Shadow Complex is great if you liked the game, worth double dipping from my now unplayable xbox 360 version. Overwatch beta - I just dont like online only squad type games. Looks great, but not mt cup of tea.
My library (system) will have Overwatch (they get most T or lower rated games - no M-rated), so I'm going to just borrow it and check it out then, but I'm 18th on the waiting list or something like that. Not sure how many copies they are going to get.
If you like Tetris or PuyoPuyo or both, I highly recommend picking up a copy of PuyoPuyo Tetris from playasia right now. It's down to $29.99. Great deal. Also available for that price on Vita. I have the PS4 version and it's great. This game will never get released in the US apparently. Something with the licensing. It's a mashup of the two games. The best mode (IMHO) is one where you play both, alternating on timer. Really fun. But you can also play Tetris vs Tetris, Puyo Puyo vs Puyo Puyo or Tetris vs Puyo Puyo (as well as non-vs Tetris or Puyo Puyo). There's an adventure mode too where you have to achieve different goals. There's some other modes that are less satisfying, but overall it's a lot of fun and is very colorful and fun graphically. There's menu translations on the web somewhere I can relocate if anybody wants to pick this up. It's not too hard to navigate, though you do have to get use to the backward X and O in japanese games. Their functions are reversed - so O is select and X and is cancel/go back. That always trips me up when I first start but then you get use to it.
Shadow of the Beast is dropping in a couple of days for anyone ancient enough to remember the original Amiga version from Psygnosis, in EU at least the pre-order comes with roughly a 25% discount, a Roger Dean dynamic theme and game itself comes with an emulated version of the original game and the ability to unlock the original soundtrack outside of the emulated version.
I had this for Sega Genesis. I didn't think much of it, but I've since read that apparently the Genesis version ran too fast because of going for 50hz to 60hz or something like that. The game was way too hard and not really very fun.
Yeah it sounded like that version couldn't (or at least was extremely hard to) finish because of the framerate difference, I don't think it got the full soundtrack either (from memory the Sega Megadrive (Genesis for you) had pretty poor sound in comparison to the Amiga). If you were an Amiga owner you'd get Shadow of the Beast as being a landmark game, can't really speak for other platforms re SotB but I do know the Amiga conversions I played on Megadrive were generally poorer in quality (Gods was terrible, yet the original was one of my favs) and came years after their initial releases. Roger Dean himself is just a very recognisable artist from the time, he was the face of the whole Psygnosis/Amiga era.
Playing Uncharted 4 to me is almost like playing a character in a movie. Sort of on rails, but enough freedom that it doesnt feel totally scripted. The graphics are ungodly gorgeous - the beginnings of the game, I just looked around various areas and marvelled at the vistas. Story is great so far, really caught up in it. One of my favorite games for the PS4.
Sounds awesome. Do you think I would need to have played the first 3 the fully enjoy it? I have the collection (never had a PS3) and I've only played drake's fortune and a bit of among thieves.
It's not vital but I would finish the collection first, they get progressively better (as far as refinement goes) and there are a lot of references you'll miss in UC4 if you don't, the characters will mean a bit more to you too. I loved it, finished it but am doing all the unlock stuff and multiplayer, while the online isn't revolutionary it's fun enough. My order of preference has changed having recently played all 4 (the first 3 again, makes 1 and 2 3 times, 3 twice). I think I'd go 4 as easily me favourite, then 2, 3 and 1.
Initial thoughts on Shadow of the Beast are good, it doesn't feel like a must have but captures the right vibe, kind of a 2D GoW. Emulated version is done well but gotta say it hasn't aged well, still hearing the music and seeing everything again was a blast. Weirdly the high point so far for me (but it was a very brief try) is the dynamic theme, seeing Roger Dean's original cover creature running around your screen is pretty awesome, most dynamic theme I've seen yet.
I've been playing Ratchet & Clank. I don't have nostalgia for the game because I only played some of it on Vita last year, never before. It's a fun game, but nothing great. Probably if I had played the game originally I'd like it more. I thought this was going to be more of a new game, but it seems like it's pretty much identical to the original game as far as I had played it. I haven't noticed anything greatly different. I don't think I got that far in the vita version, though, so maybe there's more different then I realize.
Definitely not. Just enjoy the game. I was immersed in the game as I have ever rarely been. I never played 1, played a bit of 2, and never finished 3. Sor far, this is like no other game I can remember.
I was replaying the original Borderlands after many years of not playing it. What a great game! The level ups, the ability to get some awesome weapons early on, the push to make a weapon last more that 10 levels, and the support elements that can last an entire game. Not sure whatever happened to 2K, but something got lost in between talking with gamers and the boardroom. RIP 2K. Borderlands 2 was a good effort, but obviously was designed around money. The PreSequel? Yeah, I bought it on a hope, but realized it was purely made with $$ in their eyes. Their latest tripe was barely worth the time on a beta, wont ever purchase it unless it goes free on Plus.
I liked 2, yeah it had a lot of additional content outside the season pass but there was a lot more in the base game and story DLC was worth the money. I also liked the original otherwise I wouldn't have bought 2, but in comparison I thought 2 improved in most aspects. Tend to agree about the Pre Sequel (it was really forced and painful), Battleborn I would pick up cheap for the 'story' missions but it took everything good about Borderlands like loot, genuine humour, weapons and personality to make a MOBA, when really they should have just worked on 3, at least that is in development.
Never played the original so didn't have nostalgia and loved it, but the world would be boring if we all liked the same stuff.
Valkyrie Chronicles Remastered released today! Grabbed a copy at GameStop and it was $30 and came in a cool metal case.
Just a heads-up, there's $5 and under flash sale going on right now on PSN in the US. (Not sure about other countries). I'm looking at getting don't starve, the banner saga and killzone shadow fall. Any thoughts on those three at $5?