I've got Bloodborne and the atmosphere is fantastic, but it's really annoying how it doesn't have much in the way of checkpoints. So not only will you die a lot, but you'll be redoing stuff over and over and over again in order to just get to the boss, then you die and you have to go back yet again and get to the boss. That pretty much killed the magic for me. I haven't even beaten the first boss and I stopped playing.
Could you link to a model? Nevermind, found a couple. Pricing is a bit step at the moment from 1 to 2 TB, will wait until they come down a bit.
The environment begins to open up with shortcuts if you can make it far enough/go certain ways. Can save major retracing. These shorcits tend to bring you closer to where you want to go next. You have to work for them and they're not a replacement for checkpoints, but the reward is great. Actually, I think that's the thong I like most with Bloodbourne, just the way it complexly expands. The environment itself is almost a character in itself that you have to learn.
A lot of people buy one of those Seagate 2 TB USB drives and open it up, take out the drive. The Seagate ones you can do that with. Some other brands you can't because they don't have a normal connector inside. http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Expansion-Portable-External-STEA2000400/dp/B00TKFEE5S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1452636841&sr=8-1&keywords=seagate+2+TB+usb Plus if you do it carefully you can then put the old PS4 drive into the case and use it as an external. Check youtube for how to open it up.
For those who uses Amazon in the U.S. they are now offering 20% discounts on Preorders and new games (Prime Members Only). Seems like they are trying to compete with Best Buys GCU. Great for me personally since I shop on Amazon often. Also, a PSN Essentials sale is going on in the U.S. (at least). Grabbed both inFAMOUS games and the GTA Trilogy. I almost bought Vice City for $14.99 a couple of days ago. Sucks for those who bought the game(s) full price at launch.
Clarification: it applies to pre-orders and games within 2 weeks of release, not all new games. So for me GCU is better - I mostly don't buy games at release. Like I got 20% off my purchase of Bloodborne which I think was $20 before discount at Best Buy. Having said that, right now I don't have GCU (nothing retail on my radar right now so I haven't renewed). If I end up wanting to pre-order something any time soon I'd probably hold off on renewing GCU and order from amazon. I pay tax at amazon, incidentally. Once I have something not-new-release I want to buy, then I'll renew my GCU.
Rebel Galaxy is pretty cool. Plays almost like a naval ship Black Flagish game with zero y-axis movement. Even still it's open for you to trade, mine, or steal your money. Lots of ship upgrades to work towards. The combat is wonderfully engaging too. I've been looking for a game like this on a console for too long!
Anyone going to play Tom Clancy's The Division? Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel I'm so hyped~~ My new PSN is SuyinRei if anyone wants to add me, please say your from TA if you do as i dont add random people outside of twitter and TA
I have the Uncharted Collection coming in from Gamefly. Time to give this series another try. I didn't enjoy my past experience with 1 and 3, but that was awhile ago. I enjoyed Uncharted Vita recently, so decided to give the series another go before 4 comes out.
I thought you would be getting stuck into the PvZ 2 beta, gave it a crack but had no idea what was going on.
I'm on the "sit and wait fence", Ubisoft have great marketing but a tendency for cookie cutter design and visual downgrades. Having said that they do produce a couple of my favourite titles so hopefully this one turns out as well as its looking.
I've had the uncharted collection for a few weeks now, birthday present from my wife. I'm really enjoying it, nice improvements, visually better and much, much, smoother. It just feels better. But I enjoyed the uncharted games first time round. Loved the Vita game too, I've played through it three times so far.
I am and yeah its chaotic, much more than the first one lol. Still liking it though. I'm not playing the beta that much since my progress won't carry over to the main game, so I'm trying not to invest too much time into it.
I'll wait for a week or so AFTER it comes out, I have a really odd feeling about this game in particular, I feel it's going to be Destiny all over again (nice gameplay but with barebones content and tackled on MMO aspects) so I'll hold my breath for The Division, for now. Edit: Also, if anyone wants to add me on PSN, my id (or whatever it is called) is TheOutlanderGamr, I usually play Warframe and MGO, sometimes Destiny (but I really don't like it that much :/) so yeah, if anyone wants to add me, that'd be great.
Just out of interest now that all the GOTY choices have been made, what was everyone's PS4 favourite(s) for 2015?
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Wolfenstein The Old Blood and Bloodborne, loved them all.