Universal The School : White Day (by ROIGAMES Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by asaw2, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Here:eek:ps Double Post,I was Thinking My Uploaded Photo Wasn't Here,Sorry.
  2. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #262 oldsnake, Nov 11, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
    Yep,The Keys,Yes there are 4 Keys,aren't For Open The Stuff in the New Building,all the lockers with passwords or Symbols In New Building Require other Hidden Puzzles,There Too much Things to find in this game.All the Secrets Ghost Got Some Requirement For Appearance.
    A Chalk maybe?
    A Bloodbook,a Love Letter? cigarettes? This Remake Have Lot Of New Ghosts,And other stuff,you've Already Skip Two ghosts that you can't encounter in this playtrough.but The others,If You Find Them,Yes,You can encounter them,By Backtracking To Main Building 2,Then M.B 1.
    Write Me The Items You find from you're Inventory,I then tell you what you've Lost,But don't go To the Auditorium!
    Ps: I See and read you're PM,I will reply you,But there to many things to write,but I need to know the items you got.I complete the ghost collection "Ghosts and School Ghosts Stories after 6 Playtrough,3 on Hard,And 3 on Wang Real"Hell Mode".
  3. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    I gotta take my hat off to you, when you did this there was no ios walkthrough for this edition, you done brilliant to cplete it 100% but you are right there is a lot to this game. This is one of my top ten of all time on ios and how this doesnt have thousands and thousands of downloads is beyond me! I wont go to the auditorium yet as i want the things you said. Also what do you mean you need to see the items i have left? Do you mean my item list with things like the ciggarettes and the baseball cap and stuff like that?
  4. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Also oldsnake how the hell do i get into the home economics class in the very first building??! Sorry for so many questions...
  5. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #265 oldsnake, Nov 12, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
    Yes,The Normal "Items" Like Cigarettes and Baseball Cap,This 2 Items For exemple Are requierement Items For 2 Secret Ghosts.
    The Cigarettes: Backtrack to Main Building 2,go to third floor Girl's Toilet,using Only The lighter look at The second mirror,she appear in One cabinet,When You exit The Toilet she stab You with her scissors,Use 2 soy milk and save.
    The Baseball Cap:Backtrack to Main Building 1,second floor,and enter Classroom 2-11 and look at The attendance bookshop on The lecture stand,and be' prepared to dodge a bit her attack,Lot of damage here,But You Don't Die.

