Robotrek is currently a backer-only article, but it will go up on the free site on the 11th. I separated it out because it's kind of distinct from the Heaven and Earth/The Master-type games.
thanks Shaun I'm loving it! I was visiting a forum for Mobius the other day and I was shocked at home much money people were throwing down in IAP on this game, hundreds of dollars haha I haven't spent a dime on the Japan version which is one I am playing and i have Cloud and many other good characters... I am not spending simply because I don't feel the odds of spending are even worth it considering it's still left to chance anyways kind of like Record Keeper I also due to this don't expect to get every great card and character and just live with what i get and save when i can.
Great write up on Djinn Caster and love the title Very good game if anyone is looking for a solid ARPG
When my brother and I were little, we weren't allowed to play any games that had any magic in them. Since we were desperate to play RPGs, that limited us basically to... Robotrek and Uncharted Waters. Robotrek is probably a terrible game, but one that I have such terribly fond memories of. Is it actually any good? I have no way of knowing, so biased is my memory. Uncharted Waters, meanwhile, is just a masterpiece -- UW: New Horizons is just about a perfect game.
Robotrek is okay, even if it is probably the least-interesting Quintet SNES game. I think it had a lot of good ideas but didn't quite deliver on many of them, and it plays its hand mechanically far too early. But there were far worse RPGs you could been stuck with, for sure.
Record keeper Japan version has a new event this one features characters from Final Fantasy Legends II a Japan only mobile game All 3 main charcaters unlocked
Hey Korossyl, just to give you a heads-up, the Robotrek article is now up at my site. It's a bit critical but I hope you can enjoy it anyway!
Wow, the memories. Yeah... I think you've got the game down pretty well: lots of promise, poor execution. The translation and music are so bad as to be memorable, so they're tinged with nostalgia for me, but I'd have a hard time defending them to anyone else. I think I might disagree with your appraisal of the "combine" system. While I do wish it had been a bit more open-ended, the weapon system is actually fairly involved, with stats beyond just strength and range. Robotrek was one of those games where I would spend hours poring over charts and notes to plan out game-breaking strategies, to spot when various scraps would be available and compare the relative strengths of the various things I could build with them. I do wish more non-strategy, non-action RPGs would make use of space, the way Lunar and Robotrek (and to a much lesser degree, Chrono Trigger) did, although both of those seemed a bit half-hearted. And wow, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice... I remember The GIA ran a feature on it once that was, ah, quite vicious. And hillarious. Anyhow, that was fun to revisit. Thanks so much.
my current team on Record Keeper JP version Morrow (FF Legends II), Wol (FFI), Aemo (FF Legends II), Wrieg (FF Legends II), and Rufus (FFVII)
Ticket to Earth drops Wednesday Looks really good RPG/puzzler type game will be in episodes With 4 total I'm thinking similar to space marshals
Record keeper Japan now has a final Fantasy XV event added with three characters to pick up Maybe this event will come to the us version at some point Noctis, Iris and Gladiolis the characters
Hi everyone! I have been absorbed into Bravely Default and WoW lately. I'm also slowly working my way through Lunar Silver Star and Trails of Cold Steel. Watching The 100 and grinding hard difficulty im Bravely Default is strangely afficting ^^ Also joined a very nice party in KH Unchained which is perfect for short sessions.
I've, unusually, not been doing much RPGing recently. Trying to get through some backlog, so I knocked off Red's Kingdom (very good, but four stars rather five stars, IMO); deleted the admittedly excellent SAO: Memory Defrag because it was great but I couldn't see it ever ending; and polished off Super Dangerous Dungeons, because I wanted to play another Jussi Simpanen game after beating Heart Star. Now I'm trying to concentrate on beating Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (because it's a whole 1GB!) on the phone and Broken Age on the iPad, while occasionally dabbling with Dandy Dungeon, for which I'm too cheap to buy the infinite energy IAP so I just play a few dungeons every now and then. In my defence, that's mainly because March has been very expensive, thanks to the Switch, Zelda and Shovel Knight also competing for my time. Damn, Zelda is good...
So, that Deep Paths review made me want to play 1st-person RPGs again. I had never, ever played one before the RPG Reload of QuestLord, which blew my mind and is one of the best RPG experiences I've ever had. But when I started The Quest -- which I remembered reading about when I was a Palm OS gamer -- it was just too complex and unwieldy for me to really get into. Man, I wish QL2 was on its way, or that there would be any news at all about it. Or even that there were even more like it!
Questlord 2 is coming for sure, but who knows how long it will take, haha. He's been working on it a long while.
That's awesome to know. I thoroughly enjoyed Questlord. So simple and yet puzzling. It was a lot of fun. I'm happy to wait for the sequel it deserves!