Can we keep the haters out? Seriously no one wants to hear you guys bitch about how bad it is. This thread is for people who actually enjoy the console.
I gotta agree. Nintendo is easily the worst out of the three companies in terms of game quality and greed.
I told you I do enjoy the console. Just for extremely select things. Oh, add nostalgia to netflix and mario galaxy. Love me some Legend of Zelda. In truth, I believe Microsoft be the most greedy. Charging for online play? really? Not that I don't have live. I just think it's unnecessary. By the way, I have all three systems. I still find myself on my ipod touch and my macbook pro the most. Apple wins and didn't even try. lolz
I'm on my Macbook and iPhone most of the time too, but I don't consider that a victory for Apple. The Macbook and iPhone are computers, so when you include stuff like work and internet anyone would spend more time on them. Doesn't mean that they're better for gaming.
No way! Super smash bros brawl is probably the best 4 player fighting game there is, next to powerstone 2 and SSBMelee... I'm depressed because my disc drive crapped out on me...
I agreed with you from the start then as soon as you mentioned Power Stone I decided I'd like to get married and settle down with you.
Personally, I only play the Wii for Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Monster Hunter occasionally, and more recently Sin and Punishment 2. However, if I somehow acquire a Gamecube controller for free, I will be searching for a copy of Tales of Symphonia online ASAP.
If you make more then my wife it's a deal! And she doesn't make much so, where's the reception?................ Not with the iphone 4 that's for sure!!! Baaaazzziiiiinnngggaaaaa!
Um... No, Nintendo makes just as good(some better) than Sony or Microsoft. It's the third-party shovelware that sucks.
I just made this thread because everyone else made a console thread, don't give a damn about the Wii, but seriously, don't bitch.
For all you haters, Nintendo is the only other company beside Apple who keeps experimenting with new stuffs, eg. DS, 3DS, Wii. And google this: Project Natal Wii. Other companies just bump the specs and release the same games with better graphics over and over again.
Why all the negativity? Mario Galaxy 2, No More Heroes 2 and MadWorld are some of the best games I've playing in the past couple of years. I see the Wii as a definite companion console to either your 360 or PS3. It isn't my primary machine, but usually has hidden gems appearing out of nowhere and the future is definitely looking brighter than ever with Kirby, Donkey Kong, Metroid: Other M and Skyward Sword coming out.
Holy sh!t there's the xbox thread a PC thread a Ps3 thread and now a wii thread. Is this a new trend? Please help me explain what's been happening