    About lockers: Password For every lockers Change on every Playtrough.
    I Suggest You To Play The Game Again,The Again,until You Know everything like me.And try To Take different Route with the Girls,There 8 Endings.
  6. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    You Can't.The Home Economic Room Can't be Opened.You Can Open The Home Economic Room Only on "Hell Mode" if You Choose The SEONG-AH KIM Route or JI-HYEON SEOL Route in Hell Mode,in The Auditorium after Save one of This Two Girls,They tell You that They let You a Key on New Building.That It's The Economic Room Key,You then Need to Backtrack to Main Building 1 Home Economic Room and solve a Puzzle to Get an Old Figure. Old Figures Are 7 statues Of The Main Characters and 1 Ghost that Can be collected in Hell Mode,By Find all 7 Figures You Will Award With a Janitor Costume.And You Can See The Figures in you're Old Figures Collections.
  7. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
  8. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    I really do, there is so many secrets to this game! Its crazy, il have a look thanks for the help!
    I do one thing and there are all these other things, also on my other playthrough there was a thing with a pc that i cant access now! Cant beleive you aced this game!
  9. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    It's Impossible,If You Play Time ago in Difficulty Under Hard,The Secrets Ghosts,The Secrets Puzzles Are Locked.But if You Know Are Play On Hard Mode That thing With The PC It's Visible,You Can access.Only The Old Figures And The key For That Room Are Locked.
  10. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Im actually getting good at this game now lol still alot to see but confident il get there on each new playthrough, i cannot beleive how hard the figurines are to find!!! I looked in acheivements and thought what are these figurines??! As after 3 playthrus i thght id have seen at least one but i founf none untlll NOW!!! Yay just found my first one so im gonna remeber from now on.
    Also at the start that girl who makes me go thru the vent in toilets, i forget that she takes the key for that one homeroom hence why i cud never open it!
  11. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #271 oldsnake, Nov 14, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
    No,You Can't Find The Old Figurines.The Old Figurines Are Visible and Can be Found Only on Hell Mode Difficulty.There're a Total of 7 Figures That Are The Characters From The Game,Like Hu-Min,All The 3 Girls,The 2 Janitors,and A Ghost.But Only on Hell Mode.They're Disable in Hard Mode.The Last One It's in The Home Economic Room,That You Can Get The Key If You Choose The Seong-Ah Ji-Heon Route in Hell Mode.That Girl That Ask You To Enter The Vent It's Seong-Ah,The same girl that Give you that key in Hell mode if You follow her route.
    But i Suggest You to play in Hard Mode until You remember Where all The Items,Healht Items Are.In Hell Mode The Difference Are:
    You Can't Save (No Bullettin)
    Janitors Eye Icon Disable (You Can't Know if They See you.
    AI Of The Janitors Lot Improvement(They seems They Got X-Ray! )
    If You die The Game Use a Felt Tip Pen(if You got One) and You restart From Last Game savepoint(after every Reply that You Give at The Girls) and after every Bossfight.in Hell Mode There a Total of 13 Felt tip pen(if You Found them all) if You Don't have it One and die,You Need to Start a New Game.
  12. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Wow, your right im actually playing hell mode at the moment, no wonder i i never saw them before!!!
    But im running out of felt tips against my demonic mirror image!
  13. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #273 oldsnake, Nov 15, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    Spoiler :
    You Only Need to Put The speakers as in The Mirror,he change place of the speackers,and you do the same.Avoid It's Attack It's easy,just Watch The Ghost movement,You Will See When he lanch You a Spell,You Can dodge them easely. ,just Use Run Button,But You loose couse in Hell Mode You have Only 1 Minute Time Limit With Mirror Ghost or Because You take Too Much Damage?
    About Some Question In The PM You Send Me:
    The Girl That Lying on The Floor at The New Building It's a Bug,she The Ghost NR 3,The Most Hard To Get it and Added to you're Ghost Collection,From When You Start The Game You got 2 Hours to Meet Her.You Need to Not enter other Room,And go in Class 3-3,then 3-6 then 3-9,in The First Two she desappeared after You touch her,in 3-9 You Can See her and Will be Added to you're Ghost Collection.
    Then There The Bridge,at Third Floor,if You walk to The Bridge,Randomly You Can't Move,and she Talking to you,and When You look up,she Attack You,that It's Ghost NR 20,The Granny.
    In Main Building 2,In The Biology Lab,You See A Mannequin.Are You Sure It's Only a Mannequin? That It's The Most Secret Ghost in The Game.go near him Where There The Lamp,then Crouch Then stand up,and do This until you're exhausted,Thatyou Can't Run anymore then turn on the lamp,He Come to Life,and Start Moving,For Added The mannequin to you're Ghost Collection You Need to avoid 2 times The Attack,By Moving yourself in The Room until The Lamp Run out.Tips:Wait him near The table at the blackboard,Then walk in circles,It's easy in This Way.
  14. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Man its crazy, u know that this damn game inside out. Ive played alot of games that tried my oatience without a single walkthrough, but this one ive found difficult to get everything. Cant say thanks enuff for the help and mannequin thing is awesome, as i did not have a clue about that, how did u even know to do that?! P.s last night i used up all my felt tips, i was devastated as i cud not beat the mirror ghost in time #
  15. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #275 oldsnake, Nov 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
    Yep,Infact You Can't Know Everything Without a Walktrough.As I Say To You,I Play WHITEDAY (2001) On PC,Then When The Remake Came Out I See Lot Of Things Changed,Lot Of Things Has Been Added exclusive For The Remake.The Collections,Ghost,Ghost Story,Ending Collection,Old Figures Collection Are Only on The remake.Then i See Even Hidden Dialogue Cutscenes,Then Lot of Ghosts Are exclusive of The remake.Even other Things..Yes i play On My own The Game,then Again and Again,But Then i Contribute to Create A Wiki For This Remake,Other Guys Do The Same,So i Learn Everything..There more That 300 Pages To Print!
    About The Mannequin:
    Was chased By Janitor and i Was Running in This Room To Avoid Damage,and When i Was exhausted The Mannequin Start to Move,and i Die,Damage By both.then i Was going in This Room alone,And Start to Run,But everytime The Janitor Coming and When The mannequin walk,You Can't exit The Room,cause It's Locked,until The Lamp runs out.i die here more Than 40 Times! Then i realize that i Can exhausted By Crouch and stand up,in This Way,You Don't make rumors,so The Janitor never Came here,and alone with The mannequin i Was Moving in circle on The table until The Lamp Run out.
    For The Mirror Ghost: i Can't Help You,It's HELL MODE,and it punish You,You Got 59 Seconds Time Limit,You Need Only To be Really Fast By Watch Where he moves The speakers,and You do The same immediately,Then Run near The Mirror to See Where he moves The speakers Again and You do The same.he Normally Move The First speaker to The left,then he move The One to the Right,and Again..
    But i Can Only say that if in you're First Hell Mode Playtrough You arrived here,It's Good 
  16. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Thanks buddy, yes hell mode really is hell! Lol
    I dont understand why this game does not have more love, this thread should be three times more loaded with comments! It really is so good and what they have given us in content on this remake is remarkable, not many games give you replay ability, but this game does it in spades and then some! Each time becoming scarier.
  17. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #277 oldsnake, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    I Totally Agree With You.More Love To This game,This Remake It's Ten thousand Time Better Than The Original,It's in Full 3D,Has Graphics Setting,MFI Support,Icloud,Has Been translated in many Languages,Replay Value It's Infinite.i Can't Wait For The PS4 Version,I Will Skip PS Vita Version Since i Play on IPhone.I Really Hope it Sell Well.
  18. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    What?! Wtf? A ps4 version?? For real?? Is this really gonna happen?!
  19. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #279 oldsnake, Nov 20, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
    Yesssss! it Happen,It Seems if All go Well on 17 March 2017,I Say If All Go Well Cause When Whiteday Was Launch On Steam,Was Announced For PS4 For 2015,But Will Never Happen,But This Time There An Official Date as You Can See in the Second Trailer.It's With PS VR Support,First Will be Launch in Korea,Then Worldwide.Here The Trailer(In Korean Language) Like The IOS Version,The PS4 Will have Exclusive Extras,I See Some New Ghost in The trailer.Watch it,then tell me:


    in This second trailer you Can See Two Ghosts sparkling blue.
    Enjoy Buddy 
  20. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Alexythimia23 until Now,which one Endings You Got? You Can See Them in The Ending Collection,And From There You Can See All The Time The ending You got Without The End Credits.I Ask You cause I Try To Complete The Ending Collection,That require to play At Last 40 Playtrough.There 5 Difficulty,and You Need to Get All 8 Endings For each Difficulty.I've already got Lot of them,But I Think i've A Damn Bug,I Mean I Know every Route and Reply For All 8 endings,But When i go For The Real "True Ending" WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUM The Game Give me IVY Ending.I've already Contact The Devs.

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