Portal 2 can't come any faster... that game looks amazing, and the PS3 version comes with a code for the game on steam so you get SteamPlay functionality.
Is it worth it to get battlefield or black ops now? Snce battlefield 3 and mw3 are already in the makings. Im still having a great time with mw2 so im leaning towards just waiting for b3 and mw3
Feel free to get BC2, it's worth it, especially since it's still more than half a year until BF3 and MW3/BO2. Plus BC2 is fairly cheap now.
Thanks for the replies. If you dont mind, coconut and donovan, mind telling me your psn names? Id like to add you guys sometime. Mine is uranium65.
yea, mine is btwist_ninja. Just add me since I'm not on all too often and I'll probably forget. If you do end up getting bbc2 let me know and we can play.
I play BC2 almost every night for an hour or so and it is always active. Even though I own the Vietnam map pack, I pretty much just play the originals.
I'll have to agree, i don't play vietnam as much as the normal game mode, especially since the coming of the latest VIP map pack.
daryl24680 Vietnam I enjoyed for a while when I got sick of normal MP, but now I'm back to normal MP.
only 7 out of 10 from IGN for SOCOM 4. That was pretty expected considering what I played from the beta. *Sigh* I miss the old Socom's....
The SOCOM 4 reviews are such BS... they're rating a game's online mode (what the game was made for) based on beta severs.
i really hate to say this but....Gears 3 multiplayer fails hard.. after what i saw with Uncharted 3's multiplayer reveal yesterday, I have to say that will be the game to go to for me.
Looks like they improved so many things form the UC2 MP, custom guns (probably custom classes then) customize your characters, and tons of other stuff. The airplane part kind of lost me, why the hell is there an airplane they're hopping out of?
Just got my copy! 10:30am and I finished all of the work I had to do, nothing left now but sweet, sweet gaming. Edit: ...and Steam is still being an ass to me. People are surprised when I say it's an awful service but if they were sitting here trying to download an update and Steam kept telling them to check their internet connection and going back to 0% they'd be pissed off too. I'm online for f*** sake! I can't possibly get any more online!
Alright, about the free PC/Mac version of Portal 2 that comes with the PS3 version... is it one or the other? Do I have to choose between the PC and Mac versions or can I have both?
No. It just activates a copy on your steam account which behaves just like any other copy of Portal 2.
You'll have both, and I think your save games might transfer over through the Steam cloud, too. Maybe. I'm not totally sure.
Anyone want to give me their steam copy so I can play on my Mac since your getting the ps3 version anyway. I'd appreciate it haha although I'm sure it won't happen. Honestly I'd do it though it be nice, but I'm waiting to get LA Noire so.