Personally I found Uncharted's multiplayer quite underwhelming. I don't know what it is, it just never works in these quintessentially single player games. If a game isn't built specifically for multiplayer it just feels cheap and tacked on. The same goes for Bioshock and Assassin's Creed MP modes. Still, if you like that kind of stuff, I'd say UC2 and UC3's are both good (or bad) as each other. Co-op can usually be quite fun though.
I felt that Uncharted 2's multiplayer felt empty and not enjoyable at all. I've been playing Uncharted 3's multiplayer and it feels a lot more fun and more like a worthwhile experience. In general I'd just skip UC2's multiplayer and then go into UC3. But I'd take a break in between so you don't get bored with it
Here's a trailer for "The Last Of Us", Naughty Dog's upcoming PS3 exclusive. Not much info at the moment, but it should be good. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Your late. By the way, Uncharted 2's MP at the time was amazing. Now U3's MP takes customization and clever game modes to another level. Play U2 if you can, its campaign was by far, the greatest in a video game I've played.
I know I'm late. I just bought my PS3 a month or two ago, and have been working my way through the Uncharted series since then. Yeah, I can't wait to dive into the multiplayer in U3. I even skipped the multiplayer in Among Thieves because I heard it was inferior to Drake's Deception's.
Is it just me or have the geniuses at Sony f*cked up the PSN store again? For the past couple of days I haven't been able to download anything or view my purchases. It was working fine before they started their "maintenance".
I just picked up a few PSN titles off the store: Chrono Trigger Castle Crashers Limbo All three are fantastic so far, especially the local co-op in Castle Crashers.
'The Last Of Us' sounds like the game, that could be my favorite game ever. Enslaved like world but with Uncharted engine and adventure/exploration with not too much action involved sound like a dream if done right. Not that I dont love the shooting in Uncharted, but a little more 'relaxed' approach sure will suit me.
Anyone else excited about the upcoming remake of sniper elite- sniper elite v2. Gamestop is getting another 50 dollars from me on may 1st :S. the kill cam with the skeletal explosion is awesome.
The English trailer for Level-5 and Studio Ghibli's upcoming RPG "Ni no Kuni" is up: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad I have a PS3.
GameStop is selling the 160GB PS3 with your choice between Batman Arkham City or Mortal Kombat for $200. If you're interested in the PS3, you should probably get on the deal.
Where is all of the space hiding on my PS3 hard drive? Out of the 111 GB available, I can only account for ~85 GB of it being used, but it says I only have <10 GB left to use.
Have you checked the "Game Data Utility" folder? Often the game data files can be a few GBs each. LOL!