Evolve Alpha - bit of a fail, did get a few games in but never played as the creature, tried two classes. Looks nice technically, stylistically it's a bit typical but not bad. Quite fun and enjoyable, creature seems a bit easy to take down on all occasions, fairly typical ranking up and perk system, roles seemed pretty distinct. It was online only so don't know if they had any kind of offline element to the game, while fun enough I don't think I'd buy it unless I could grab it on a Steam sale because it likely won't have enough for me to warrant a day one, full priced purchase. The Crew Beta - Too much UI (Ubisofts biggest and most consistent problem), especially in a racing game. It tries to do what Burnout Paradise did but injects a made for TV story into the process, you're framed for your brothers death and an FBI agent wants you to work yourself up the ranks of the driving underworld so they can catch a corrupt FBI agent. Presentation of it's nice enough but it is pretty B grade stuff. Visually I would put the game on par with Watch_Dogs but with more pop in, it doesn't look as good as Driveclub or even NFS:R and driving feels midway in between the two but not coming anywhere close to the dynamic driving of Driveclub. There is never really a great sense of speed, you'll be going 250kph and it'll feel like a Sunday drive. There's good value here in the amount to do but the types of events I played I feel have been done better elsewhere, cop AI isn't very good and needs to be improved on.
I'll start up again. I got quite tired of being in a battle with 3 or 4 baddies when a captain shows up, oh, and another, oh, and a couple more - sorry you are dead. Seems to occur with annoying frequency for some of the specials, like the bow and the dagger, etc. but some very fun parts as well. My favorite PS4 game to date is easily Diablo - really well done, classes are all fun themselves.
That 'definition of insanity' is probably one of the best gaming speeches I've heard, was a great antagonist.
That threw me too, it verged on absurdity, but the trick is to bring down their bodyguards first, find a power play they're doing and take them down. Don't get messed up in an area with large concentration of captains. Once you get to the second part you'll find it all a lot easier. If you like Diablo you may like Destiny too, different perspective but similar ideas. Maybe get someone to Play Share with you if it isn't blocked.
Thanks. I got Destiny a while ago for my son, but he hasn't taken to it. I have been playing the new Borderlands and Diablo, and a smattering of various OS and Vita games, but I will give it a whirl. I wish they had a good Ratchet and Clank out for PS4 - I have had so much fun with that series over the years...
Gave up on console playing for iOS (main reason is the time factor) but if there were some really good Ratchet and Clank games to come out like the earlier ones I'd seriously think otherwise.
They're making a Rachet and Clank game for the PS4 based on the originals storyline and also to tie in with the movie: http://www.insomniacgames.com/games/ratchet-clank-ps4/
Help! I just got my PS4 and I'm loving it. But there seems to be some problems with the DualShock 4. On the original controller that came with the system the right trigger is squeaky. On my second controller (magma red from Japan) the rumble motor was super loud and didn't function correctly. I returned that one to the seller and got a different magma red controller. This one's right stick pops in a weird way when flicked right. So I need some help. Are DS4 super fragile? Am I being hyper-sensitive? Are my controllers knock-offs with "Sony plastered on them? Thanks for any help.
I love my PS4 controllers. Both work flawlessly. I dont hurl the around the room, but i also dont treat them especially gently. Weird that you would get 2 lemons. They probably at least have a 90 day warranty and may even have a 1 year warranty. I think i would get them replaced.
Dunno, I dont think Destiny is really that great and it's very repetitive but somehow I'm totally addicted at it. Cant explain it myself. I have Diablo III and DA Inquisition lying around and barely play them cuz I'm consistently getting back to Destiny every freaking single time, ugh. Far Cry 4 will probably be the next game for me.
Dragons Age Inquisition initial impressions are fairly good but haven't really gotten into the open world aspect yet, some negatives for me were cutscene animations and framerate (in game framerate is fine) and restrictive camera for the tactical combat. Seems decent though, I'll give it another session tomorrow.
I just started playing DA:I today on the PS4 as well. I agree with you on the cutscenes; they should have been better optimize and I can see no excuse for them being choppy sometimes. I started as a dual-wielding Rogue and am absolutely loving it. After initially trying to use tactical mode for each and every stage of each battle, I realized the CPU is pretty smart in making choices and using powers. I hence resorted to giving out commands once or twice during each battle (perhaps to focus fire on the strongest minion in a bunch) and controlling my main character the rest of the time. Works very well, IMO.
Out of 3 Dualshock 4's, two of ours have bumpers that stick. I think at least the early controllers were poor quality. Supposedly the new ones, which you can only be sure you get if you pick a color other than black, are better, but I don't have any firsthand experience with them.
I guess I got lucky - both of mine are first edition - and work flawlessly, and as I mentioned between me and my kids - they are not treated badly, but certainly not babied... I have an old PS3 dual shock that has a sticky key that is driving my batty... purchased a new one a few days ago to replace it - there is no way to fix sticky keys as far as I know (unless something sticky was spilled) - but the sticky key has more to do with an internal problem as I understand it.
I'm on second controller, first one the left stick would jam, replacement the left bumper periodically sticks a bit.