YEAH! I finally found the last iron ore to build a foundry. . I think some of the low drop rates is that we haven't met all of the requirements for an item to drop. I searched for forever for the first iron ore and it dropped after I finished a quest, then searched for forever for the last iron ore and it dropped as soon as I hit level 77. It would be nice if there was a list to help us know! Now to get the quest to start the search for the items to go to alien.
On murlord island I finally got my last bandage from the coliseum after over 1 month of trying and only after the final upgrade of my 8th coliseum and of every house. Then I had to demolish stuff to make room for a hospital. Now I only have quests on the last island and am just making money on the rest. Has anyone else found that you can set 2 coral factories going for 1 hr at the same time but one finishes after an hour and the other 1/2 hour later.
Coins I have been reading how people playing the game have 100s of millions coins Hat off to them I have been playing since October down to 30,000 coins Spending more than earning on coral, search for gems ,food, upgrading buildings,but I think that because IT turned off update facebook I was not paid for some achievements. I found it frustrating been taken away from the game everytime I achieved something + a lot of the time IN have to restart my game after I have left facebook. Anyone else finding this. I should be allowed to play the game how I want to. Finally opened Murdock Island,no money to explore it.
Did you ever get an answer on the Ancestor's Atoll glitch? All my workers are gathered on the bridge and nonassignable, and most everything I touch says "cannot reach. You'll need to clear the way". I'm on level 62
Have you tried picking the workers up and moving them? Also if you go to the outline only view you can often see the plant that is blocking you. What I would try is to clear out a small area by demolishing a building then pick up the workers and dump them there. That will give you enough space to select the plant/tree that is blocking you.
drop rate For 2 days I have been searching cave,aeroplane,pilots camp for shimering muchrooms,stuff for guard towers other stuff cannot remember Just getting eggs,plenty of them. Still only got 7 wax That quest began weeks back. Gave up on chain,had warehouses ,ships chock full of stone Dinos good at scaring Murloks so may not bother with guard towers
Nope, never got my workers unstuck. Game support was no help. I don't think they liked my attitude so no free gold or gems offered up for the inconvenience. I finally gave up and started a brand new game. It's working fine now and at level 64. Have 6 islands including murlod and piedmont. Still love the game.
Sorry to hear this happened to you too. Game support was no help at all. I gave up and started over with a new game. I'm at level 64 and so far no problems. Pretty nervous about murlod island though. It's so full I can't fit anything else in until I have enough gold to open up more space. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Tennis statues Are the 4 tennis statues needed Cost 2 mill to build them which I don't have Still looking for stuff on main island Just getting eggs
Lumber Mill Hi everyone I am on level 24 and cannot seem to get any saws to drop from trees or enemies. Have been on this for quite a while and am soooo stuck. I think this is what I need to build the lumber mill and it seems like I need to be able to build a lumber mill to get any further but am getting the "this isn't available to you yet". Really getting frustrated. Any ideas or helpful hints? Thanks Carol
Yes, I've tried everything I could think of. I can't demolish anything. Even tapping a plant or tree clearly on the edge with nothing around it yields the "Cannot reach. You'll need to clear the way" message. I can tap on a dino's nest to wake him up like normal, but tap on the same nest to get a worker to ride his back and can't do it. I can grant the workers "wishes", just can't have them work anywhere. It's definitely a glitch. Thanks for trying to help though.
No challenges I am on level 90 and have no challenges on any island. Anyone know if it's worth continuing?
So mad I went to my game bout hour ago. Was shocked to see I was at the begining. Rebooted my device a few times, still at the begining. I had 5 islands going All the main buildings at level 10 on 4 islands,corals,sand,glass all working,dino parks windmills,trampoline gym Yes I had spent real money All gone 67 gems ,just over 2 mill coins which I had saved to buy more terrority on Murdock island . I have wrote to game insight, asked for my stuff to be given back,put back onto the level I was playing on or give me my money back, I don,t feel like starting again. I am also going to write to google play and ask for a refund. I have all my receipts
Backups! Personally, I have a rooted Android phone and make backups regularly. That way if the game dies or shipments disappear or I accidentally buy land, I can go back to my last backup. I'm not sure why more people don't do this. But then, the only shipment I've ever lost was when the game crashed while on the shipment screen. On another note, I have to wonder why the tribesman aren't more actualized. Why do we have to grant them wishes? Why can't they take a bath or feed themselves on their own?
Game Insights came through! They suggested moving a building into storage. You had the right idea XBurt, but I was stuck since I couldn't move buildings or clear out plants, even when it seemed like I should be able to. After moving a building off the islands completely and into storage, I could methodically clear plants away, move a few structures around, and one by one get the atolls functional again. I had just let the plants grow to save the money it costs to repeatedly clearing them (and ok, i will admit it... i thought it looked cool and tropical , but now I know. Thanks and aloha to all who commented~
I am playing my game on a HDMI android stick which plugs into my HD TV so I don't think IT can back up Other games I play keep your progress so you can install and take off your games Cannot see why you cannot do this .6 months of gameplay gone. I love this game but am very disheartened by this Not heard from game insight yet
Still heard nothing from game insight. I am sure I have customer rights. If I have had taken the game off my device or it had broken down I would expect this but the game just went back to level 1
I have a coliseum on the winter island that has had the wish fulfillment circle and arrow greyed out for days. I can't put it in storage. I can't click on it. My little Tribez men never fullfill the wish. Anyone else encounter this? How did you fix it?