Thanks Shaun very interesting concept nonetheless for a split second when my camera popped on I thought it was Dragon Quest Go haha
It's all good! I did pick up Star Nomad 2 yesterday and it's looking nice... Very deep game and lately I've been on a roguelikes kick haha when I'm not JRPGing of course ha my wallet will be happy they didn't come out yet Next week FFXV movie yay!! I'm getting through iTunes I need to just preorder it already I keep saying I am and I am sure I will this weekend
Lucky you! I will hopefully be able to order the edition that has it soon. I guess I will see it in November lol. Or maybe I won't wait, who knows.
What do you guys think the chances are of us getting an iOS port of Dissidia? I have many fond memories of playing the game on my PSP and the thought of having it on my phone with local and/or online multiplayer sounds amazing.
Hard to say because it wouldn't be all that hard to port And improve It would be a perfect fit for mobile I think Record Keeper has an event coming up featuring Dissidia So for now that's as close as we get hopefully down the road we get it
Yeah, just saw the article. It's a shame it's not a port but I'll still check it out when it releases.
Dang Nekko, be careful making wishes while you're holding that Monkey's Paw:
Hah My heart stopped for a few seconds when I saw the article this morning. It's not exactly what I wanted, but judging from the video, the combat is certainly flashy and looks pretty fun.
Interesting they went with a graphical art style that makes it look almost like a chibi 3D Final Fantasy for the Nintendo DS. It would've been nice to have the art style from the original.
Winter lots of final fantasy IX this weekend Having start over again kind of sucks but I know where stuff is better now By the way you the town(the one you board the ship and fight black Mage no3 and where they are making the black Mages in the factory) right outside that town is a patch of forest kind of small. I was wondering if you knew about the secrets there. I have found two one is the enemy that will pop up and you can give the ore to and he will reward you also curious if you knew about the enemy pop quiz that pops up in that forest. He asks a final fantasy question and you attack for true or false I love it since I have never guessed wrong but that gives you like 1000 Gil not that I'm hurting for any Couple secrets I was curious to see if you knew about them I will sit in and fight in that party of forest for a while to level up and to find those special enemies sometimes it takes a while but party is very strong right now ha
I discovered final fantasy XV has a demo on my Xbox one well they call it that but really it's a free to play mini game type of thing that takes place in the world of XV and it's kind of a teaser for the game. Not too bad but while playing it I was wondering why it didn't go mobile because it reminded me a lot of mobile style game. Update wow that's been out since March I was late on that haha didn't realize that the battles in this game would be same as console XV which is interesting because it's not turn based its more like secret of mana or other APGS but I must say I like it a lot. I am getting XV when it comes out but I have been trying to aviod reading too much about it and was unaware of the combat change but it should still be great.
No, I didn't know!! So many secrets! I'm really enjoying IX. I got all graphs from the forest today so now I guess I'm heading on unless there's a way back to that forest. My chocobo got sort of stuck and now I'm trying to get him unstuck. Also been progressing a little on X and working on progressing but dying and not really progressing at all in VIII lol. Trying to win a triple triad game lol. They keep beating me.
On this play through for IX I'm taking time playing the card game more and all that I've actually been winning more than losing lately on that card game but yes VIII is a tough one im at a point with brave exvius now where I'm liking it more
The IX card game is comprehensible I feel, at least I win a little bit. But VIII card game is a lot to take in. I found the forest! My sister has a question. She's ready to progress in the story, but she doesn't know how to get Choco to come with her. Can we use grysal greens later in another place to make him pop back up? We want to find all the graphs
Must be or else how would you get the rest of them. I answered some questions from the forest dude ^^
Cool you found him There are so many little secrets in this one! Did you get the mini Burmecia doll item I try not to miss anything Another thing that I love about IX is being able to use your extra weapons to synthesize better ones Been playing FF XXX-2 mobile a lot today too
I think not, but I'm not sure. How did you get it? I have been playing a bit of Dragon Quest IV today. DQIV in one hand and Pokemon Go in the other lol.