Yes, I love pollishness! (if that's a word) . A big reason why I love Labyrinth 2. You certainly do make some original levels! Mad BTW Getting the third level started, but a looong way off finishing it.
hahaha thanks i try to make original levels. however, mine arent always as polished as they could be. your levels look really nice by the way. hope you can get them out soon! (but dont rush, cuz we want them good)
I don't plan on rushing. I've seen a lot of level packs that start really good, but then deteriorate in the last two, which sort of ruins the level pack. I want this one to be consistent all the way through.
good idea. one of my level packs was like that. i made 2 awesome (literally 2 of my favorite levels) and then the third was sloppy and the last two were boring. dont do that ahahaha
You might or might not have already checked out my first level pack. (If you haven't please go ahead: A6X3AKNB) Anyway, I'm making a new level pack, medium of difficulty, again. I'm asking for feedback. It's called "The Sea". This is my first level. What do you think? By the way, the part at the top is supposed to be waves, they move.
Very nice. It took me a while to see that you actually start in a submarine and that there are other fish etc. Very creative! However, it does look a bit easy for a medium level... maybe you could make more obstacles and stuff but all in all it is very good! Checking out your other level pack now. Mad
Thanks for the feedback. The thng is that the balls are fired at speed 400 and it's pretty crazy, the push you in the holes. The other levels will be harder.
Hi All!!! Glad to announce that I have finished my third level of my upcoming level pack! In this level, your ball actually starts mm from the goal, but the ball and it are swiftly separated by magnets, fans and moving walls. You then work your way round the board whilst disabling the fans, magnets etc so you can reach the goal. Been working on it a lot of the day and it is now complete. It's posted below! Mad
This makes me jealous. Knowing me I'd probably try and smooth off some of the curves/corners a little more, but the layout as a whole and the patterns in the wood are awesome. I feel inspired.
Looks interesting, but it looks quite easy... But the shape of the wood is really well done, just needs smoothening.
Have you read the text I wrote about it? There is bar at the top that moves along when you press the first button. It is then a race against time as eventually the moving wall will block the entrance to the exit hole. I have made it so that you have to be pretty fast to get to the end before the door closes. Mad
MidianGTX jealous! Thanks so much for the great feedback! Anyway, you were the one who inspired me to create polished levels such as this. Edit: BTW those gaps on the picture, i think i have got rid of them when I first saw them on the picture.