Yep. It'll have to wait till the weekend though (maybe later than that). I'm having fun going through some old PS3 titles I missed. My 60GB phat PS3 still going strong! The PS4 Neo/Ultra/4k whatever is being revealed early September. I see myself upgrading personally.
Yep! And I can't wait to play. I preordered a physical copy which for some reason won't arrive until Thursday, but I won't have much time to play until then, so no matter.
I might as well, unless it's in the vein of the Xbox One S. If it's the PlayStation equivalent of the Scorpio, then yeah, I'll bite.
The Neo is their upgraded PS4 along the lines of Scorpio. Sony confirmed that already. But whether or not that's actually going to get announced on the 7th is another question.
A friend pointed out that the colors at the bottom are an HDR color gamut. Might mean this thing isn't about Neo, but instead is something more like Xbone S (which has HDR color). I guess we'll find out.
Multi reply- I have a PS3 phat with the "emotion" chips - had it repaired a number of times, but what a great machine - PS1, 2, and 3 all playable. Everyone here are old farts with responsibilities. Can you imagine a decade or 2 ago getting a really anticipated game? It was either take the day off, call in sick, something... Waiting til the weekend? Only for grownups. Oh, I got my copy and I am waiting til the weekend too, or longer, depending. Sigh... Got Dishonored for the PS4 - really nice looking, much better shading and immersive. Hope 2 comes out this year.
I got home late last night and meant to only play NMS for 30 minutes, but ended up playing for 2+ hours and staying up way too late. I wouldn't say that I love the game yet, but it's definitely got something that makes you want to play. And it's definitely pretty. I'm hoping as the game opens up I'll start to love it more, but I don't regret the purchase. The LE is nice. The steelbook is sweet in particular. Pro-tip: the game has one bit of weirdness. Run is R3, not L3. Strange, and as a result I didn't think you could run for most of that time because I was trying to use L3. Stupid me for not checking the controls sooner....
No Man Sky I've been waiting 3 long years for this to release so I made sure I had as little to do as possible. I actually made sure to buy a ps4 to play this game. Every other game on the system was a bonus. I say this so you understand just how much I was looking forward to playing NMS. I've been playing the game like I was a child and it was a dream come true for me as I started playing. With all the hype built over the last year, it was nearly inevitable to be a let down to someone like me, but it wasn't. In fact it's been totally mesmerizing and fantastic nearly living up to exactly what I was hoping for, very very close. If you enjoy exploration in the ultimate "open world" or more accurately "open universe" than you'll surely enjoy this. I'm sure it isn't for everyone but it's definitely is for me! I'll also say you'll get so much more out of this game the less you know or read. I can't recommend it enough for scifi fans!
I'd say I was disappointed in it, but it's still pretty cool. I mean it was going to be hard for this thing to live up to the hype. Impossible, really.
I like NMS but I can see it getting a bit repetitive, solid 7 but captures something other games haven't so also a must have for me despite some faults. Three little peeves, 1) procedurally generated vegetation and animals get a little similar looking after a bit 2) The green tick is a default Photoshop shape which is a bit cheap 3) The whole UI is a poorly executed version of Destiny's
Was wondering if there's plans to bring Abzu to IOS and/or Android? Is there? If you have any info, please let me know ASAP!
After a bit more time on NMS, I'm pretty addicted... I'm not sure why as it feels like you're doing the same thing over but the game never fails to bring out the wow just as you think you've seen everything. It's all the things I wanted from the original Elite and more. I'd still give it. 7 if I was takening into consideration it's not going to be everyone's thing, but for me personally it'd be closer to. 9, warts and all.
The NMS LE is back up on amazon and best buy in the US in case anyone is interested. The LE steelbook is sweet and though the "dynamic" theme isn't actually dynamic, it's still pretty nice. The art book is cool. I haven't looked at the comic yet.
I played a bit of NMS, but I started on a toxic atmosphere and was dying by the time I started figuring some things out. Felt like a timed game to me, not an exploration game. Going to try again and hope I dont Have to hit the ground running.
Okay, just came into a brand new PS4 and grabbing some games for it. Parted ways with my old fat PS3. Got a question I'm sure you guys will be able to answer for me! I definitely want Abzu for it the most, and noticed its out in digital form. My question is: when a game comes out like that, is it normal or possible that it's gonna be available at some point down the line in regular disc form as well? Or if it's a download that's it and that's the way it stays? Thanks!
PS4 Update 4.0 Details: Copied and pasted from the PS Blog. Folders! Now I can arrange my shit! THANK YOU! @ bigrand1 There could be a disc release for Abzu at some point. Probably not anytime soon though.
I was looking forward to Absolute Drift: Zen Addition, but it's not mentioned in The Drop in the US. It's supposed to come out later today.
Generally if a game does super well it could come to disk eventually but it's never a sure thing and could take 3 months to a year or more if it does at all. Also depends on your region, EU tends to get more digital only releases. It's most likely going to be cheaper than disc anyway.