I might check out that fishing game, though I'd much rather have an OCEAN fishing game! That's my thing! (In real life, too!) But I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?! Aarrrrrr!!!! But NO SURFING!!! # THATS the one I've really been jonesing for! #
Looks like Euro Fishing is the only one for PS4, although there are some games that have fishing mini-games in them: https://www.psu.com/feature/33113/Best-fishing-games-for-PS4
Hmmm. I didn't know about the games with fishing mini-games, but they don't do anything for me.... As far as the Euro Fishing is concerned, I dunno. Maybe it's me, but I definitely don't wanna fish for Carp! Bream?! What the hell is that?! They don't have that anywhere I've ever been!!! Oh well.... I'd much rather fish for Tuna, Wahoo, Sailfish, Marlin, Dorado, Swordfish, Snapper, Roosterfish, etc. Big game fish like that just as I fish for in real life! Carp! LOL! What a joke! Hey, maybe sometime they'll make one like I'm talking about! On mobile, there's good ones I enjoy at least! It's all good. Sometimes you gotta go different places to get what you want!
You're a crazy man! The PS4 currently has a library that rivals the PS2 imo. I agree FPS are over saturated but other than that, it's been all pizzas and cupcakes. I know it's totally subjective, I get that, but you must have a very specific taste for you to not find very many awesome and diverse PS4 games. I was literally just having this conversation with a friend on how there isn't enough time to play the flood of games that have been coming out. You're not wrong, I just disagree and only responded because of the recent discussion with a friend, being so opposite lol. I notice you were asking for fishing and surfing games. I believe Square Enix is releasing a game building on the fishing mechanic in FFXV which was a lot of fun.
Yeah there's a lot of diversity in the PS4 library. But yeah, no surfing and no ocean fishing I guess. I don't play mobile games much any more myself. I guess the last thing I played on iOS was Bouncy Hoops and it's little different from most other simplistic F2P games on mobile. It's not terrible and it is addicting, but it makes me feel like I'm just wasting my time for no reason.
Wasting time for no reason! LOL! Guess that could include most anything folks do online these days, right?! ##
I feel bad playing it because I don't even know why I'm playing it. It's not really that fun. It's just weirdly addicting - not in a good way. Whereas a game like Spelunky, which I consider to be the greatest game of all time, is super rewarding to play. I still play it even though I "100 percented it" quite a while ago. I can always fire up the daily challenge and have fun. Or even just play some rounds of the normal game. Another example of a different type of game that is super fun and rewarding to play is Towerfall Ascension. So much fun to play with others in the local multiplayer. And the single player/coop is fun too (but the competitive is the highlight).
Question: What's the best driving game on PS4? Dirt 4? That's what everyone's telling me, though my taste in this genre leans heavily towards craziness and destruction type gameplay! Not into the sim stuff like GT or the formula cars, etc. I feel attracted to Flatout 4, but have heard enough negativity about it to be put off a bit so far. What do you guys think about this one? Or any ideas about something similar? I might pick up Wipeout Omega Collection or D4, but I'm really looking for a different take like FO4. If you guys say it's da bomb, I'm gonna run out and grab it tomorrow! #
I don't know what the best one is because I haven't played that many, but I did really like Need for Speed: Rivals. My understanding is that the newer NFS (just called NFS) wasn't as good, but I haven't played it myself. I prefer arcade type racing games to sims (though I'd probably like simulation racing games if I had a wheel/stick/pedals).
Hey, new fishing game coming. It's F2P so not sure about it, but it's another option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2WSEx2rf-Q Fishing Planet
NOW we're talking! Not too fond of the Euro Fishing game. First off, I can't get excited about catching carp! Where I live, if you catch one, it's an accident. You don't target them. I mean, SOME people do, I guess, but...... Bream?! Who cares!! If I can't catch Tuna, Marlin, Wahoo, and the like, I prefer to at least catch bass. That'll work for me! Wonder when this Fishing Planet is gonna be released? F2P is not my ideal either, but I'll give it a shot! # Thanks for that, crunc! Looks like you're really plugged-in as far as the whole PS4 thing goes! #
Hmmmm. I read somewhere that a surfing game is coming out for PS4! It's called Surfing World Series. Weird, 'cause I saw it in only one spot and nobody else even lists it in up-coming anywhere else I've seen so far. I dunno, maybe it's not coming after all. S'posed to pop on Aug. 29 from what I saw! Well, we'll see, won't we! Right now, I'm waiting for Sonic Mania to pop! That's what I'm looking forward to either today or tomorrow! I've read good things about this one and I can't wait to get my grubby hands on it! Pre-ordered it a while ago! Hopefully, Sonic won't let me down!!! #
This is my first time hearing of Sonic Mania and I grew up loving the classics, managed with the 3D generations and modern 2D games but is it odd to say that the level of care put into this brings tears to my eye. I really don't know what it is but this feels like the soul of sonic has been found and given the biggest hug imaginable. Honestly i didn't know there was a part of me that held so much empathy for Sonic.
I'm liking Sonic Mania a lot... except for the Bonus levels. Those are boring. So I just stopped playing them for now. The main part of the game is great. Though I did run into a crash. Time Trials unlocked, so I did one and then went to view the leaderboard and the game crashed. Anyway, if you liked the original sonic games you will like this.
Played the demo for Surfing World Series, and it's AMAZING! Awesome graphics-best ever! The fluidity of movement is simply phenomenal! Can't wait 'til the 29th so I can really get into this! I guess me and the two other surfing gamer fans all over the world are gonna LOVE this!! #LOL!
Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ expansion should be out soon. The game was updated last night, and in the update notes, the only thing that was mentioned is Afterbirth + expansion preparation...
There's some pretty good stuff in the flash sale (US): https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/flash-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-FLASHSALE17LP/20 Dariusburst is fun if you like old-school 2D scrolling shooters. The DLC for it is on sale too. I picked up the Sega pack. I also bought Gunscape (99 cents!) and Stikbold. And I got Dariusburst Vita (I already have it on PS4).