As some of us old timers have been blathering in another section of the forum, I thought I'd make this thread so it's not clogging up a non relevant thread.
51 here pals ...and still playing as in late seventies can't beat that f***ing motorcycle boss on hard
I'm so old that I watched my first episode of Downton Abbey last night and I actually really liked it.
I have the health of a 70 year old... I got another pinched nerve and I was diagnosed with two bulging disks. They injected something in my spine this morning.
I'm 41 now, been gaming since the 70's and I'll probably still be playing when I'm in my 70's. One problem with getting older though, there's less time for gaming. Bloody responsibilities That's part of why I like my iPhone, plenty of games to play when there's a few minutes of spare time and I've always got it with me. Couldn't have even dreamt of that 30 odd years ago, technology is awesome.
I wonder if I am the oldest TA poster? I just turned 58. I do have the heart of a young girl (like Robert Bloch, in a jar on my desk).
Sorry dear, no you are not. I am right around the corner from 59. (The dear comes from me living in the south too long )
If wasn't for iOS gaming I might've given up on gaming altogether. A long while back I invested hours into the PS3 in one sitting but can't any longer, maybe a lack of attention span from getting older....I dunno. Anyway I'm a dinosaur going into my very late fifties but fully appreciate the technology that goes into the games as well as the devices we play them on, something any age can appreciate actually.
My husband says that to me a lot he turned 40 in November. He says his hair line is getting smaller and his waistline getting bigger much quicker now he's 40. Makes a change to have his age blamed rather than living with me haha. Joking aside, I like being this age. It's still youthful enough to be able to do most things without being called an old fart, but also old enough to have life experience and the wisdom that comes with it. Which makes me have confidence I didn't have in my early 20s if that makes sense.
Ill be 57 in March. So yes, you do hold that honor. I wonder if this is why they call us "senior members".
I have only slept for 4 hours in the last 5 days because of all the pain in my back, neck, shoulder and left arm from my pinched nerve. Please god let me sleep.
I'm about to hit 20. Starting to feel old with waterpolo ruining my knees and college sucking the life outta me