Uploading update 1.0.1 right now. What's new: * Better feedback when beating designer time * Info about current level in pause mode * Fixed stability issues in multiplayer * Fixed beat designer time award bug * Other minor bug fixes
You're one of the most active and responsive dev I have ever seen. I was wondering if you (or anybody) could explain what the "After delay (s):" setting means. Is that a pause between the "When:" and the "Action:"? And is it in seconds?I tried using it according to what I just said, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Well I like to talk to you guys Yup, it's exactly like you described it. For instance, if you connect a button to a door, and you set the delay to 10 seconds, the door will open 10 seconds after you press the button. Could you describe a scenario that doesn't work?
Oh, nevermind. It works now. Maybe, the level wasn't updated yet, or I died before the pause was over. Thanks for clarifying though. Edit: Oh, I was also wondering if it was possible to make some settings for the duplicator. I'd like to edit f it comes back on again or not and how long it takes.
I feel like I should be starting another level right now... but I know if I start I won't stop for ages.
I think I've found another bug. Sometimes the sound of the ball hitting the wood disappears. At first I actually thought there was no sound effect for it at all, and I wondered why you'd remove it when you had it in the first game... but now I notice you do have the sound, it just seems to turn off randomly. All of the other sounds still work, just that one stops.
Here's the level that's implementing delays. You have to survive 7 seconds in chaos before the door opens. The packs's called "Military Style" By the way, MidianGTX, your levels are very polished.
I guess so, it's hard to tell. For ages playing the official packs I thought there was no sound for the wood, maybe there was some but I only noticed when it stopped. Then I noticed when testing my own level that there was supposed to be sound. It was easier to notice since my retro levels don't include anything else that makes a noise. I can't get it to happen all the time, but at a guess I'd say it happens at least 1 in every 10 times I test my level.
Just to make sure I understand, you mean the sound when the ball hits the wall? If you make an empty level with nothing in it, and roll into a wall, there is no sound at all?
Yes that's what I mean, but it doesn't happen right away. First the sound is there, then for no reason it just stops while I'm playing the level.
Ok, thanks. I'll investigate it further, I haven't noticed it myself but I'll try to reproduce it. Anyone else noticed it?
I added a level pack called "the cooliest levels evar!!!" There are only 2 levels as of now but they are quality levels in my opinion and I would be glad to receive suggestion and feedback. Sorry i couldnt post a screen shot.