Bought Rainbow Moon to take advantage of the 50% off previous owner deal, honestly not worth it if you already own it on Vita/PS3, can't see myself playing on anything other than the Vita. Higher res doesn't always make a prettier game.
Yeah, I bought the combo PS3/Vita version of that game and I've never even launched it on PS3. Waste of money. Pretty fun game, although I ran out of steam on it and never finished it. Now I feel like if I go back to it I'm not going to remember what I was doing, so it'll forever remain unfinished.
Been getting back into Towerfall Ascension and picked up the Dark World expansion finally. It's great. Was at MAGFest on Saturday and played in the Towerfall Dark World tournament (as did my two boys) and I actually made it to round 3 before getting knocked out. I was very happy with that result as I didn't expect to survive one round. But it was even more fun playing it with others after the tournament was over. 4 player matches are so fun, plus I wasn't nervous like I was in the tournament. It's a fantastic game, but it's a shame the dev couldn't figure out how to add online play.
Grabbed Hitman GO Definitive Edition and The Walking Dead: Michonne (despite the terrible plot line involving her that aired this week), both pretty cheap with TWD:M being a bundle of only 3 episodes. Driveclub also got an update with a free new urban track so feel like I economy shopped it this week. Started going through backlog too, playing The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and am completely lost.
Lots of good stuff on sale this week in the US. I'm considering Axiom Verge for $11.99 (40% off), Guns, Gore and Cannoli for $4.99 (50% off) and Ninja Senki DX, while not on sale, looks fun and is only $4.99 (and crossbuy with Vita). I hear Volume is pretty good too and is 50% of ($9.99). Lots more in the two sales. Also there's a spend $100 get $15 back deal, though I'm not going to spend even close to that much.
So this week's excellent sale got me thinking about something. Although I've always preferred physical copies of games, I never though digital was any worse. However, I realized that in say 15-20 years, when the PS7 is out, if our old PS4s don't work anymore, buying a new one won't help because unless the PS4 servers are still up (and I doubt they will be) there will be no way to re-download and play these games. So Is buying digitally just like a long-term rental?
Yeah, I think everything has to be looked at as consumable anymore. Even the physical copies. I guess there are a few people that actually play a game, the sell their physical copy - while I tell myself I will do that, I never have. So for me the only reason to have physical is for the ability to have a working PS4 in many years. Hey, my SNES and various gameboys still work. And the N64 is a tank. The liklihood the bluray player will keep spinning is less likely I think.
I agree that it has to be viewed as a consumable. I never intend on re-selling my games because I llike the idea of having a huge library of games, even if I likely won't go back and play many of them again. I guess if I really want to play the witcher 3 again in 20 years I should be able to hunt down a physical copy for like $5.
If they were still trading by releasing a PS7 they'd need to retain access or face a major backlash. If they went out of business it'd be another story. It'd be like Steam saying we're getting rid of any games before present date and starting again, it wouldn't be good for future business. Still, with Sony I guess you just don't know.
It makes sense that they'd atleast let people who owned the games re-download them. I know Sony has had a rough couple financial years, but with the wild success of the PS4, I can't see them going out of business. If things go south again I think they'd just drop their unprofitable PCs and stick to audio, cameras and PlayStation.
You can backup your PS4 to a USB HDD, so if you want to keep downloads forever, you're going to want to do that to maybe a SSD. Then you could restore to a different PS4. At least I think so. I suppose if you really want to be sure you've got to stick with physical media (you could always replace the bluray drive if it dies). Throwing caution to the wind I purchased Guns, Gore and Cannoli; and Ninja Senki DX. Haven't pulled the trigger on Axiom Verge yet, but probably will before the sale is over.
The original Puzzle Quest is out for PS4 Played the hell out of the iOS version long ago. Probably will double dip at some point.
FYI, that Puzzle Quest is the PS2 version enhanced for PS4 with upscaling, trophies and such. Like they did for the PS2 GTA games. Weird, unannounced stealth-release. We should be getting Ape Escape 3 as it was rated by the ESRB, but no sign of it yet. I think it was rated back in December. I'm going to buy that.
@crunc -- I saw your post about Ninja in the Vita section. How is Guns, Gore and Canolli? I was looking at Volume although it seems that meteoritic is pretty mixed with people either loving it, or hating it - never a good sign for me... And just so we are clear - this is the same Axiom Verge that is on Vita? The one that I can't even beat the first damn boss.... I can't "git gud"...
About Volume, I bought it about a month ago, it's a game that you will either love or hate, and that really boils down to how you approach stealth games, if you play them like a puzzle (learning patterns and timings to avoid enemies entirely) you will love it, but if you play stealth games more like an action game (stalking enemies and silently dispatching them) you'll have a tough time with it (like me) as there's no combat whatsoever, but even with that I enjoy playing it, it's not MGS 2 or 3, but Volume is quite a nice game (also there's cross buy with the Vita version, so I think that $10 is a good deal)
Not super impressed with this months PS+ games, least get to try out Flame On which crunc has always spoken highly of.