I didn't see a thread, so why not? Feel free to post your PSN IDs here and ramble on in regards to which PS4 games are keeping you company. Mine's KiranB83 - feel free to add me. Cheers!
Got me a ps4 and a wii u for christmas.At first the wii u was taking all my gaming time as my wife and I played mario 3d world to completion ( i mean all the stars and stuff) so I was thinking that getting that ps4 so soon was a mistake but since then Ive been totally hooked on AC 4 and the U's been gathering dust. Imo there arent any true next gen experiences out there yet on ps4 and xbox and it'll be a while till they start coming but AC 4 is certainly beautiful and runs very very smooth. I only have that game and Lego Marvel for playing co op with the wife but what Im excited about is thinking of my favorite series like fallout and tes coming in true next gen quality. All in all I love my purchase but I wouldnt recommend getting one at this point unless you really need one of the launch exclusives.
Gonna get one in a year or so when more games are out and a PS4/Vita bundle is available. Remote play is what I have been waiting for since it was promised with the PS3.
Got a PS4, AC4 and Knack for Xmas. Can't put AC4 down, didnt care for 2-3 but this one is just Immense fun!! Oh and Don't Starve! is really good too free on PS+ right now.
I picked up AC4 and Killzone. I last played KZ 2 when the PS3 launched, and remember the multiplayer being a total mess! It was fun when you actually got a chance to play (ie: when people didn't spam the respawn areas with grenades!) but I guess the developer has changed (fixed) quite a few things since then. Multiplayer's pretty nice; in terms of fun-factor, it's wedged right in between COD and BF in my opinion. Maps are pretty small, which make for quick team DM affairs; just the way I like it. AC4 is equally good, being the first real Assassins Creed game i've spent time on. I spent about 10-15 hours on AC2 but didn't end up finishing it. I went through the entire storyline via YouTube to get caught up, though I understand there's no real connection between the previous games and Black Flag. The game's fun though and I look forward to playing more (if I can actually peel myself away from KZ:SF online) TA's 5-star review of Castle Doombad doesn't help me in managing time... that's in line too now
Going to grab the PS4 and PSP Vita combo beginning of Feb, I'll probably be grabbing KZ4 and AC4 initially and have Resogun, Don't Starve and Contrast hoarded and ready to fire up thanks to PSN+ sub.
Is there any point getting a ps4, now that Sony will launch Playstation Now service? I heard it basically streams there games (old & new) to all sony devices and other smartphone & tablets by different manufacturers. All you must do is pay for the service to take advantage of this cloud streaming. Unless I'm mistaken, and P:Now doesn't actually stream PS4 titles.. But PS3 and below..
Question for anyone who has KZ4 and a PSP Vita, does that allow co-op (bot multiplayer) through remote play? From my understanding Knack does, but I'm not sure about other titles.
Seeing how Battlefield 4 hasn't hit store shelves here yet and ordering online isn't an option for me, i've been spending time with Killzone's surprisingly fun Multiplayer modes. From what I read so far, Killzone's maps are the smallest if compared to BF4/CoD:G but the pacing of the game is right between Battlefield and COD, ie: not too fast, but not too slow either. Tried the SP campaign which has been getting a lot of flak... 2 hours in and it's not that bad, honestly. You really appreciate the visuals here, whereas they aren't showcased as well in the multiplayer modes. Looking forward to getting BF4 later this week when it hopefully hits store shelves here.
KZ:SF's story was a bit of a mess, so was the general arrangement of the SP campaign (I wanted more good old fashioned fighting and making ground). Still, it looks awesome and the SP sections by themselves are fun, MP also rocks and is way less spammy than earlier iterations.
I got my ps4 when it came out and love it. Playing tomb raider right now but ac4 is my favorite so far. Kill zone looks amazing but is just a very boring game overall.