Curioius, what version of IE are you guys using? I don't think it makes a difference (it just simply doesn't like IE?), but would still like to know. I'm on IE7
I made a pack on the lite version of it and I was wondering when I upgrade do I keep that level pack?
be the first plz play my level pack hard maze pack, nobodys beat it yet! rate five stars! id:AR45YH2B im making more!!! ps. the last level is not impossible. just think outside the box...
I just created a level pack for the first time. I'm not very good at making levels, so I pretty much just tried to make some cool designs with the tools. You don't have to play it or comment on it, but if you do, I hope you like it ID: AMAGG3X8 And I think the level ID is: AMAGG3X8.01 Again, don't expect a difficult endeavor when you play it. It's purely about the design, not the challenge. Take your time EDIT: Erm.. maybe the name of the level pack would be a good idea: Art in Motion
My Levels Please try out my levels at: AUYMNVJ9 My older levels include 'Trap the Balls', 'pac-man', '2 XTREME' and 'Just 2 A-maze-ing', but also try out my easier level packs 'Baby's Toy', my multiplayer map and 'Space Mountain: The Labyrinth', and don't forget to rate an awesome 5 stars Yeah I tried to do some design levels too try out my '3D wallpaper', 'Funland', 'Space Mountain', and 'SHAPES' which I will release as soon as I get my iPod ID transferred
I hope no one's looking for my levels cause they're not up yet. You need to make 5 minimum before you can publish and I've done two.