DOOM, 'nuff said, also Dishonored 2. Also, thanks for the tip noah, dunno how I can stay behind him but I guess that more grinding and reading guides will work (I miss all the old magazines with tips and tricks for any game, but then the Interwebz happened)
Probably nothing for a while unfortunately. Well, i have Batman and The Witcher 3 so i have a lot of time to play. So many shooters, just never got into the whole multiplayer shooter thing.
Yeah, I can see what you mean there. I don't mind it though. In terms of controls, I agree they're a bit different from other racing games or just cars in video games in general. It took a bit to get used to them but now I think they're pretty great. Also, I need an opinion, should I get journey or helldivers first? And two they both have local co-op? They only reason why I'm not getting both is that I like to focus on just a few games at a time.
I am trying to be good Has anyone else played PixelJunks Nom Nom Galaxy? I believe it is on Steams Early Access as well. It's humour never really hits it's mark and it's tutorial is overwhelming (it gives you everything you later have to unlock via progression), but it has that one more go thing going for it and am finding it a decent little game.
Anyone play Dishonored? I was looking at the upcoming Dishonored 2 and am quite intrigued. Also anyone getting N++? I loved it on GameBoy back in the day. Hard as nails. Not sure i would have the same experience with it now.
I'm contemplating Until Dawn and Metal Gear Solid V, Until Dawn I'm a bit hesitant to watch much on though as its a heavy 'experience' game and MGSV I like what I've seen of the gameplay but a bit worried about a nonsense filled narrative. There's also Mad Max, but not sure that's a must have on release title.
OK - some technical help- hopefully I will be clear in explaining what I want to do. My son is moving out for school - got him a PS4. I have lots of stuff on PS4 and the PSN. We set up his own account and got him a PS Plus card for that, and activated that account as his primary. Created a user - used my PSN account and verified on PSN that everything is available, also the old saved games. Question - once he downloads games will he be able to play downloaded games that he got off my account using his username? This worked on the PS3, but I don't know if it works on PS4 - I guess I can try it. Question 2 - Is there any way to be able to use the saved games from my account so that he can use the saved games on his account? I uploaded the saved games online, and then downloaded on to his new PS4 under my account, but then when I changed users, the saved game is not available. We want to be able to play some coop - like Diablo 3, but am not sure that both of us can be logged into the same user account and be able to play. I can't really test it as the two machines are also currently on the same network and I don't know if that is also causing problems with stuff.
You could try Share Play if you both have PS+ to hand over an extra controller if all else fails. Doesn't sound like he needs a PS+ account if you just want to hand over your controller, but both ways require your PS4 to be online.
The arcade rhythm game Neon FM is coming to iOS, but they are also going to bring it to consoles (and I assume PS4 will be included) if the mobile release is a success. The console version will have an arcade-style controller. I hope it comes to PS4 because I played the arcade version at ReplayFX in Pittsburgh over the weekend and it was great. It looks a lot like a simpler version of Pop'n Music (only 5 buttons, and beginner mode you only use 3 - so it's pretty accessible, but still quite challenging - I could only manage the 2nd easy level), but I've never played Pop'n Music so don't know how similar it is. The arcade cabinet is $6500, so a console version would be greatly appreciated.
Started playing Assassin's Creed Unity, borrowed from a friend. I think it's fantastic. Also great is Rocket League. Surely there must be a few fans in here...? Uk_kev808 is my psn name if anyone wants to add.
Yep, rocket league is quite good. Love all the customization options! I haven't played AC unity, but may soon.
Abyss Odyssey Extended Dream Edition is quite addictive, weird procedurally generated levels (done well, not like The Swindle), weird enemies, and overall just plain weird. But, underneath all that is quite a basic tower fighting game (in reverse), it's not perfect but pretty cool regardless. I'm actually pretty impressed with some of the indies of late, I was going to grab Submerged but has been reviewing poorly so will wait for a sale.
Q1: As long as your account is set up as primary, every other account registered on the ps4 is able to play every game you've downloaded. Q2: Every savegame is bound to the account (psn id) it was created with. This prevents savegame sharing. It was possible on ps3 through re-signing but it's not possible on ps4 (yet). So, no.
Mega Man Legacy Collection is due out on August 25th in digital form for $15, and next year in retail form. Retail version is going to be 2x the price at $30, so I guess they're going to include CE type goodies or something. Maybe. There aren't any details on the retail version yet.
Picked up Bloodborne this weekend - what a great departure from the brutality that Dark Souls 1 was. Yes, you die a lot, but not having to go through the horrible play as a dead person to is much better. Load times are a pain though. I am giving my copy to my son who is moving out for grad school. So i will get it either when he is done or a cheap GOTY edition comes out. Dishonored on PS3 is quite good, although the idea that you cant kill anyone is problematic. I like Assasin Creed idea of stealth, but fight and kill when you must. I will likely preorder Dishonored 2.