Thanks for the input. I'm not the hugest fan of turn-based combat, but really like the art style and the choices that effect your group. Roughly how much of the in-game time is combat?
I own it on PC and PS4 but have only played a small amount, but from that small amount I think it is all about the combat plus choices you make through dialogue options. It seems decent, has got a lot of praise, just haven't had the time to get stuck in. Also, from what I understand is that 2 is out July on consoles and saves from the 1st carry over. There's also Banner Saga: Factions on Steam, it's multiplayer only and free to play, so while it won't really give you an idea of singleplayer it may give you some idea of the combat.
Killzone has bots, not sure what the online is like anymore. It would be my least favourite of the series as it changes tone, but worthwhile for $5 and decent enough, just unlikely to blow you away apart from some of the visuals.
I might get Thief. The demo isn't awful, and for 5 seems pretty reasonable. Don't Starve is a great game. Many hours on it. There is an ios version, and Crashlands is a very similar type of game that is very well done. Is Banner Saga for the PS4 any different than the iOS version? Edit : Well since the sale is ending, I got Thief, Banner Saga, Riptide, and The Golf Game. I enjoyed some of the Tiger Woods games. I guess the Rory McElroy game is pretty awful. I just enjoy reasonable golf sims. $15 for all of it. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Letter Quest Remastered is worth picking up. Very fun word game with RPG-type stuff in it. Well worth the $8 PS+ price. Probably worth the $10 price if you don't have PS+ too.
Downwell tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it. I thought it seemed like a pretty cool game on mobile, but really awful trying to play with a touchscreen. Some people could, but I sure couldn't.
Rogue Legacy and Hitman Go for me. Will likely end up playing both on Vita though. Everything else I either bought from a previous sale or lack of interest. Borderlands... Can't go wrong with Borderlands. Played the original on PC years ago. (even got a pearlescent or 2 along the way) Played Borderlands 2 PS3 back in 2013 but wasn't happy with the performance and/or couldn't get into it. Fast forward mid 2015 and I had a stretch where I had no idea what to play. And what PS4 game goes on sale? Borderlands 2. Bought it again knowing it would run better on PS4. And well... after countless hours, ended up with platinum. One of the best games I played that year (EDF 4.1 and Yakuza 5 were great too). Hell, I even went back to the PS3 version to complete it on there too. No opinion on the Pre-sequel. Would like to play it but wanna give other games in the backlog priority. Driveclub will likely be my next target unless I change my mind
Not sure if its the exact same, but free on ios with ads on the bottom of the screen that dont really detract from the game.
I have to check out Borderlands 2 on PS4. If the price is OK, I will get it, particulrly if it has all the DLC. Edit ? Where is BL 2? All I see is the Handsome Collection for regular price? Pre Sequel was a let down for me. Still a Borderlands type game, but the billions of weapon variations are all white - no thanks. The occasional green, the almost impossible blue, the once in a blue moon purple, the "I won the lottery" orange is just too much.
I loved Borderlands, and loved Borderlands 2 more, after initially not warming to it straight away. Played Borderlands on PS3 first then played it with all DLC on PC a second time (we'll probably more counting all characters), then bought BL2 on PC with all story DLC (the role playing one was classic) up until the they added more after the season pass, then got it free on PS3 but didn't play it, now have it on PS4 with the additional DLC but yet to get through it all. Excellent game, Pre Sequel tried too hard and missed, low grav and oxygen were interesting, and so was the weapon grinder, but overall the Aussie and Kiwi voice acting put me off big time, gunslinger ability was pretty fun, just overall the game didn't cut it. Telltales Stories from the Borderlands is good for different reasons, mainly in that the humour is nailed but makes more sense if you've played the Pre Sequel. BL2 would be on of my favourite games easily.
Great question! I never played the original though so I can't say how it compares. But it looks wonderful on ps4. I can almost see it as a native ps4 title honestly. Loving it so far, great game! Especially at $30 and in a metal case no less!
it looks pretty solid, gameplay is very good too. Not sure why more companies haven't run with the tactical concept. Very tempted to double dip
Seems they screwed up the cross-buy for Downwell. I bought it on Vita, the PS4 version shows up in my library, but if I install it it doesn't run and says I have to update it, but there's no updates. Further if I go into the store and look at the PS4 version it shows a price as if I didn't own it. Weird. I heard from the dev and they said they are aware of the cross-buy problem. It doesn't effect everyone, but I'm one that it does it seems. They are investigating it.
This happens in EU a lot but it's usually fixed within a couple of days, worst scenario is when they 'fix' it by releasing a totally new instance of the game and it wants to charge you for both, this happened with Hitman GO but got resolved after a week and a half.
I mostly still have price tags on games I already bought in the PSN store. They are still available in my library, though. Worst case is Planetside 2, (which costs 50cents over here in germany) which doesnt show up in my library at all. I would have to buy it again once I delete it and want to download it again.