Well, nothing with a W showing up for me, but i will keep a lookout. What area is it in? Runaway Train DLC was a disappointment for me. Anyone like it? Got the Dreadful Crimes first day. Pretty fun, with a young Sherlock Holmes. I cant remember, either Dreadful Crimes or Dickens has one mission with a possible game breaking (have to literally start from the very beginning) glitch. Probably Dickens - involves having to chase a thief, and if the theif dies, the game goes into endless desynchronizing and no way to reload.
I don't have a PS4, but was considering one as a family Christmas present. Two or three days ago, I read where they are not backwards compatible, and that they won't be backwards compatible. I also know that XBOX will soon be backward compatible. But wasn't there a big "hoo hah" before their releases that PS4 was going to be compatible, while XBOX was not? I know that MSoft made some kind of stupid announcement before the new XBOX that pissed a lot of people off. I was definitely thinking PS4.... but I also have an XBOX 360 ( 2, really ) and lots of games.... I may have to go with the new XBOX, now. My PS3 is ancient. I can't even believe it still works.
that's a tough choice. I only have the PS4 as of now (I'm considering grabbing the Xbox one + second controller + fallout 4 and GoW dell Black Friday bundle for $299) if it's for the family the Xbox might be a better way to go with the Kinect for the kids and the fact you wouldn't have to spend much on a lot of new games due to backwards compatibility. If it'll be used primarily by you, I'd go PS4 as there are a ton of amazing exclusives but a lot of them are for more mature audiences. But either way your whole family should have fun as they're both great consoles.
Any thoughts on how hard bloodborne would be for me as someone with 0 souls series experience? I don't mind a challenge as long as it's still fun. I'm just thinking about grabbing it now because it's just 30 bucks with prime.
I too have 0 souls experience except watching my son play it. DS1 - he got frustrated and quit after maybe 16-20 hours. Got him Bloodborne and watching him play gave me confidence that could probably do OK with it. I got it. People seem to love it or hate it. Focus is on timing, dodging, being willing to learn enemy attack patterns and not mind dying a lot while you learn. Very little to help you within the game, but the boards are helpful. The story / gameplay is also very dark, so just the sheer horror aspect keeps me from enjoying it as much as say Diablo. But, it is very well made, the combat is definitely do-able and there are tons of secrets to discover.
Backwards compatibility is a big deal for me. I have an old PS3 and still use it. I have little invested in Xbox now - gave it to my oldest son when he moved out - so the PS4 was an easy pick. Xbox was trying to do too much with seemingly having to be the center of an entertainment system. No thanks, i want a game console, not an entertainment center. But, i think MS has moved to trying to have a good gaming system. That being said, my son with the Xbox360 and tons of games is saving up for a PS4. He likes the games on it better - currently a lot of PS4 only titles that are pretty phenomenal, albeit mature, or highly mature (BloodBorne for instance) that might make a PS4 not so good for a family with younger folks. The platforms last a long time (5-7 years) so either decision is OK IMO.
If you have a 360 then you can already play 360 games and lot more of them than the backward compatibility of the Xbox One allows for. Only certain games are supported. They'll add more, but the 360 had backward compatibility too and eventually they stopped adding new titles. Also the ones it supported had issues. Not sure if the Xbox One BC is going to have issues to or not, but how long will they keep adding new games? Your best bet for playing 360 games is probably to hang onto a 360. We have two as well. I don't play them much any more. Actually can't remember the last time I fired it up, but I'm going to soon because i just bought Fantasia Music Evolved for $2.52 from best buy.
Thanks for the response. In your response to Papa Deuce you said that bloodborne was "highly mature". I don't really care wether it is or isn't, but why do you think that? In videos I've just seen blood.
Just the amount of sheer gore, the creatures are really quite horifying in appearance as well. I think it could be quite impressionable for anyone under 18 or so. Maybe i am just old fashioned. The gore is so realistic, vs in most of these types fof games the animation is just so obviously not real. Bloodborne feels real to me. Its kind of real like horrible nightmares one wakes from feel so real.
That's good to know! Thanks. So it's one of those games that actually deserves to be M? It seems these says the ESRB just throws an M on tons of stuff that shouldn't be.
Yeah Bloodbourne has a ugliness to it, a well rendered and artistically driven one, but one that is the stuff of nightmarish visions.
Spoiler Its on the river Thames, it's not a W but it leads to the W missions (which themselves aren't all that flash) I didn't get Runaway Train with my copy, just the other two.
I agree with crunc on this, if you have two 360's you already have your backwards compatibility, and better supported title-wise at that. I agree with Pluto re the games, it depends on what you want as that is its most important function. Only you can really answer that one. I actually think Microsoft will do a PS3, behind in sales so will go that extra mile to provide customers with a decent experience. Neither corporation is perfect, but typically if they don't exit the market the underdog will try harder than the leader, who will generally milk their customers with a like it or lump it attitude and overconfidence. I will pick one up in a couple of years, mainly for Sunset Overdrive as I generally like the work Insomniac does.
Can someone help me with the release date of mirror's edge catalyst? The website says some time in spring but the PSN store says December 31st, 2016.
December 31st is always a placeholder date at least at retail stores, so I'd guess that's what that is. If they say, Spring, then it's probably Spring. They just don't have a particular date yet.
Did anyone else find the COD black ops 3 ad where the guys delivers a COD player a hamburger (it's a Hardee's promotion) a bit misleading? It showed the guy shooting robots but I looked at a campaign gameplay video and the enimies are still soldiers. I don't really care because COD isn't really my kind of game, but if it was more fantasy based with robots and such, I'd be much more interested.
I believe that Runaway Train is a freebie on PSN depending perhaps on where you live. For the US it is part of the "free" DLC that includes the Dreadful Crimes and now the new Evie outfit.
We only have the free Evie kit, Dreadful Crimes is supplied as a code with the game but not front facing on the store, nor Runaway Train but I'll have a read around cheers.
hey @one - did you get Bloodborne? If so - you liking it? As I play it more, I am liking it more and more. Really a great learning curve. Still finding the graphics disturbing (just because they tend to stick in my brain - like a song you can't forget), but the game in other ways is just brilliant. Tons of shortcuts to figure out, lots of surprises and there is an elegance in the amount of depth they have in the combat system that when you start clicking with it, you wondered why you were dying so much earlier in the game - although as I am only 3 bosses in, I am reading the game will shortly get much harder again... It is still on sale, I suspect Black Friday might see it at 19.99 although $10 is not worth the crowds in my opinion - maybe worth the weight getting it shipped to me though, but with Best Buy Gamers Club I save 20% and so as the price goes down, the savings go down, and the wait vs playing now and spending a couple bucks is not worth it.