Thethinice told me to make this thread so here it is. Just talk about anything and everything Steam. And btw, this is Steam the PC and Mac gaming store, not the steam that comes out of Cup of Noodles. Link to TouchArcade group on Steam:
I used to love Steam back in the day, played Half Life, Counter Strike etc. until Portal came out and it used to crash about halfway through most levels on my ancient PC so I gave up. Fast forward and now I have a Macbook Air and I'm looking forward to getting into some old classics, and new games too...and to be honest I'm pretty disappointed. Old games like Half Life won't play, and new games I really want to play like Magic the Gathering aren't compatible. Or should that be the other way round? Either way, I know its still quite fresh on Mac, but still annoyingly sparse. Free TF2 was an upside I'll admit...
If you need to find some silver lining, Origin isn't half bad and works pretty well. It's no Steam, but oh well.
Ahh if only Battlefield 3 came out on Steam. I really don't like Origin, because the only games they're going to be selling are EA games.
One big downside to Origin is the fact that they close your account after 1 or 2 years of inactivity and you lose your games too.
Steam likes pissing me around. It's slow, clunky and most of the games available on it are not compatible with Macs. Portal 2 was good on it though, and TF2 as well. I hate having to load up Steam every time I want to play a Steam game, makes everything so much slower.
Free and legal Steam games Hey Guys, I Binged Free and legal steam games and found out the following games are free: Alien Swarm America's Army 3 BattleForge Between Champions Online: Free for All Codename Gordon COIL Global Agenda: Free Agent Mightier Moonbase Alpha Peggle Extreme Sam & Max Episode 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! Spacewar Spiral Knights Team Fortress 2 The Cat and the Coup TrackMania Nations Forever Here's the link to the website where I found this info: Thanks IvanDoomer. Note: You Must go to the website I posted to install the following games: Sam & Max Episode 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (Why? Offered for free but is nowhere to be found on the steam storefront) Codename Gordon (Why? this game has been removed from the steam store) Note 2:The following games have been mistakenly listed as demos but are in fact the full game: BattleForge Between COIL Mightier
If you're talking about vapor then I rather not talk about it... But if you're talking about Valve software's steam then the first thing that comes to mind is TF2... is it worth getting back into? Also why did they choose to brand it "free to play"... wasnt it always free to play?
Guys! I need some good multiplayer STEAM games now! And a question, is anyone still playing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars? I played the demo and it's so fun! BTW thanks crex!
Hey guys, is anyone else going to get Civ V while it's on sale for $17? I've been waiting for this to go on sale for forever and now the moment I get some money into my account I'll be purchasing it.
Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike, Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Killing Floor, and Terraria. Well those are some. And guys don't forget to join the toucharcade steam group.