Universal The Room Three (by Fireproof Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle

    My total play time is about 5 and a half hours. The combination of a great game and intense procrastination is a dangerous one. :p

    Here's a big non-spoilery hint:

    That stupid clock in the study room is pretty important.

    It had me stumped for ages, but with hindsight the clue to it is pretty simple.
  2. I can't believe what I got myself into here. This game is a lot longer than I expected, but my walkthrough is in middle of chapter 2 now, and here's my full video for Chapter 1:

    I really hope there are no surprise releases like this next week, bc I really can't handle it. :p
  3. TotallyImba

    TotallyImba Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Is this game worth it if you haven't played the previous two?
  4. Espekayen

    Espekayen Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hertfordshire, UK
    Once in a blue moon, a game comes along that actually makes it worth upgrading your device for. This is one of those games. Unreservedly recommended, The Room series are some of the finest games ever to have graced the platform. This is iOS gaming at its very best.
  5. Mona.Cofee

    Mona.Cofee New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    Stuck on Gameplay

    Okay, question here that might be spoiler-y
    How do you reveal the keyhole in the tree?
  6. thelastdon

    thelastdon New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    #66 thelastdon, Nov 5, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    I dont see any game center achievements or even in game ones.. Lies

    Edit: yay! Was just a bug! Theyre up now, thanks
  7. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    Well, you've beat me, I can't open the safe, and only have two of the three blue crystals. I don't have any idea what do do with the rotary phone. Also, I used the gold machine to make the sphere and used that in the folding suitcase but now I can't get it out. Also i used the wax from that place to go in the other record player and it won't do anything. I've used two tokens to flip 2 cards from the fortune teller, the first two. Will I find more tokens or do I have to restart to flip the other two cards?

    Also for the person asking how to reveal the keyhole, remove the bricks on the other side of the wall and play the minigame thing.
  8. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    You will find more tokens for the fortune teller. You don't need to restart. Also the rotary phone is linked to the record players. You need to figure out a way of playing a piece of music then recording it on to the wax cylinder.
  9. keszeg71

    keszeg71 New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Definitely, some real story-arch explaining to the series and they finally introduce multiple endings.

    I have finished the Escape, however stuck now. Would anyone be kind to offer a little tips?
    I Would be glad to shed some light to the bonus chapter if anyone needed.
  10. AoiKitsune

    AoiKitsune New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    #70 AoiKitsune, Nov 6, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    I managed to get the
    I got all three crystals, one from the safe and one from I think the clock. I put them in the machine and found the artifact.

    How do you get the escape ending? I originally thought that I was going to get that ending but I didn't. Where do you find the tokens? And how to you make the
    other thing in the study turn around? There's a button in the drawer with the Maggy letter that turns one side of the decoration.

    BTW the thing that you get in the token slot is the key to the drawer. You have to fiddle with it first.

    Also, anyone figured out what to do with the
    wax cylinder

    Edit: omg finally found one token.
    One half of the decoration that spins when you flip the switch has another switch at the bottom
  11. chuboi

    chuboi Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    Ran into a couple bugs people should watch out for:

    I had already opened the top right drawer in the desk with the grandfather clock and gotten the brass handle.
    On the third playthrough, when I opened the drawer, there was no handle inside, but when I clicked in there it put another handle in my inventory. My inventory was full at the time (5 items) and the handle ended up pushing off another item so I couldn't access it.
    So 2 bugs:
    - received brass handle twice from top right drawer in the desk with the grandfather clock
    - game does not support more than 5 items in your inventory
  12. AoiKitsune

    AoiKitsune New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    I've managed to find three endings, with no clue on the last one. Has anyone used the screwdriver? I haven't yet, so I was thinking maybe that it's the key to the last ending?
  13. AoiKitsune

    AoiKitsune New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    The handle goes onto the other drawer, so you can do that to get the handle out of your inventory.
  14. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    How did you unlock the safe? And can you be more specific about where you found the token please?
  15. AoiKitsune

    AoiKitsune New Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    You unlock the safe
    by going to the other side of the room. There's a gold button like thing on the banister. It moves very slightly, but if you keep going you'll see that it moves the pendulum. Make the pendulum hit the safe and it will knock it off the ledge. Go into the center room and it will be on the floor, smashed open.

    There are four tokens, I can't remember that well where they were.
    I think one was in the tree, but that one you can only get later. One is in the dungeon. One is at the book with the chronograph. To get to the dungeon you have to open the drawers in the desk I think.
  16. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    I've solved the 1st and 3rd endings. The only thing I have left that I can't figure out are:
    The telephone
    The wax
    Getting the reshapable sphere back so I can reshape it
    The tree trunk key hole
    The railing slider at the top most floor
    Apparently I am still missing something with the three crystals
    Two tokens
    If anyone can help me with any of this it would be much appreciated.
  17. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze


    That's about where I left off. Only played the one time so far. One more day of work then a road trip to Maryland this weekend so I won't be playing for a few more days. I'll keep that hint in mind though!
  18. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    I found all endings!
  19. Suddenly i'm reminded about what a great game the first Room was. Got stuck at some point and quit playing but maybe I've become smarter since.:p
  20. tnb

    tnb Member

    Nov 5, 2015
    #80 tnb, Nov 6, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    Just finished. Thanks all for the tips about the
    hidden switch in the study
    , after that it all followed fairly naturally. Anyone else who needs specific hints feel free to ask.

    I kinda liked that ending. At face value it's almost as though you've
    learned too much and as a result been lost on another world (or is it a destroyed version of the craftsman's prison world?). Maggy's fourth card does kinda warn you after all. Then again maybe you can use the null there and can take the craftsman's place, maybe you're not physically lost but 'lost' to the power of the null

    It would be interesting to try to piece together the whole story and mythology. I think I'll play through two again, it's been a while so hopefully the puzzles should seem fresh too!

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