Well I'll admit the past few have been much easier to play than the previous ones but I'm hoping they will still be around for a few more games and with a higher difficulty. The weapons used now can pretty much obliterate anything that moves (or not) as in Tools of Destruction, so there isn't much of a challenge.
All of the R&C games tend to blur into one intelligible mess to me, I can't remember which is which anymore.
I didn't really get into R&C until this gen. I can't get enough of them, they seem to be more amazing than they were on PS2. I really hope they keep making them. I really thought A Crack in Time was the best yet. Insomniac seems caught up in Resistance atm. All 4 One ftw! That may be but I still love em. I might replay them all while I wait for Red Dead and Amazon's Slow Saver Shipping I'm betting Uncharted 3, Skyrim, and Rage are going to be the contenders for GOTY. BF3 and MW3 probably won't get it. LA Noire doesn't seem to be able to hold up the rest of the year against those other 3 either.
I guess I just get bored of the complete lack of challenge. They don't have to be difficult games, but they even manage to make Mario Galaxy look like a Sudoku puzzle written in braille. Apart from that they're great, really nice looking, decent humour, lengthy story, etc. It just feels too much like walking from A to B without a single hitch. The only part I've ever had trouble with is getting the "My Blaster Runs Really, Really Hot" trophy, which I managed eventually in co-op.
Preordered inFamous 2 the other day... It looks freakin sweet! And the Hero Edition comes with a ton of stuff! I just hope the backpack is a usable size. If it's small I'll just use it as a videocamera bag. Come to think of it... The slots where Cole keeps the Amp might be the perfect size for my Tripod! But I can't wait until June 7th. InFamous 2 and E3!
Do it in co-op, trust me. It's so much easier. For the first few waves get the second player to avoid stuff but not shoot anything, that way you can rack up a nice combo on your own. Then when it gets tough they can join in. Also, both of your scores count towards the total so you only have to aim at half way for each person.
When finished with a R&C game I'll go back through the whole game again and grab what golden bolts I'd missed and some skill points while I'm at it. This is more of an exploration walk and I like to look around and marvel at some of the visuals I missed earlier. I need to check into the new R&C game that was mentioned. I've no clue of the game at present.
I have played all the R&C at least 5 x each, and the PS2 versions more. Yeah, I think having armor vendors every 15 feet is problematic, although if the don't, one just backtracks forever to get necessary ammo. I think the biggest issue is the balance of the weapons. Some are great - sniper, negotiator, and appropriately have somewhat limited ammo. Anything with 6 axis control is a pain, even if they are humorous. Other weapons are just too overpowered, like the beehive thingy, or the rift gun(although a GREAT) weapon - one they are leveled, nothing can withstand them. I don't count the RYNO just because it is what it's supposed to be - a God Weapon. It is hard to find more than 2 or 3 weapons that are constantly fun to use. In "A Crack in Time" I am in the 3rd sector, and pretty much just use my wrench, unless I can't reach them, then use the blaster. And I have like 10 weapons - none of them much good, or fun (except Mr Zurkon). Yeah, the games have become much easier, probably in order to sell. Putting the game on high difficulty does not make it more of a challenge except to make it feel like a grind fest. It's not like the AI gets better. Well, I will still buy the new one (although the stupid promotions for "early" unlocks is a pain - I'd like Mr Zurkon, but I don't like dealing with Game Stop).
I hope la noire wins game of the year. I'm going to get infamous for the payback plan from Sony so I'll get two after. I can't wait for rage or uncharted three though. Also I want call of duty to fail this year and hope to see BF3 rape. One thing I don't like about noire is how they let you handle guns, you can definitely tell this ain't no rockstar north game and that it's just published by them, although it's great, I also wish that phelps was also a bit more developed but I'm not even 2 hours in so who knows.
According to the PlayStation blog, the PSN is down for maintenance for the afternoon. It should be back up this evening.
Eleven minutes of Starhawk leaked. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Lookin' good for such an early build.
Wow! For some reason I thought StarHawk was a futuristic flying sim! Looks good though! Like a mix of an RTS and a Red Faction game!
Anyone out there excited for InFamous 2? It's always a good sign that the developer has enough confidence in their game to release it to review sites, and IGN has a reasonable review and gave it a 9.0. I have not checked other sites yet, but I loved the first game.
I'm really excited! Reviewers only complaints are a sometimes wonky camera. I can't wait! Beating inFamous right now as evil in anticipation.
I went good, but am missing 4 stunts, and 2 blast shards... 2 blast shards!!! I have combed that place top to bottom multiple times.... Yeah, I know about the ones that don't show up easliy... not them... It is so frustrating...