Okay guys, The rapture will begin in NZ, as with all good releases. I'll be deciding shortly who can stay and who gets to ascend.
It's 2pm 21st May, 2011 here. I am in the future and I can tell you all it was a complete utter anti-climax.
If someone got raptured in the middle of pooping would they poop on the unraptured people as they floated up?
12:03 am here in GA, got some Drum N' Bass goin' and livin life, just like how everybody else will be tomorrow. lawl.
Oh 6pm. well... still waiting. people in NZ reach 6 pm in about 3 hours and here it will be 6 pm in 4. if I never come back I got raptured or burned.
Looking at the time zones, it's already 6pm at Christmas Island, it's 12noon here. Ok so Square Enix and Chair better release FFT and that new iOS game before it's too late. I only got 5 and a half hours to finish em!
Dammit, I still haven't gotten to finish LOST! Just got to Season 6, Episode 1 a few minutes ago actually
BTW, don't you want to get Raptured? Doesn't that mean you go to heaven? I'm pretty sure all the best video games are in heaven, even the games that are coming out 100 years from now are already there... Or you get to fight for your life against splicers.
That's a silly question, everyone knows that if you're raptured angels rip out your insides and inflate you with helium so you can float up to heaven.
I heard this will happen on May 21, 2011 6:00 PM, but this is too specific cause everyone in the world has a different time zone. Also I am a Christian and I don't believe this one bit the same goes for 2012. If you are a real Christian and you believe this trash. You a complete hypocrite. God said no one knows the time when He is coming.