Universal The Room Three (by Fireproof Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Rosso

    Rosso Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Hi there

    I use an iPad Air and have trouble to get the game to start. I have sent the following to Fireproofs support. If someone here might be able to help or give ideas, please let me know.

    Thank you!!

    Dear Fireproof Team!

    First of all congratulations! My son and I are big fans of te Room series and have been waiting for the 3rd part desperately.

    Unfortunately, I have trouble to get Room 3 to start on my iPad Air.

    When I start the game, it shows the Fireproof logo for about 10-15 seconds and then goes back to "desktop".

    I have 3 gb of space left. I have reinstalled the game. I have rebooted my iPad several times. Nothing helps.

    I have the latest iOS 9.1 installed.

    Strangely, I have now tried to run Room 2 (!) again and it has the same problem! It worked earlier. Now it also shows logo and crashes back to desktop.

    The Room 1 still runs perfectly though.

    Is there any idea what could cause my trouble???

    Thank you for any help!!
  2. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Crashes at the start of a game often seem to be Game Center related. Have you tried logging out of Game Center to see if it gets you past the Fireproof logo? Or maybe switch to Airplane Mode so that the game isn’t attempting an online connection?
  3. Rosso

    Rosso Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thanks a lot, mate!!!

    I have tried both suggestions and unfortunately they do not help. :(
  4. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Oh well, it was worth a shot. Sorry to hear that you are still having trouble. Hopefully the Fireproof guys will be able to help you out.
  5. spader623

    spader623 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    I'm having problems with the ballerina puzzle button. Idk if it's part of the puzzle or not, but it seems like tapping it, or pressing it, doesn't work and I have to mash it to have it work. It's causing me to not be able to complete the puzzle. Any ideas?
  6. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    It's on a timer. Press just before you need it.
  7. tiggly

    tiggly New Member

    Nov 6, 2015

    There's a bug related to that button. It's mentioned in this FAQ: http://www.fireproofgames.com/ios_help

    The way to avoid the bug is to not press the button unless one of the ballerinas is moving.
  8. My metal object and screwdriver disappeared during chapter 4. I just want to know if that's normal or if I should be concerned (maybe start the chapter over?).
  9. tiggly

    tiggly New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    The objects you find in the hub area don't follow you into the chapters.
  10. Ok thanks! I just realized that the object disappeared before, but I think it was more obvious when two items went missing.
  11. Dnatives

    Dnatives New Member

    Nov 6, 2015


    I have the first and second ending, but now I'm stuck.
    Found the crystal in the safe, so I have 2 crystals in the spinning machine. Where is the 3rd crystal?
    Could someone give me a hint?:eek:
  12. tnb

    tnb Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    Did you get the one
    from the clock

    It's weird but for the life of me I can't remember where the other one is.
  13. Dnatives

    Dnatives New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    1 crystal is in the machine by default, the other one in the safe. So it looks like the third crystal is in the clock.
    I don't know what to do
    with the clock. :( I have the screwdriver, the "craftsman's key" and one of the special artifact.
  14. Dnatives

    Dnatives New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Ok, I solved it :) Thx 4 the hint!
  15. Slarge

    Slarge New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    I hope someone can help, I'm stuck in the last chapter and don't want to read any spoilers other than for the situation I'm in. I'm on top of the tower and
    ive used the hexagonal key, gone through the portal and done the gear thing to activate the light, and I can see what looks like another mirror behind some bars in the base of the stone table that everything's on. I know that the bars have moved a bit. The only inventory object I have is the screwdriver. I can't get at the mirror, nor can I find anything anywhere else that I am able to manipulate. I understand that I am supposed to alter the light beam but I can't seem to affect anything, either with or without the screwdriver, nor have I seen anything helpful while looking through the lens.
    Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  16. tnb

    tnb Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    There is a mirror on one of the ring things on the device that you can interact with

    More if that doesn't help:

    You can slide it along to reflect the beam, this activates the device, making it spin and removes the bars over the extra mirror
  17. Slarge

    Slarge New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    THANK YOU! I could see it, but it seems I never double tapped it. I knew it had to be something dumb like that.
  18. GJ77

    GJ77 Member

    Oct 23, 2015
    #98 GJ77, Nov 6, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    Hi everyone I'm stuck and could use some help.

    I've collected all the pyramid things and got the "Craftman's Key". A portal opened up that I was presumably meant to go through but I'd noticed various unsolved things here and there and went to investigate. Then I found a note that suggests I'm walking into a trap and I'm now on a mission to beat that trap! So what have I done... there's a machine with a crystal and room for two more crystals. I got one from the grandfather clock but can't find the second. There's a desk with two drawers both of which I've opened, one "locked tight" door which I can't open, and something in the middle that's halfway to being open. I hope this is making sense! There's a tree I've been inside and turned some dials to make a keyhole but I don't have the key yet. I'm guessing it will open the drawer on the other side of the tree. There's a popup stage (like in a kids popup book) that I can go into and get a blank wax cylinder that I've not found a use for yet. There's a locked phone (I'm guessing I dial 1795) that I can't unlock, various gramophone type things none of which work. There's a safe that's been there for decades, apparently. Can't open it. In the same room as the safe is a weird... thing... on a sort of marble balcony. Don't know what it does. I think maybe that covers it?
    Any pointers? No ending spoilers please :)
  19. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    I think you have to go through the portal for certain items to become available. Don't worry, you will come back to finish off all the other stuff. (and you will go through that portal several times if you want to fully complete the game)
  20. GJ77

    GJ77 Member

    Oct 23, 2015
    Ok thanks I'll do that!

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