This was quite a nice surprise to see in my updates, thank you so much for letting us upgrade for no cost! Hopefully you guys get more traction on mobile this time can't wait to dive back in! quick question, will the coin doubler still be honoured as a previous purchase?
ZOMG! Thanks for getting this on iPad like 2 months after the Steam release! Now I really want to trade in our old iPad for a new one.
It won't, I'm sorry about this. All IAP has been removed. You are still getting the new version for free, which is a higher value item than the cost of the doubler IMO.
I bought the doubler too, but even so, I'm ecstatic to see all IAPs removed. It would have been easy to turn this type of game into a freemium train wreck but you didn't; and it feels great to be able to get a desktop experience on mobile for a change.
It's balanced well enough that credits don't feel right like before. I think other resources are almost more important now
Well, it was a freemium train wreck last year when we published v1.0. We've learned a lot in the meantime. I'm glad you all liked our update! v2.7 is waiting for review for iPad (and out in Steam for a few weeks already) and we will push v2.8 before June if all goes well.
I just accidentally stumbled upon this game and so glad I bought it because I'm. Having a lot of fun with it. I hope that resurrecting this thread brings more eyes to this wonderful game
Heads up, I've price matched (within 5% depending on currency) our Steam Summer Sale discount on the iPad and Mac Store versions, and now they are at Tier 9 pricing until the 21th.
I've tried it and it's not playable. The 6+ could handle most of the UI but there's still touch targets which end up being too small. I cannot sell a game at this price with buttons that cannot be pressed reliably. Plus there's no way to restrict it only to big screen iPhones. So no, I'm sorry but don't expect to see The Spatials on phones.
Fantastic game, and one of the only mobile builders that isn't choked with timers and premium currencies. Buy this game.
It's sales season in Steam again, so I've discounted both the iPad and Mac App Store version to roughly match the Steam sale price. It's now at tier 7 price (6.99 USD/EUR, 4.99 GBP). We've never been cheaper and it will take awhile to go lower!
How do you build over the rocks I've tried destroying them as it stands I can't get all my rooms without having a blank space almost Like having a column in middle of said room. Please someone help me get rid of my rock.
I feel like I need to necro this thread - this game is a little pricey but its really well done and I've put at least 20 hours into it so far (much more than the typically iOS F2P stuff). I'm pretty hooked on it.