My partner and I think a reduction to 1.99 would be fair--it's no reflection on the quality of the game--our games have given joy to many. But it's a reflection of the problems caused by iphone update process and people having to wait so long.
Goodmorning! Is there please anyone who can tell or mail me the ordering of the 13 switches in Argimons Dungeon. I am stucked here too long! Thnx
Thank you, madam. : ) You do not need the Quest base game to play the standalone game. The base game is still waiting on some updates.
Spoiler help: Since you alrealdy started to play with the switches, flip them all up, then flip down in this order: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 : )
Yeah I know that, but since I still have to beat ice & fire I can wait for an update. Do you plan on releasing HOL II, III, etc.?
Yes, we plan on releasing all our Zarista expansions. HOLII is right now with Redshift for porting. It will be THOROUGHLY tested before it's released.
It's on a green trumpet flower type plant (that has dark green inside circle) in the upper north of Dookh Village West. You have to step on it. It's about 4 paces north of the rear of Ded Pikhto's house there. Come back if you can't find it.
We hope you enjoy it and come to love Agent Kolobok, the brave cookie, and the whole world of Lukomorye where you can meet Baba Yaga, the ancient and attractive witch, travel by flying carpet, save your country from a horrible invading army, get to meet a wonderful thief, and etc. : ) Besides, you can save me, a poor, innocent, cat, rotting in Argimon's dungeon, starving on skinny mice. Help! I'm waiting to be freed. Visit the Magic School and meet all the professors who each give you a wonderful item to help you in your missions. : ) And begin the intrigue involving who is really Kozney the Deathless. You won't find out for many more expansions, but you begin the unraveling of the story. And believe me, the challenges of Argimon's dungeon are worth at least 10 dollars. : ) They will keep you struggling for many hours. : ) And the other challenges will keep you fighting for many more hours. It's an enchanted world. : ) You can get help here and at : )
I'm waiting for you Hero, in Argimon's dungeon, starving, feeling the breath of his horrible dragon Norbert on my tender, catly skin. If you don't save me, well someone else will but I'd rather it would be you and try to bring a little tasty treat with you, like Fancy Feast. : ) Or even better, salmon. : ) Norbert has kept me locked up for so long. I wonder why? You will find out in future installments. : ) Lots of future installments. We are currently working on HOLV. I think the gameplay should keep you occupied for a long, long happy time, often scratching your head. Help is at and here. I know it's hard to follow the threads of information here but just look back -- there's a lot of gold. : ) And it's wonderful to read the experiences and problems of your fellow questers. Aargh, Norbert is back and he has yellow eyes! That means he's really enraged. Sigh. Will you rescue me? Hah, Norbert is allergic to cat fur. He's sneezing all over the place. He's backing off. Yay! But I'm still a captive and starving. Help! Will you rescue me?
I rescued you! And love the reward. This is my favorite expansion for a great game! Love you catta. Just keep bringing on the expansions.
I'm glad you like it and hope you like my new avatar--suggested by Broono, a long time friend and betatester from Czechoslovakia. It looks like a Maine coon cat and since am from the state of Maine, it suits me. Not as sweet as my old avatar but more like me. : )
I talked to broono on the battlements, killed the savirs in the Other Dimension, and now he keeps saying to come back later and i can't solve the pacify gleb's brother quest. Does this mean that i can't solve the quest ever, and that i'll have to wander around, even after i finish the game with that one quest hanging over my head?