Lol you're good at playing many at once ^^ My sister and I have played a lot of IX today. It is really good. Played many games of Tetra Master ^^
I had a wisdom tooth taken out Friday so I needed the distraction I only have 48 Square Enix games Im trying to play haha I did jam out to DQ VII some, have you got to play it yet on 3DS? Are there any differences in that and ios one?
The look and battle system of FF Legends reminds me a lot of Kingdom Hearts and for a free to play it's not all that bad Story is just okay on the lines of say exvius where the story isn't gonna carry the game but both are fun to play
Unfortunately not, gamestop didn't get it at launch day so as we went on vacation we need to wait a while. But I have been playing DQ IV so not completely DQ-less. That looks nice!
Hero Unleashed is a game i just discovered for 1.99 that is awesome! Very Adventures of Mana like ARPG made with unity looks super nice, controls are spot on great, this game is a total gem! Highly recommend this to fans of Mana style ARPGs
Whoa. That game does look cool. Is the translation understandable? Also, it looks like HU is the second in a series. Have you tried Blackstone : A Tale of Sword and Magic?
HU is the second and better one First one is diff in the fact it's more stage by stage than one worldish I have both second one HU is much better but the first one has that same fun battle style I like both personally Now having said all that you choose he language want it English just select that at beginning It's also unity so it looks very good Such smooth combat controls which is great for an ARPG This game needs more spotlight it's great To sum the diff up first one is stage by stage fight off enemies maybe beat a boss next stage 1-1,1-2 style where as second one is more Mana Zelda Text is clearly legible and everything is scaled good nothing too small to see everything is just right
Who discovered it? Ahh, I'll give it to you since you jumped first. Everything Dailion80 says is true. It's a great game that no one seems to have heard about. English translation isn't perfect but it is understandable. Controls are really tight and combat is very smooth. There are no IAPs and it's on sale right now, 1.99 down from 2.99. The game seems pretty generous with the currency and the cost of upgrades is pretty low, in the beginning at least. Thanks again Dailion80 for taking the leap.
You can go back and you will have to fight again unless you run around them. It's great, like a built in grind that you can skip if you want.
At least early the levels gain pretty fast I'm sure like most it will be get harder as you go on It's like a beat 'em up, ARPG, and hack and slash all in one Also already updated again
No you don't and really I would only get the first one if you really love the battle side of things Having said that I don't regret it seeing I've got worse $1 games This is a case of the second being better First is more stage based second is more quest based
Shaun You may be best to answer this one What time (Tokyo time) and day do new games hit the Japan App Store? Lately I have been finding some good ones and hoping this week the trend continues and that TA article was right a lot of sega Japan only releases lately
As with other regions, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it lately. Mostly clustered around Thursdays, though. Used to be reliably at midnight, but these days... ehn.