I saw how 360 has a thread now ,so why not ps3? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the ps3 thread! this will keep you updated with News- Games- User reviews- Favorite games- (psn and regular) Trophies- enjoy!
Cool cool! Anyone who wants to add me, I'm huss101 and I play Uncharted 2, TF2, LBP, and MW online. I think it's kinda cool how a lot of the multiplatform games announced a E3 are all coming with bonus features that the 360 versions don't have. Blu-ray player FTW! Also, inFamous 2 looks freaking amazing. I love the first one.
Lbp 2 FTW aha I picked up mod nation racers, and its actually a pretty decent racer, but nowhere near the customization near LBP
Anyone have any thoughts on MAG? I own MW2 and BFBC2, but for some reason I feel a strange urge to buy it.
Loveeeeee Mag, not a lot of ppl always on, but there's enough to fight and fight different people. I think within 3 weeks my bros and I were 3 prestige
Cool. I'll probably pick it up sometime, seeing as it's pretty cheap now and I can get it for around £15.
I've heard awful things from a friend that has both a PS3 and Xbox 360. If it can't hold up to MW2...
Yeah that's the thing, it's a tough comparison to MW2 but it's got some cool things to, personally i hate perks and all the weapons, because it's basically Nubs vs. Pwns. And I'm a nub at mw2
i got a fake knee in 2004. i bought a modded ps2 to recover. i used it once and it collected dust. just not a gamer.. however, when i got my ipod touch.. i found my self playing a game at least once a day normally more tho. i guess the main thing that sold it for me. was the appstore. i can find games i like.. unlike the ps2.. i had to go rent a bunch then was hit and miss.. and going to the game store sucked.. i just felt out of place.. long hair 35 year old. lol.. damn them 12 year olds making me feel old. i was impressed with the ps2.. i can only imagine that the ps3 is even better. and who knows what cool things ps4 will bring to the table. ( and even tho iv never been a gamer, i can remember when xbox first came out and every one laughed at it.. guess things have changed.. bill through enough money into it to make it work. heh ) chris.
I always had a urge to buy LBP but I never went through with it because it seemed a little childish. Now it's only $30 because it's a greatest hit. Should I buy it now? Or just wait for LBP2?
Buy now, the stuff you have in LBP1 carries over to LBP2, so you get all the stickers and costumes you unlocked in the first (do you get story levels too?) Anybody got a bad feeling about EA's online pass, now I can't rent games and play the multiplayer (unless I pay $10 for a pass)
What's the pass? And I can't rent games anymore, Blockbuster and Hollywood video/game crazy are out of business and I can't afford game fly
They're making an online pass to allow you to play online... but the pass only works once. It is $10 for a pass. So now I wouldn't buy or rent used EA games from now on.
Well I recently got a ps3 and I really like it. The games I got with it are: Brutal Legend (haven't actually had time to play it yet) Heavy Rain (the most unique game I have played in a long time) Street Fighter IV (awesome) and Nier (...different) I really like how quickly games come down in price for the ps3, I was eying 3D dot heroes when it was like $50 a couple of weeks ago and now it is $27.99 at my local fry's.
Not an RPG fan sorry mate. If I was, it'd def be up there. Lightning is the most awesome character in history.