Anyone try Salt and Sanctuary? It looks like a Castlevania type of game which I love. I am confused by the number of possible people you can play as? Good game? Single player only?
I have not played it, but it's actually a 2D Souls-like (Dark Souls). I have heard good things about it, but I haven't really liked Bloodborne due to the lack of checkpoints - I don't know if Salt and Sanctuary does that any better or not.
Any thoughts on the last if us: remastered? It's $19.99 with ps plus on the store right now, and I've never played it before. I read one description saying its wasn't a "fun" game, but more of an emotional story. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Its one of the best games to come out on the system, according my 21 y/o son. He loved it. I found it +/- due to resource management. You have to husband everything as it is sort of a survival game. The monsters are frequently stronger than you, so you have to plan your attacks well. If you like survival, strategic planning, sneaking a lot, you will likely like the game a lot. On a seperate note, that doesnt seem like a great price, it was included in consoles for a long time, so I would guess you could find it cheaper.
EU regions currently have an official drop of about 20-25% I think, not available to current subscribers though unfortunately.
It's REALLY good, not the best game ever as many people say (for me it is MGS 3), but definitely worth 20 dollars (picked it up almost a year ago for that exact same price), and yeah, it's not 'fun' at all, but still is amazing as a game.
I'm level 10 and so far enjoying it, there's quite a bit to do but with upgrading your base, weapons and armour and the side activities surrounding those. Gunplay and cover are generally good but the movement system can bug out sometimes, resulting in you getting shot, when it's all working though it's probably the best third person cover and shooting system I've played. There is a story of sorts but really the guts of things comes from the bits and pieces you find like phone recordings, echos (reconstructions of scenes), videos and Intel files, which all put you in the shoes of those experiencing the outbreak and the events afterwards. AI is a bit stupid and I've had a couple of weird out moments with characters warping all over the show, teleporting. But they are deadly and overall the game is a challenge. While I myself am finding it quite fun I don't think there's a lot of meat here and would have a hard time recommending it, the whole year one thing worries me if they going to do what Bungie did with Destiny and remove a good portion of the game unless you buy into year two. The season pass is a ridulous price, for a comparison in local currency, the game I bought for $89, the Season Pass is $63 and extra content like skins is region based (so you don't get them all depending on where you are, Ubisoft themselves being very vague about the content on offer). The Season Pass offers 3 'expansion packs', one is co-op based under the city, one is an endless wave based mode, 3rd doesn't have any real info yet. To top it off, normally a Season Pass will last you a particular season, allowing you access to all content, in the case of The Division somebody's come up with their own definition and they are selling skin packs that aren't included for $7.95 a pop. So far there are two with 4 skins each, while not game breaking I find it bad practice and doesn't fill me with confidence regarding how they'll handle the franchise. If you want a third person shooter that nails the shooting and cover system (mostly), have 3 friends you want to play with (it's fine solo though, just not going to be as interesting), don't mind it being an always online game, are fine missing out on events based around the Season Pass (or are fine paying for it), enjoy light crafting mechanics, then you might enjoy it. I do, but at the same time I also think they've got a lot wrong in their Destiny like approach and the rubbish with the Season Pass. Like it, don't love it.
Ok, thanks for the detailed response. There definitely seems to be some pros and cons. The "Year One" and season pass stuff doesn't sound great, so I think I'll hold off for now. Maybe I'll get it at the beginning of year two in a bundle of all the expansions like destiny's "legendary edition". Right now I'm really enjoying the uncharted collection which is also a third-person cover-based shooter, so I guess I'll stick with that. Also, thanks for everyone who gave impressions on the last of us remastered! Sounds like it's worth getting for sure.
Playstation VR launch bundle (with camera, 2 move controllers and a game) is up for pre-order at various places. Already sold out at amazon, but they say they will be getting another allocation.
Shame to hear about Evolution Studios being closed by Sony, a bit off after their PR stunt when MS shut down Lionhead.
So I'm finally really getting into bloodborne. It took me a little while to get used to it but now I'm absolutely loving it. I just made it to old yharnam and I feel like I'm starting to get the swing of things. I'm currently level 22 and I'm not sure if I'm over or under powered at that level, but I was able to beat Father Gascoigne without the music box (I stumbled into to his boss fight area by accident without preparation) on the second try, so that's saying something. Now I just have one question. What stat should I focus on upgrading? I've been focusing on vitality and strength and am levels 21 and 16 respectfully, but I'm not sure where to invest those blood echoes now. Any tips? Thanks to everyone here for encouraging me to get the game, it's incredibly rewarding and I couldn't be happier with the purchase.
Endurance will let you keep on whacking so that is good as well. The skill, bloodtinge, are really for specific builds. You must be "gud". LOL.
Failed start but ended up being a good solid racer, I was always hoping they'd do another Motorstorm but unlikely now. It's good they still have a Sony team working on it, but hopefully that doesn't equate to just DLC packs. Maybe they can support the US a bit better as releases were very EU centric which didn't help. Lot less sterile than the Gran Turismo franchise got on the PS3 so bit of a shame, but at least GT has another shot on the PS4 still, would have been nice for it to have had some ongoing competition long term though.
What's everyone make of the PlayStation 4K? In the past any console upgrades have been vaguely supported (N64 being one example) but if it just slots into current scheme and allows for more processing power it may be a win. Unsure until there's more solid info but it is sounding like its an actual thing aimed at 4K display (which would be useless to me if sole benifiet).
I think it's kind of BS. I mean sure 4K is a thing but not wildly adapted. I believe they're using their market share and trying to take advantage of it, Oppose to trying to catch up like last generation. Why segregate their market? That isn't a win for consumers. The more they do that, the less they focus on the main system and the more equipment fans need to buy for the full experience. Just my opinion tho. When I first heard about a new version of the PS4 I wasn't surprised. Every generation they redesign the console, whether it be a slim version or better cooling. Maybe even a SS HDD. But a bump in processor power and 4K might be a little much. If it's like the "new Nintendo 3ds" than its bad. If it's entirely optional and nonexclusive than its less of a big deal.
I think its sort of a generation thing. One that I will be skipping. The change to 1080p was breathtaking. The 4K for me much less so. Unless 4K becomes the de facto standard, I will wait for the next iteration -16K?
Nothing confirmed right now. Apparently, another more actual rumor says that the Playstation 4K is basically a slim version, which makes much more sense, imo. Just imagine developers had to deal with two different hardware setups to get their games on. oO
It's sounding like it will be a new model rather than an addon, announced prior to October. If true, Sony really don't handle success very well and do some very odd things as far as their user base goes.