thanks catacomber, I will be happily working through all of these great expansions for the rest of my life i believe. Such an amazing amount of content!
Hey guys, what's the name of the sword that you get that's used for the Castek quest? I think I might have sold it; am I doomed to have another unfinishable quest in my log?
It's called Martileus' Purifier but don't worry about selling it, I think it is an unsellable item. Monsters respawn after seven in-game days right?
ok. Did everything, the game now works fine, but I lost my saved games :-( have to build up the energy to start all over again for the third time. It might be an idea to enable a way of saving your character or when sincing it saves your saved games in a way you can retrieve them. It just worries me a little as I get further and further into the expansions. Cheers
hmm still not sure if I should buy the quest or not, i love morrowind and oblivion but i jsut don't know about the quest.............
yeah i tried but still not sure, I think it just takes some getting used to maybe, i got killed pretty easy just walking around in the woods. I will probably just go for it because i like the open world and stuff.
Lol, give at least Hero of Lukomorye a try. : ) It's a deep story with a lot of input from the players in the community. I think you might enjoy it. And you get a friend in your backpack, a nice, talkative mole. So you are never alone. And you can ride a flying carpet. : )
Lol, give at least Hero of Lukomorye a try. : ) It's a deep story with a lot of input from the players in the community. I think you might enjoy it. And you get a friend in your backpack, a nice, talkative mole and there are deep, long dungeons where you could get lost for ever. And, you could rescue me. : ) Dragging my poor catly tail sadly. Lol, I have been rescued by so many heroes but waiting for you. : ) The Hero! It would be nice if you could bring me a mouse. : )
Hi, I'm playing my brother's game and am killed by the moles at the beginning. Can you please help me? I liked the magic school but really hate these moles.
Hi welcome to the forums! As for the moles, check out my post on them back on page 34, it should help. If you really need help, post your stats here so we can see where you are at. A high AC is extremely extremely important when facing those moles. I got mine to 200 before killing them.
HOLII has been sent to the app store Whispers: HOLII has been sent to the app store - so maybe by mid-November . . . . .
Wow this is gotta be the best day ever! Eliminate, Doom, and now this! I can't wait. Will the price be $1.99 or higher? Looks like I really have to level up to stand a chance in HOLII.
The price for HOLII will be 2.99. Save up. : ) You get a lot for that 2.99 and more coming -- we are trying. 2.99 allows you to visit Redshift University for one thing. : ) Dr. Vlad and I had thought at one point of making t-shirts--I went to Redshift University but we haven't had a chance. : ) It also allows you to go mad in Mad Dwarves Dungeon of Argimon. What price losing your sanity in such fun? : )