I pre-ordered Dragon Quest - just a couple of weeks! I guess it has sold over a million copies in Asia, so I have high hopes. My son is a huge Disgaea fan and will probably be picking this up for him when it comes out as long as the reviews show it doesn't blow...
The 3.00 update seems half-assed. The Event calendar, at least when I tried it yesterday, was terribly unresponsive. It was fine if I looked at my completely empty events list, but when I switched to All or Games, the system slowed to a crawl. It didn't respond to a button press for at least 10 seconds and stayed like that as long as I stayed on either of those tabs. The Events thing works fine in the Playstation app, but not on PS4. Maybe it was a temporary snafu, though. Hopefully. Communities just seems super dumb. It's like an internet forum except much harder to type in and a ton more boring. Maybe there's some value in organizing online games with strangers, though. Not sure. Also there's no search option, so good luck making a community and getting people to join it. The cloud save increase is good. Also I hope that it fixes the problems I was having with the system hanging during sleep, but it's too early to tell yet.
The events thing runs fine here for me, agree about the usefulness of communities but you're meant to go through games page rather than search, but searching is something you think they would add.
I've tried the Events functionality with Project Cars, Driveclub and the Hardware Rivals Beta and seems pretty decent, you register and it reminds you, you can join straight into the particular event through the events page or watch live streams of others participating in the event. Strength of the value of an event is developer dictated but I appreciated both Project Cars and Driveclub starting me off with the right car and track and an overview of the leading times on the leaderboards. Hardware just dropped me straight into a multiplayer match with the proper class vehicle, no fuss. I am always missing out on developer run events so I think this is good, puts times and days in my Timezone and there's no confusion about prerequisites and rewards. This could also be good for single player games, not just multiplayer. The Magicka 2 event kind of examples this and could potentially be used for a lot more if developers use appropriately targeted hooks.
I know I'm way behind on this, but I just started playing Diablo 3 UEE this weekend and it's fun, but the "Normal" difficulty is insanely easy. I can just hold down X and win every battle. I gain health with every hit or kill or something, so I just attack and I win. I bumped it up to Hard, but even there I haven't come close to dying, so I may bump it up further. Anyway, a question. I forged a weapon but then where does it end up? I didn't seem to get it in my inventory. ???
You should be 1 or 2 levels under torment for a more reasonable experience. Once you start getting some reasonable gear you should be able to do the lower torments, then it is a question of gear drops as to how high your level can get. You will likely find the mobs are easy, but the bosses are hard. So I scaled my difficulty getting through the bosses reasonably, but that frequently meant i tore through the regular mobs without much thought. If you forge a weapon you should be able to see it in your inventory even if you cant equip it. There is an option to salvage what you just made, perhaps you hit that button? What charachter? The Demon Hunter or Monk I think are the most fun, but the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor can get insanely strong for the higher Greater Rift levels once you start doing those.
I played the whole game on normal and can't remember dying once, it made it uber boring. Rifts I found quite good though and overall the game has a lot to offer, especially with all the patches and content. Even though it's a Diabloish lite, Magicka 2 may be worth a look sometime if you don't already have it, but be warned it's on the other end of the spectrum for difficulty. The loot focus is swapped for the magic system which is kinda neat. It's not a Diablo replacement or really even a clone, shares a lot of the enjoyable factors though.
Any impressions on dragon age: inquisition? I never got around to buying it when it came out so this GOTY edition is tempting. Also, can the romance scenes be avoided? I remember in dragon age 2 if you just didn't go down the "flirt" dialog path it wouldn't happen. If the answer is yes I'll likely let some young teenagers (15) play when they're over.
I chose Demon Hunter. I think I should have read up on forging. I've been selling my extra gear, but it sounds like I should have salvaged it instead.
Yeah, money becomes easy to come by once you get to some higher levels - or if you go through a treasure goblin portal. I have 1.8 billion gold without really trying. Although the the salvage parts get to be pretty common place as well. Demon Hunter is hard to get to really high rift levels once you start playing those unless you get just the right equipment. But, it is a fun class to play. Lots and lots of options to fool with.
I liked it a lot. I need to go back and finish the darn game. I have almost 100 hours into it and still not finished - lots of side quests, killing dragons, leveling, etc. If you love collecting things, this has a ton of things to do running around trying to 100% stuff. I played as an elf rogue, and my son played as a dwarf barbarian - both were a lot of fun. Pretty good story lines and plenty of wikis if you get stuck or want some specific information. Yes, romance can be avoided.
If you guys haven't bought MGS V yet, I think that MGO (specially the cloak and dagger mode) is good enough to justify the purchase, it's that good, I love it
Well, I potentially wasted a bunch of money... Pre-ordered Dragon Quest Heroes... It is Dragon Quest right? JRPG whose formula has not changed in years.... Except it is by the people that made Dynasty Warriors - which was an endless mashfest of endless action battles... That is not Dragon Quest. Uggghhh.. Used coupons at Best Buy that are from prior purchases, and my understanding is these are not refundable. So, I can get my money back for the game if I decide not to pre-order, but I can't get the coupons back. I am going to keep my fingers crossed, but I am pretty bummed that I am not getting Dragon Quest, but instead getting Dynasty Warriors using characters that look like are from the Dragon Quest universe. Square Enix pulled a fast one - no more blind buys from them.
Sorry for the double post - but for the PS Plus folks out there - Super Meat Boy is free with PS Plus for at least this week! Also Broken Age is free and a couple other things as well. Good week for PS Plus members...
Awesome, I think I'll get it. Should I get the $60 game of the year edition or would the $40 standard edition suffice? Thanks!
If you mean rewards certificates, you do get them back if you cancel, but it takes a while. You don't get them back immediately. If you want to be sure, though, call their customer service.
Yeah, good PS4 month for me. I hear Unmechanical is good too, just short. They will be free all month. Only thing is Super Meat Boy doesn't have the original soundtrack because for some unknown reason to me the creator of the original soundtrack wouldn't license it to them. I haven't played it on PS4/Vita yet, so I haven't had a chance to check out the new music.
I would tend to say the GOTY edition, but only because those have all the extra stuff. I just have the regular game and did not purchase DLC. I think the DLC all got at leadt reasoable reviews. If you are in the US , Black Froday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner and the price will likely drop if that is important to you.
I never played the original but it sounds like chip tune stuff on the Vita - controls well, although I can already tell after 9 or 10 levels that I am probably not going to get very far. I don't have the control skillz I used to have. Sigh... aging sucks.... What is going to happen when I turn 25? LOL (actually I am more than twice that age...).
Good thinking about Black Friday. I'm a bit hungry for a new story-based game because I've finished my last one that I've purchased.