Yep definetly, I have had to resist temptation to grab Wolfenstein last week but I'll wait for that one to drop in price a bit, sounds great and my sort of thing but once it's done, it's done. I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking from Watch Dogs but I am expecting it to be fun.
I was kinda over the CoD thing, last one I played previously was Black Ops, before that MW2 and MW. But recently bought Ghosts cheap for lack of anything else interesting around at the time, can honestly say that while the whole campaign is ridiculous and the engine is dated, the MP and bots add a ton of value, the MP unlocks aren't skewered to a pay to unlock or criminally slow grind like BF4 and generally more honest to play too. Nothing about AW's setting interests me but if they don't break trend and include that sort of value again I'd definitely look at it.
I absolutely adored Return to Castle Wolfenstein and its' multiplayer. Calling mortar strikes and PTFO'ing were insanely fun... a true shame the latest rendition is single player only. WD is going to get some heavy, heavy competition from Battleheart Legacy this week, unfortunately
The free Watch Dogs iOS app is out, looks more useful to people without the game but looks fun regardless. Design a course and trash players games on any platform, that's what community is all about.
Watch Dogs is pretty good, very Ubisoft but after initial overload of the game telling you all the things you can do, you can relax a little and just enjoy it. It actually reminds me more of Assassins Creed than GTA in the way that you play it (minus the climbing over everything), Trips and VR games are a great diversion and I'm getting into Alone at the moment. I've probably played about 8 hours all up with about 1-2 of that being actual story, not quite what I expected but a fairly solid game regardless. Negatives would be that The economy is a bit overly generous making higher tier purchases a little less rewarding, conversations are repeated despite developer saying otherwise, graphics are decent to nice but not what they benchmarked earlier. Comparing it to inFamous as far as the openworld aspect goes, inFamous is definitely prettier and varied but Watch Dogs would have more to do outside of the storyline. Edit: oh and yay to two PS+ games monthly for the PS4 from now on
How is single player? I have never been interested in multiplayer, and the reviews seem to indicate that is the direction that this game is ultimately going. It seems that the single player is good, but the emphasis is on multiplayer?
I've only played (and allowed) the online invasions, they fit into the solo play fairly well as they're contracts on you (your data) and I found them surprisingly fun, although timing can be less than welcome (being chased by cops once) but you can turn them off if that type of thing annoys you. As for singleplayer itself it depends on how much you enjoy mini games and side distractions, leveling up and new skills. I'm up to about mission 7 of Act 1 and probably sunken around 15 hours into the game and I'm enjoying both the storyline (although a bit TV) and just mucking around. To me it's primarily a singleplayer game but have yet to try the online racing, free roam and the team Deathmatch variant (can't remember what it's called). It's the type of singleplayer experience where you need to like just roaming and doing things outside the storyline to get value, initially I was a bit ho hum about it all but it's a game that really grows on you as you play. Anyway heaps to do offline if you're not into multiplayer, it doesn't break any real new ground and nothing's particularly deep, but it works as a whole rather than its individual parts. It does feel like its own game even though nearly every aspect has been inspired by something else.
Got my PS4 on Sunday. So far I like it, but I've had a few oddities. For example it doesn't seem to handle switching users well. There is a Switch User option in the PS pop up menu (hold PS) and you can do that in a game, but at least in the case of Resogun, after switching user the buttons on the controller don't function except for the PS button. I held the PS button and quit the game from the menu (which said that the other account had launched it) and then relaunched it and then the buttons worked. Obviously the system is a bit short on games currently, but I've got a bunch of games from PS+ that will keep me busy. I really like Resogun a lot. I also tried Mercenary Kings which is OK so far. A little frustrating. I will give it more time, though.
^ Mercenery Kings didn't do it for me either, the whole boss warping to different parts of the map was the final nail. Watched The Last of Us Remaster trailer and can't say was super wholly impressed, I'll most likely get it again for the higher resolution but don't see many major changes. GTA V for PS4 on the other hand looks really solid, I really didn't have much expectations but after playing Watch Dogs it really stands out with how good GTA V was. Even though I completed both on the PS3 I'll have to repurchase, hopefully they have an upgrade or trade deal for previous owners. Other E3 highlights for me were Far Cry 4, inFamous Last Light, Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End, No Man's Sky, The Order :1886, maybe Bloodborne. Battlefield Hardline has a closed beta starting today, you can go and sign up and they'll get back to you.
A lot of the Indies they showed look awesome, but yes, especially No Man's Sky. I haven't played The Last of Us, so definitely going to get that for PS4. I haven't played GTAV yet either, so ditto for that. I thought they showed a lot of good stuff, but the pacing of the press conference was horrible. It ground to a halt multiple times. Plus such weird arrangement. Little Big Planet 3 followed by Bloodborne? LOL.
Abzu should be good, looks very Journey, which isn't surprising seeing as it's made by an ex ThatGameCompany art director. Inside even though a timed exclusive looks pretty charming in a Playdead sort of way, can see they have acquired a ton more resources since the release of Limbo. I initially missed the new Elite, not sure if that's PC only though.
Far cry 4 sounds really awesome. The Watch_Dogs "Conspiracy" trip is extremely fun. Best Men in Black game so far.
Anyone get in on the Destiny Alpha? Someone on my friends list has it, not sure about it yet, neat environments but the quick level cap and suggested reliance on co-op is not selling me.