The TribeZ (game play discussion)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by girlpower, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Just heard from game insight They where going to mark my problem solved without doing nothing Nothing about the hours ,days ,months I had played building up my vommunity. Nothing about the million of coins I had earned and spent on the game .Worst of all nothing about the real money I had spent on this game, .I have wrote back complaining I am now at level 8 Just building my 1st bathhouse this time I am going to build only when I am told to
  2. torin23

    torin23 Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Harvesting Coral?

    So, when do I start harvesting Coral on the Ancestors' Atoll? I'm still waiting on the fifth Shower Pouf in the Cave and I'm starting the last upgrade on the Light House. At what point do I start working on the coral? Everything is waiting on that on all the other islands except for Piedmont.
  3. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Waiting for gems back

    :mad::(I got an e mail from game insight. Will look into problem of 6 months lost game play, millions of lost coins,thousands of lost gems but it will take 7 working days, so maybe no in time for easter,took my money quick enough. In meantime on level 16 with 29 gems, 7000 coins investagating plane. I left men to it, went to bed, went back to game 11 hours later,no time had passed in game,normally does:mad:
  4. Angiechan

    Angiechan Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    Have faith, the last time I lost my entire game to a bug, Game Insight reimbursed my gems (however, they only reimburse at the normal value--not at the marked up values when promos are in effect). They also gave me 30K gold....but that is kind of a useless drop in the bucket by time one makes it to Murlod Island.

    Granted, the game loses its luster when you are playing through it for the third time, but the fact that they actually did something was reassuring. (I had a Gameloft game that glitched, but the company just yanked me around until I just gave up--and I have not dropped a dime into them since)

    ...I finally got the energy things for the alien statues. All these danged "find the item" quests are draining my motivation.
  5. yeti-alpha

    yeti-alpha New Member

    Mar 22, 2013
    Carnaval platform???

    Hello fellow Triberz,

    I am reading this forum for a while now and found some interesting discusions. Now i think i have a problem with my Carnaval platform. Normaly when you tap a construction you get a popup with a discription or you can take a pick out of 4 deals. If i tap my platform now it just highlights and no pupup. When jou start the game you need to collect stuff for the carnaval and that went ok.

    Is this normal?

    I "just" started playing, in comparison to some of you, now @ level 36 and sinds yesterday able to get to mystery shore.

    Regards, yeti-alpha
  6. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    I bought all my gems at triple rate Also had 400 gems compentasation. I had saved up 2 mil to buy land on the quest on Murlock island because I was been overwhelmed by the Murlocks attacking my men. I was waiting for quests on Marble Fforde having spent 2 mill on the tennis statues This was 3rd time for me, I lost all gameplay when my android rebooted itself but I was only on level 8 + had not spent any money. I now have 3 cosy houses + am building my 1st school. I had maxed out all the social building on 4 islands . I had bought gems to buy cut marble + sand because nothing was dropping in those quests, 3 days later everything dropped I built 4 sand pits to level 4 I am sure game insight build in slow drop rates so people buy gems out of frustration
  7. bamar123

    bamar123 New Member

    Mar 24, 2013
    At level 22, but in island 1

    Hi Triberz,

    This is a good forum and I found quite a few tips here. Hope someone can help me with my challenge. I am at level 22, and find a lot of you had moved on to other islands by now. I am still stuck at island 1 and require 1.5 mil to expand to the lake/waterfall region. And I have only 62k. What am I doing wrong? Am I doing too many quests? How do I quickly add coins so that I can get to the next island?

    I have all the other resources needed to go.
  8. Scoobysdaphne

    Scoobysdaphne New Member

    Mar 24, 2013
    I'm level 37, and the best advice is have LOTS of money making buildings. I have bought gems, but only when I had the great chiefs chest and got 3x the amount of gems. It usually takes me about 2-3 days to make 400,000 or so. I did buy the 2nd island with gems. It does take a long time for items to drop as they want you to buy gems. I'm still not able to make sand. I guess the key word here I patience. But you do have to have a lot of money making buildings, the more the better.
  9. Midge

    Midge Member

    Jul 1, 2012
    I'm at level 69 and have never spent a dime to buy gems. The key to this game is patience.
  10. Sandtoad

    Sandtoad New Member

    Nov 8, 2012
    Level 80

    Never spent any money. Lots of patience.
  11. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Yes I do get frustrated easy enough.When 1st started 2nd time I had my poor little men waving banners at me with knife + fork sign so I, bought 675 gems used some to buy food,speed up harvests Had got to level 48 Was getting more patcient .With this 3rd game sometimes I am leaving it for hours but no time has passed on island. All I want is fair play game insight to give me all my gems back at the rate I bought them + a couple mill coins
  12. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Back at level 1 for 4th time

    :(:(:mad:Went to play my game today Yesterday was on level 22 had just upgraded 3rd mansion, bought more terrority for 30,000 bought 3 pieces now .Well today back at level 1. Still not yet got gems coins back from last time. I keep complaining because if you don,t after 3 days game insight mark it solved. I maybe paranoid but I think game insight have done this,so I will give up on the game and forget about money I spent. Now it is the principle I bought the gems to play the game. I cannot play the game I should get my money back:mad::(:mad::(
  13. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012

    3rd person from game insight emailed me today. Found my game details, that got lost last week. Offered me gems back. Normal rate 1/3 of what I bought. I bought at triple rĂ te. I feel cheated. :mad:
  14. guro152

    guro152 New Member

    Apr 3, 2013
    I'm on lvl 60 and have no quest. Whats next to do?

    Sorry for my english
  15. Janet114

    Janet114 Member

    May 28, 2012
    Hit end of game I guess

    I'm at level 80 I think. Have 130million coins. All quests complete. All islands built up. So now am in a holding pattern to see if they expand the game some more.

    It's been fun and at times frustrating (it took me months to get the final shimmering mushroom). Has anyone heard of additional quests or islands or anything new coming up?
  16. Noel1cent

    Noel1cent Member

    Jul 4, 2012
    Has anybody had any issues with the latest update?
  17. Scotlandpaddy

    Scotlandpaddy Member

    Feb 13, 2013
    Well I am fed up with the continual "one-time offer" of an up-graded warehouse.

    The totem on marble fiord quest is all I have going on now I'm level 95 and have122300000 gold and I haven't a clue why I am still playing .
  18. Margaretis

    Margaretis Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2012
    The same here!!!
  19. Angiechan

    Angiechan Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    Given the reviews complaining of problems with the update, I haven't even touched it. I wish I knew tho.
  20. lmhowe50

    lmhowe50 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Since last update my game freezes so badly after 10 min. Of gameplay I have to reboot my device When I go back sometimes those 10 mins are lost I tried tapping game insight icon,facebook always unresponsive,then facebook closes down the game. I never got my promiced gems + coins either .Supposed to send them last Wednesday. E mailed game insight several times about both problems. Now I think they are ignoring me.

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