Picked up The Witness. Played for about 2 hours now. And it is definitely a love / hate sort of game. You have to solve all these puzzle plates and the game basically shows you how to play with 2 panels - a straight line and a line with a bend, and then you are on your own... Once you get out into the open world you can go where you will. Many of the plates that I am coming across are not powered up yet, so I can't do the puzzle. Some of the plates are powered but somehow otherwise locked, some of the plates I have no idea what the goal for solving them is, and others I am solving and opening new doors, etc. So the puzzles sort of assume that you are good at these sorts of puzzles. The initial puzzles will sometimes flash red sort of pointing out where you are going wrong, but puzzles I am doing now just don't work, so I have to figure out what I missing - what is the point of the puzzle, what is the correct path of the line? I am hoping that there are many different mechanics that are going to be introduced and from reviews, it seems that is true. Some might find solving the same sorts of puzzle boring - say Blockwick2 or Quell, or Sokoban, or any puzzle that starts with some basic elements then complicates it, but basically still retains the same form, rather than completely new type of puzzle. Only 3 controls that I can see - movement with the left stick or d-pad, camera with the right stick and X for starting a puzzle (O for quitting out). I think for the puzzle purist - persons that can play similar puzzles for hours on end - this is a game made in heaven as there is no hand-holding and I am not even sure that anyone will be able to make a walkthrough - I guess puzzle solutions could be put on line for general places. So, for right now, I am recognizing brilliance, but am not sure I will be patient enough to stick with it. But, I am confident that I will at least continue to play it for sort time frames - an hour or 2 to get some more puzzles. Maybe as things open up and there is a wider sense of the world having some integration would engage me more. Definitely a unique sort of game though.
Welcome. Getting better and tougher. The "lessons learned" are non verbal and occur going from place to place. Really clever progression with essentially no handholding or clues. Probably great with friends although I am solo, but would welcome help. Overall, a must buy at $20 or less if you are a puzzle lover, and "worth it" at the current price. The subtlety is quite sublime. Oh, in it now for 4-6 hours.
There's a bunch of recent games I'm interested in, but I am kind of hurting for entertainment money currently. Firewatch sounds interesting. I've heard good things about Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Crypt of the Necrodancer. Also interested in The Witness, though I've heard mixed things about it. Leaning toward either Lovers or Crypt.
I'm curious about Lovers. Crypt is pretty cool and feels quite fresh. The music is pretty great. Be warned, I've played the drums for many years so I have a good sense for rhythm and timing. I can't stay on beat for the life of me! It drives me a little nuts. There is a mode that allows you to move at your own pace luckily. Anyway I've enjoyed it. Also, Siralim dropped tonight on PSN for $10 which is cool.
Firewatch, The Witness, Dying Light: The Following and Hitman Intro Pack are all on my want list - but need to finish a few 2015 games first. Pretty close to finishing a playthrough of Fallout 4 after getting totally bored, loving it on my second pick up though, ignoring the settlement building completely.
I have played bass for many years (can we get a high 5 for the rhythm / groove section?) and "rhythm" games that I struggle to sync with - drives me bananas... I think those programmers all use a broken metronome that they all pass around from studio to studio - how can so many of them always be off with their timing???
Is it possible you're TV is introducing lag that is messing you up? Try turning on game mode if your TV has that.
Total high 5 man! I absolutely agree tho, must be a broken metronome. I was going a tad crazy until I found the bard character which doesn't require timing. I was a little ashamed tho, not gonna lie. :-D
So the game tries to address this with calibration before you start the game which is nice. However it didn't help much. I think I'm gonna try to manipulate this next time in order to help me more.
The only PS4 games i plan to buy this year is The Division (liked the beta and the game ran at solid 30 unlike many other western AAA games) and No Man's Sky
Apparently Action Henk has pulled ahead of BroForce in the Vote to Play thing. Please go vote for BroForce! Action Henk is the one I'm least interested in, but really I'd be alright with it too. Good lineup for the VtP this time. EDIT: looks like it might be false info. Friend checked and BroForce was winning.
Flash Sale (US): https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/flash-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-FLASHSALEWEBLP Not much I want on there, but I might grab BlazeRush which for some reason is only listed for PS3 in the sale pages, but it's also $1.99 on PS4 if you search for it. Probably nothing great, but it's only $2.
Nice, I got the definitive Castlestorm. I dont really do multiplayer or Coop, but some nice deals here.
Playing Hitman Beta, bit rougher than I would have expected (couple of crashes, freeze on loading, stutter on loading during cinematics which puts the lip synching out). Game itself plays well if you like the idea of sandbox hits (it's not a sandbox game, your approach can be varied though). The challenges enjoyment is dependant of your enjoyment of the game itself and how far you want to push it, they are optional ways of taking out targets and your approach. It is beta but some of the obvious flaws worry me as release isn't too far off and shows a bit of sloppiness or a team struggling to make dates. Game itself overall is enjoyable but not sure how engaging it would be.
Does far cry 4 have local coop or just online? Since it's a Valentine's Day sale I though all the games might have local coop.
I haven't yet, but I was actually planning on ordering it today! I'll be sure to let you know what I think. Amazon has it for around $30 so I think it's time. Thanks for the responses regarding far cry, that's too bad it's doesn't have local coop. Anyone here planning getting PlayStation VR?