Amplitude is great. Just like you remember it. Biggest flaw - almost all etectronic / synth tracks. Almost nothing recognizable for me. It would have been nice to get some name tracks in there. Maybe for DLC .... Anyways, gameplay is spot on, and after you beat challenge mode (on any difficulty), FreQ mode opens which gives you the tunnel mode from FreQuency. Nice variety of ships. No FreQ avatars dancing around though.
Just an update for the people that helped me with my gift-buying: after a while of deciding I ended up going with the witcher 3. He told me that he is loving it so far, and can't wait to progress further through the story line. So thanks again for the help!
Good choice. Many, many hours of gaming. I have a "backlog" of Fallout 4 and Divinity : Original Sin. Still have much to do in The Witcher 3, only about 40% through Batman, and lets not even discuss the Indie titles. I think I need to win the Powerball competition so I can game more.
Any thoughts on Volume? I know it's not that recent on PS4, but it was just released on the PSVITA and I saw that it's cross buy so yeah, I wanted to buy it but I'm not entirely sure as I still have quite a backlog to finish.
Thanks! I have a long backlog as well. I also bought myself a copy of the witcher and have been having tons of fun. Also, just cause 3 is amazing.
Yeah Just Cause is a lot of fun once you get past the start, game-cutscene-reloadgameworld-game-cutscene-reloadgameworld-game-cutscene-etc. Once you're left to your own devices it's hella fun.
Still on backlog. Havent even briken the package seal. Probably be a few weeks before i try it. Ill try to post when I do.
I got a 1 TB SSHD (aka hybrid drive) for me PS4. I was out of space, but I'm also curious if it provides faster boot and load times. I have to back up my PS4 first, which sounds like it takes a long time....
I got a standard HD although it spins at 7 or 8000 Rpm rather than 5500. I only backed up my game saves on a USB and just re- downloaded the games, re installed the discs. Certainly the disc installs are MUCH faster than restoring from a USB hard drive, which will take hours. Re downloading depends mostly on the games and how big the updates were. Total time for me installing the drive, putting the discs in, and re downloading for me was about 3 hours. Full disclosure - I only re- installed games off discs that I play (about 5 or 6) rather than my complete library.
It took about 2:30 to 3:00 to backup and the same to restore. That was 398 GB of stuff or something like that. It took a while but it was easy at least. I didn't want to deal with re-installing and re-downloading games and patches, especially because our internet has been a little sketchy lately. Too early to tell if it's any faster. I think maybe? I believe a hybrid drives benefits appear after a bit of use, as it figures out what's best to put in the cache. I think it's faster already, though.
Has anyone had experience with the 2tb Nyko Data Banks? I will need to upgrade space soon and have been thinking about grabbing one of these things.
I didn't know such a thing existed. Looks a little ugly, but functional. The question is when you factor in the cost of the databank, will you really save that much money as compared to getting a 2 TB portable drive?
I have a question about bloodborne. Why does everyone say it's so scary? I'm looking into buying it and I don't mind scary but I'm not a huge fan of disturbing games (for example Bioshock with the "harvesting"). Is it the creature models that are scary? Or is there a disturbing plot? I've watched plenty of gameplay and it doesn't look creepy in the least. Thanks for any input!
That would be me. If the video gameplay doesnt bother you, you will likely love the game, although it can be difficult. When people ask for help on beating a boss, or getting through an area a common answer is "git gud". The game expects you will die - a lot. Although it is possible to beat the game without ever levelling up either yourself, or your weapons. The whole atmosphere to me is disturbing and the visuals stick with me even when not playing. Repressed childhood horror fears?
It is $40 I think but haven't worked out costing overall, thing that peaked my interest is that it goes to 2TB (over that but with some issues with rest mode). If I stuck with the SATA I can only go up to 1TB I think, unless there are higher now? Recently got Batman cheap as chips with season pass and whole thing comes to 76GB, Black Ops 3 which I'd like to keep on the hard drive will probably match or surpass that with additional content judging by how much Ghost expanded so I'd like to upgrade to at least 1.5GB, I'd prefer SATA over the 2TB adaptor but can't find anything suitable unfortunately.