My Starbucks gave me the rest that they had since they're switching to that new app. I have about 10 so please PM me if you still need one.
Nabbed four more codes with my latte today! Enjoy! EE6N3L43PWX7 44LF3PAERLJ9 WNJY494J9KLJ NL4A9NHEJXTE
They don't expire until sometime in January. Starbucks codes last well after they get swapped for a new app of the week.
This was the Pick of the Week for Starbucks customers (technically: "Limit one card per person, per day", clearly written on the back), a full two weeks ago. While it's nice that people who managed to pick up a couple extras have shared them, this hasn't been available in Starbuck's stores since last Tuesday.
The Starbucks by where I live still had plenty of these on hand. I picked up seven of them. If anyone is interested in having one, whatever,please pm me so the lurkers don't get them but real members do. Thanks
...this is the problem with having an irresistable compulsion to buy ios apps: I bought this game last year, shortly before Christmas. I installed it twice. Never have I got around to playing it; always chose to delete it to make space. It's so much easier deleting games you've never booted up than even, well, mediocre ones that you mildly enjoy. Hell, I don't even remeber what my different photo apps do, so I don't know which to delete! Yeah, I know...white people problems.
Well, I never went to boarding school. I'm not known for following rules well, in general; small type? Never. Having said that, I am a Starbucks Gold card member and they really don't care if I grab a bunch...if even they knew. Besides, they won't give me a discount on the NY Times when I'm there at 10:00 PM, even though they're closing soon and chucking the papers. Plus...I don't trade codes, just give them away. This is TA, a home for ios gaming sophisticates. <-this smiley is rather unspecific, dontcha think?
I went to NYC last week on holiday hoping to pick up a card. The first Starbucks I tried the staff looked at me like I was an alien. The second gave me a card dated November. Ah well, I guess it wasn't to be