The TribeZ (game play discussion)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by girlpower, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Experiment626

    Experiment626 Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    How do you ship aka how is it different from the zeppelin where you have to select what to ship from the map ?
  2. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    OMGoodness!!! This is not good at all and becoming too regular.
    I'm so pleased you took that screen shot, did you send that with your email to the support team?
    This really does suck big time, sooo poor thing :(
    Really hope they can help you out at support....please keep us informed.

    I wondered if we do regular back ups via iTunes, would it reinstate everything if you restored from your last back up???
  3. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    #523 girlpower, Jun 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012
    Aww...what a shame the screen shot didn't work.....thanks for the thought though :) Very thoughtful of you ;)
    Maybe Experiment626 can help with the screen shot too :D

    I may hold off until the happiness level the :) points so they count.
    I try and build things that take a while at bedtime, so they are either finished next morning or almost done....that first bridge does require patience impatiently exciting to have finally arrived huh ;)
  4. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    Yep, you are correct...we can definitely ship supplies there...I'm continually doing so, we just can't ship supplies FROM there unless we have the zeppelin harbour ;)
  5. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    @Experiment626....thanks so much for all your help on here ;)
    In reply to your reply post to me......
    Yes, I did build the two hotels on first Island....they're earning coins around the clock for me hehe

    How many tribesmen do you have on first Island?
    Curious if you say 48 (which is your happiness level)?
    I have 49 workers (max amount, plus happiness 49) so curious to see if you got your happiness lvl to 49, you may then end up with the 49th tribesman....has happened a few times to me now...the key is to keep the happiness level a bit higher than available workers (just to make sure they're all released and available to you) hope this makes sense?

    Think I will still wait till they lift the happiness level cap, 10 columns will help towards happiness 50....
  6. MeeR

    MeeR Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Ty friend, I don't have any gems so it seems I'll be waiting for a while
  7. GemSpring

    GemSpring Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    It is the very same. To ship items go to your map screen, select a 'ready' ship, choose an item then an amount, choose a destination and done!

    Does that answer your question?
  8. Amsterdam

    Amsterdam Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Hey guys, just to update you all, I fund dealing with the support staff extremely frustrating.....
    There is no reason for my game resetting as of yet and I am still trying to convince them to return my 200 gems. I think I am at the point of just saying forget it. Live and learn and continueon building my current tribez. I do think my situation had to do with the game connecting to game center. Yesterday I had a similar problem with dv, but I will post that trauma over on that thread. Just so no one panics, my dragons have returned and are fine.

    In the meantime, back to my tribez!

    I am still working on quests for the first island but have moved to the second to build up supplies. I am being very careful to follow each quest but I am confused....surprise,surprise lol

    I have a quest that asked me to investigate the annomoly (sp?), the ship, but not sure how to get there.
    Another quest says to buy territory and points to the $80,000 territory at the bottom away from the ship. Which do I do first?
    I am so paranoid about expanding and clearing things out of order because I really don't want to start again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  9. Rodmark

    Rodmark Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2012
    #529 Rodmark, Jun 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
    Thanks GP I never spotted that one! I just upped happiness to 49 and got an extra tribe mate ;o)

    Happiness is stuck at level 49 for me on island 1
  10. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    #530 girlpower, Jun 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
    Yeah, they're a bit sneaky aren't they ;)
    Yep, 49 is currently the max happiness level, this is why my stone columns quest can wait....those happiness points are too precious to waste and not be counted.
  11. girlpower

    girlpower Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    Ahh, you too! :(
    Wonder if they do this on purpose in the hope we will give up.....same thing happened to me (previously posted my frustration a while ago), trouble is, I don't give up easily when stuff ain't right..bit like a dog with a bone haha.
    From memory it took aplrox 2 weeks of many emails.....I would do as they asked, then they would ask for the same info again..GRR....if you have no luck with them, you could email Apple app support instead, I've done this in the past when another app didnt live up to what it was supposed to do and got my money refunded.....can't remember email address...but to get your money back for those gems, you can email them your receipts along with an explanation that you are trying to deal with TribeZ support unsuccessfully, you can even sent them the screen shot as proof?

    I really hope you hang in there, cos they need to fix this one way or another, and you should either be reimbursed with lost gems by Tribez, or money back from Apple for these gems being lost through no fault of your own.
    Hope it all works out Amsterdam ;)

    Bit different with DV as that seems to be set up differently through GC.
    EG, you can install that on another device and still have your current gameplay, you can't play that offline....whereas the Tribez can be played without Internet connection...points add on via GC when reconnect re: Internet.
    But when I tried to install the game on my iPhone, it loaded from scratch?
  12. Adsontour

    Adsontour New Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Find 5 fruit from the fruit trees nightmare!!!

    Anyone else having trouble finding these fruit? I've chopped down all the fruit tress on the 4th island and didn't find a single one.

    I've never bought gems for the game and maybe this is why, are the developers finally finding a way to get some money out of me by making me buy gems to complete a quest?!!

    Oh well, if they are it ain't gonna happen, I'll just keep getting my log in bonus and start saving some gold to open up the ridiculously expensive areas on the 1st island!
  13. Rothgarr

    Rothgarr Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    #533 Rothgarr, Jun 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
    No part of the game requires you to spend any real-world money to complete quests. Everything can be completed with time and patience.

    That being said, it's not the worst thing in the world to support the developers for their hard work by buying something if you have been entertained by the game. That is, after all, how they are able to fund updates like the awesome last update which extended the gameplay a lot.
  14. Amsterdam

    Amsterdam Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    @girlpower. Thanks for re advice. I think I will contact apple and go from there.

    Regarding the ship on the marble fjord there a certain order to unlocking the land around it? I have a quest to explore it and another request to open the land to the south. Not sure where to start. I don't want to go out of order and mess things up.
  15. apple-byte

    apple-byte Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    i started playing i think 2 weeks ago and i reached level 31 today
    i will now look through this topic - maybe i find some hints
  16. Seornia

    Seornia New Member

    Jun 21, 2012

    I am having all kinds of crazy issues!! On my first island, the quests to build two Hotels/Upgrade them to level 3.; It sees that I have build the hotels, but not that they are upgraded to 3, even though they are. Same with the quest for the household, sees I have built two, does not register that I have upgraded one to 3...

    On the Mystery Shore, it isn't registering when I order a long term deal, have run at least four of them at this point, and it is driving me nuts! :eek:

    Has anyone else experienced these issues? I would really rather not have to tear down my hotels/households just to rebuild as marble is somewhat of a hot commodity :p.
  17. Adsontour

    Adsontour New Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Yawn. Apart apart from the achievements that require you to purchase crystals to get them.

    Thanks for the preachy, irrelevant to the question reply though.
  18. Rothgarr

    Rothgarr Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    Read my note again -- I said quests, not achievements. You must complete quests to advance in the game. You don't have to pay real money to finish quests. Achievements are completely optional and won't prevent you from playing, advancing, or enjoying the game.

    1) Not sure what's so preachy about suggesting that it's not bad to support developers.

    2) Read your own note again -- you asked two questions. My comment was relevant to your second question "are the developers finally finding a way to get some money out of me by making me buy gems to complete a quest?"
  19. Rodmark

    Rodmark Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2012
    #539 Rodmark, Jun 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
    Try the lengthy deal ;o)
  20. Vasia

    Vasia Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    They messed up some long term and lengthy deals. If long term doesn't work, try lengthy deal.

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