hi could you add to level editor i button to allow people who haven't got the to test out level editor but it doesn't save i am getting a iPod/ipad hasn't been decided but i want to test it and i do not mind that i cant save it plz?
If only the level editor was optimized a bit so it can work on iPod's browser.. Tons more people would be making maps.. Including me
You can download the free Lite version, it lets you create 10 levels, so you can try it out that way!
yer but i dont have a ipod touch or a ipad so i just want to test around the level editor and post screens shots of what i came up with
The browser in iPod/iPhone/iPad doesn't have very Javascript support, so lets hope Apple decides to improve it at some point.
Wait, you're one of the devs right? The game is freaking awesome! Just wanted to throw that out Maybe you should consider making an in-app level editor. I know tons of people already requested this but it's a good idea
Yup, and I'm glad to hear you like it We are not going to code a new one considering the web editor took 4 months to do, but if Apple improves the browser so it can run the editor, we will add it.
Technically I got it to "run" but it doesn't respond well considering Im missing a key device: a KEYBOARD lawl
Yes it opens up, and you can login if you click the little text boxes, but where it fails is when you try to drag and drop an object!
this forum is slow can some one post a level their made(screen shot) and why isn't there a level editor tutorial you said there would be
Tutorial for what? It mostly speaks for itself, the editor has tooltips for each object and the rest is user imagination.
Are the other types of balls ornamental, or do they play differently? I tried bronze ball on a demo Ipad, but it didn't feel any different vs the standard steel ball.