And not having finished the game, The Outlander probably has better advice than I. I almost never finish any games.. Those other suggestions might be better. AC Syndicate is great (although assassinating people all the time may not be wise). My kids have always enjoyed the Call of Duty series as well even when they were younger, but a lot of people think that it might contribute to violence in the world. I have not yet played Fallout, but recently picked it up so will be playing in a few days.
Amplitude coming Jan 5!!! I bought my son this game as part of the kickstarter campaign. I am not sure what level we contributed ( I think maybe $30 - $50). One of our favorite all time games.... Can't wait for this to come out.
Ok. I believe he already has syndicate (turning off the blood in that game makes it pretty tame) and a few of the other suggestions, but I'll look into it. Thanks for the advice!
Ok, thanks. I'll look it up to check it out. Is fallout less mature than MGSV? Edit: I just watched some mission 43 gameplay, that's pretty disturbing.
I kickstarted it too. I never played the original, but I love rhythm games and it looks fun. Speaking of originals, Ape Escape 3 has been rated for PS4 (PS2 game with the new emulation/trophies). I will probably buy that in part just to check out the emulation with 1080p rendering and trophies, but also because I had fun with Ape Escape 2. Never finished it, but what I played was fun.
After some dileberation, I think MGSV might be a better idea in a year or two. How about the witcher though? I know the game is famously mature, but The romance scenes can be skipped and overall the gameplay isn't any worse than your average lord of the rings movie. Thoughts?
My 21 y/o son played about 60 hours on The Witcher. Noted that are definitely some adult scenes, but otherwise he thinks it would be fine for a 15 y/o. I put in about 10 hours or so, and it is definitely a fun game. I couldn't play it due to my son playing it so much..
Thanks! I think I'll go with that if the parents are cool with it, but I'll look into MGSV a little more.
Holiday sale week 2 is up for U.S. I can recommend Super Mega Baseball for 4 bucks with plus. Any opinions on Shadow Warrior? On the fence with that one.
I'd say Fallout 4 it's not that mature, although I haven't finished it yet so I don't know if there's any surprise at the end of it. @darkhorse Shadow Warrior it's really good at that price, it's pretty much an arena based old school FPS with some interesting sword combat IIRC
I think you will love it! They have both modes (flat and circular) and with your twitch skills, it will definitely challenge you on the hard levels. I play on easy, but still have a blast. This will be a day one purchase for me, and will lijely give me at leadt 100 hours of fun.
Super Mega Baseball is indeed good. I have never played Shadow Warrior, but some friends of mine have and loved it. For me it looks too over the top gory. Not my thing.
Thanks guys. Ended up with: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Shadow Warrior Shantae: Risky's revenge Looking forward to next weeks sale.
After some recommendations on good local co-op (split or same screen) games for the PS4, any genre, big production or small. Basically anything fun 2 player on couch.
Depends on who you'll be playing with but my favorites are rocket league, injustice gods among us, plants vs zombies garden warfare, Cod black ops 3, minecraft among others.
Thanks Pluto, this one will be my first port of call along with Battlefront, have only played online co-op but seems like it'd be a blast. Cheers I had forgotten about PvZ, must dig that out.
Does Battlefront have split-screen coop while playing online? If so I can't figure out how to do it. It does have split screen for the offline modes, but I don't see anything for playing online together with 2 local players.