Couldn't agree more. Have 406 million gold, can't be bothered with the boring totem task, all islands max expanded and full array of laundromats earning ridiculous gold. Just shy of level 100 and not sure why I still go on very day. Will probably get to a half billion gold then call it quits unless a good update comes along!! Will see!
Many of you seem very experience in this game. I'm only level 31 but it seems all the quests for the first island were randomly unlocked when I opened Tribez today. Is this suppose to happen?
I finally got fed up with all those pop-up reminders to update, do I updated and am now getting more pop-ups for that "one time" warehouse offer. As for the April Fool's Day event, I am sure this will be similar to the Valentine's event where it will be dang near impossible to complete naturally--hence the 40 gem price tag on each set of items. I'll probably just spare myself the trouble and not even bother--the abysmal drop rate has made itself evident after toiling away with it today.
April Fool?? Did anyone get 10 free crystals from visiting the Tribez Facebook page via the Anniversary pop up? I've been hoarding crystals and added those 10, only to find this morning I got 34 deducted from my hoard for no reason! Is this an April Fool's joke or another anomaly of the update?
I am currently doing the April fools day idol ritual. No gems used. I'm level 85. I still ha ve houses on mystery shore and on the island that have never been used for anything. If you click on them they say don't know how to use. Those of youthat are finished. Do you have these?
Can't figure out coffe tree quest Hello I'm lvl 25 love the game I'm stuck on a quest that requires 5 coffe beans or what ever from a coffee tree I only have one of them... Been days like 5 I am stuck I have 4/5 and I was wondering is there a way to buy more coffe trees? Thx
Can anyone help, I'm on the marble fjord and its racing through the quests, every time a new one starts it tells me I'm completed a second later. I have about 20 stacked up on the side of my screen currently and it won't stop! How do I get in touch with the developer? Thanks in advance.
Sorry, Pattigriffith, there isn't, you just have to be patient. It took me weeks and I nearly succumbed to using crystals. You'll get there in the end
About the same here. Lvl 89, 100 million Gold, never bought a gem ever, but getting frustrated again with the almost impossible drop rate on the April Fools quests. Now starting realise who the fools are! Looks like no chance to get all the times, got all 5 Necklaces, 4/7 Fun Lanterns and 3/4 Fun Masks. Haven't had a drop on 3 days now, so it isn't going to happen as the drop rate will get slower the closer you get to completion. So yes, often wondering why I continue.
Sort of refund After been dropped to level 1 4 times I finally got my gems back,that took 11 days after I was supposed to be refunded. Got told because game blocked because of my social cheating Never cheated in game Don't see point of it IS only got 25,000 coins Had over 2 million 2nd time happened,about 40,0000 3rd time happened .will not spend snother 1p on this game. My quests revolve around carnival,no April,Easter or St Patrick days quests Was disappointed bout St Patricks day quests it been my birthday
Do the developers ever read these posts? If there is anyone 'watching' who is or has been involved in the development of games like this perhaps you could help with a little query I have,minor irritation, nothing really Could you just tell me, pretty please, what the point is of having quests that have a drop rate that is SO PAINFULLY SLOW that the quest is almost impossible to complete? I play several times a day( I have no life ) but can't remember the last time sensitive quest I managed to complete. OK I know you need us to spend money on 'stuff' but personally I would have rather paid money to buy this (admittedly beautiful) game in the first place than be held to ransom like this
Does chasing the octopus away trigger any new quests? He's a cutie pie and if the quest ends there, I'll keep him around for a while instead ( plus it takes half a mill gold just to do this!)
So ( spookily) I have now managed to finish the 'totem' on Marble Fjord - so now I have to build another on Mystery Shore? Ha ha, funny April Fool
Yes, I'm wondering who is the fool. After being pleased to get all the items to perform the ritual, I now need 1500 coral to do this on mystery shore. Withm1 day 10 hours left, I can't help feel this will move through several islands and it will be a waste of resources sine there is not enough time to complete it.
Same boat here. I keep wondering what are the game designers thinking when they set the time limit.. last time it was 350+days to start (for the carnival thing), which was obviously an error since it got canned unceremoniously and without warning after couple of weeks or so.. this time only got 7 days and it took 5 days to go through the Marble Fjord totem... wondering if I should just bulldoze the totems once the time runs out unless it gives resources like the carnival platform...
I hear there's a totem on piedmont island too ...I see a pattern forming ... I really don't mind having a long and involved quest like this - just give us a chance to complete it - it should be possible within the time limit with just one or two visits a day.
If you only visit once or twice a day you have been very lucky - congratulations - I visit at least 3 times a day - I haven't been keeping a record but most days its about 6 times - in other words I have 3 -6 (or more) attempts to find required items each 24 hours. What did you get at the end of it for all your hard work? Just so I know what I'm missing