests and realized they had horrible drop rates (which possibly is just a cash grab for Game Insight). Sorry Oscar--sounds like they were pretty much thanking you for the cash and leaving you SOL.
Big Fair I have turned sound off on game because horrid new music with little man selling stuff like removable lab, paint factory various all cost gems. A few 100 if you buy everything. Is this just another grab for our money or is the stuff help full A few last 96 hour but I suppose you would have to play a lot to make use of it. I am waiting for 70% drop so I can get couple of dino parks
Turns out music was not the game. Think something was wrong with Android Had same music on another game. Out of curio city got removable lumber camp,bad decision You would need lots of storage space,wood, food,coins to get good use of it. I did not Wasted gems there.