The Matrix Roleplay

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by saansilt, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    Well folks I have decided to try and open an RPG thread. This is set in the Matrix universe.
    I am using the fan made Matrix RPG "There is No Spoon" by Steve Darlington. It is a D6 cinematic RPG.
    Lets lay down the rules for this:
    1. I am the GM, So I won't have a character.
    2. Keep the convos easy to follow like this: (Out of Character Dialouge) In-charecter Dialouge.
    (Out of Charecter conversations don't happen in the game world. NPCs don't hear these.) In character dialouge can be heard by NPCs. So they can think I am talking crazy right now.
    3. CHARACTER GENERATION: Name: Choose a one word name for your charecter, preferably one with philosophical and/or mythic overtones. I will approve names, and if you cannot think of one Tell me the charecters Personality so I can suggest one.
    STATS AND SKILLS: There is one stat, The MATRIX stat. This and Skills are on a 0-6 scale. To make a roll, roll one die for the matrix stat, and one for the skill being used. If you roll equal or under the stat/skill number that is a sucess. Who beats who is determined by the sucesses. A double sucess beats a matrix only sucess. A Matrix only sucess beats a Skill only sucess. A skill only sucess beats a no sucess. Simple right? Example: Sannsilt is kung fu fighting a cop. The cop has no matrix, but has a melee skill of 3. Saansilt has a Matrix of 4 and a Kung fu skill of 3. Cop rolls a two which is a skill sucess. Saansilt rolls a Kung fu of 5 and a matrix of 2. He beats the police officer due to a matrix sucess against a skill sucess.
    DEALS: A deal is your charecter's main quirk. It is chosen by you. It must make sense and be somewhat vague. "Irrational Fear of beans" is not a good deal. "Curiosity beyond self preservation" is a good deal.
    DAMAGE SYSTEM AND CHIPS: This is the MATRIX, so there will be combat. You start of with 3 Hp chips. You can take damage with these or sacrifice them for an automatic skill sucess. You get one Matrix Chip. This can be used for one automatic matrix sucess. You can sacrafice a chip for a friend, taking damage for them.
    Making a charecter: You get six points to buy things to generate your charecter.
    List of Character Generation prices:
    MATRIX Stat: One point is Able to buy one MATRIX stat point. You must buy at least one.
    Skill Points: One point buys a skill at level 4. Two buys a skill at level 5. Four buys a skill at level 6.
    An extra Hp chip is one point, an extra Matrix chip is two points.
    You have by default:
    Any non bought skill is uploadable at level 3.
    3 Hp chips
    1 Matrix chip.
    No one may buy a matrix of 6, only NEO has that.
    THE SETTING: You guys and gals are a hovercraft crew for the resistance. There is no NEO as this takes place many years before the first movie. Your crew consists of PCs who go into the matrix and NPC operators. You recently chose a captain to replace the old one who just died( we start the campaign here). After that you gets a mission from the former captain's log.
  2. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    Is this post too long?
  3. Sambobsung

    Sambobsung Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
    What is this. This game seems too I dunno.
  4. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    Seems too what?

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