Do you need to update Labyrinth 2 to implement the complexity meter, or can you do it anytime since it's a website?
No need to update the game, just the editor, which is sweeeeeet I'll add it to our list of things to discuss.
Thanks I don't like it as much as my first pack, I kinda lost the will to live after playing Mr-Olli's amazing levels
I think Legowiz's pack is awesome (It's Complicated). Extremely polished. My favourites so far: Testing the Water (MidianGTX) Keepin' It Retro (MidianGTX) It's Complicated (Legowiz)
Making me wanna start another one now Have you played the levels by Mr-Olli? His ID is AHK2SQKB Those are my faves
I second that, Mr Olli's packs are very good. (MidianGTX: Stuck on the last level. Not great when it comes to the pressure of being forced to move, but I'll be getting there as I get better. )
Survival of the Roundest Hiya! This post was originally on how to beat the last level of the Survival of the Roundest pack, but i sorted it out. One request for Anders here though; would be really nice if you could add a 'skip level' button. when playing a level you can't seem finish over and over and over, you in the end get so tired of it, that you can't be arsed playing the game anymore. A 'next level' or something in that effect would help, so at least then you could continue, and possibly finish that one hard level at a later date. Cheers, and god jul!
Just purchased Labyrinth 2. It rocks! I'm making a level pack called gPack, and i'll be making more level packs soon. One small problem though, I was at my Grandpa's house yesterday trying out the level editor for the first time. So today i'm at my house and I can't find what my ID or PIN # is! Please help! EDIT: Nvm, found it.
Just go to Create Levels, click on new at the bottom right hand corner, you should be able to get your id and pass no again.
It's been suggested before and we're kinda split over it. The best solution is just to practice, that way you solve the issue and your skills improve, good times all round.
I have played some of them but I don't really understand some of them I love your packs MidianGTX please make more! Pics of my next pack coming soon!
Anders, any chance of making the moving walls in the editor slightly transparent? Lots of people are using them to hide other objects now so it'd be useful if we could see where they're placed behind it
That might spoil things since the designers seems to want those things to remain hidden. Some puzzle type levels seem to depend on it.
It's a bit shaky at the moment, but yeah I think I'll be able to sort it out before siubmitting. ETS of update is mid January.
I fully understand why you would want to skip levels as some packs are very hard, but I also think it's a good incentive to keep you playing, i.e. "I just gotta finish that !"#ยค%&/ pack and cross it off the list". It has been discussed before, and I think at the time most people preferred not to have a skip-button, no self control I guess It's like having candy/potatoe chips at home, I just can't stay away from it if I have some in the cupboard so I don't buy it at all. Same thing, I know I would "cheat" if I could, i.e. eat the candy. And God Jul to you too!