How do you hold your device when you play by the way? Thanks for your suggestion though, we'll take it into account.
There are many good ones, but here's a few to try out: Anon, ANNGD3BB Ravenblack, A5L76TA9 jhanig, ALV8WTHA Totttovsky, AASDCR5B Now I wish we had the labyrinth2://LEVELPACKID feature implemented
To fire up the game with a specific level pack if you click a link in the email app or in Safari on your device.
Add my levels if you want: ACDRD5QB . I've made 3 Easy packs and 1 Medium pack. Give me some suggestions and of course, rate my packs (Hope i'll get 5 or at least 4,3 )!
Yea, that was what I thought. Did you find out wether you can implement it (so it's not a private api)? And are you sure wether you only can launch the app, or also launch something in the app?
I haven't looked at it in detail, but yes what I described above should be possible without using private APIs. I'll look into it next week.
Hi, Whenever I try to publish my first level pack with 3 levels, it says that "an unknown error occured". This is on my 8gb 2nd generation iPod Touch. Any answers would be appreciated. Also, occured is actually misspelled. It should be occurred.
It's because you can't publish a level pack of just three levels,the number of levels per level pack must be at least 5 and maximum 10. Also you can't publish more than one level pack every 12 hours(2 each day),this is to avoid that people public lev. pack only to get achievements.
Maybe your wi-fi connection doesn't work right,other than this i can't help you anymore,sorry.just wait the developers see your post and reply (probably they know why i think)
Hi! Only one level pack can be published every 12 hours. There is also a check so that level packs with invalid or almost empty levels cannot be published. In the current version there are no error messages for this, that's why you get the unknown error. Hope this helps!
They were good! Nice and clean. I liked easy #1 and 3 the most. Hope you had fun creating them! I wish more would make easy packs.
Hey Ace97! I played your level pack! The gameplay and excitement in the levels are great! There is a certain level of fun that is missing because there is absolutely no polish though. If you could make another pack with levels that fun at that skill level with a lot of polish it could easily become a hit! I rated it four stars. Polish 1 star, gameplay 6 (off the charts!) stars and design 5 stars. Average is 4!
I've completely forgotten about the Faves feature There were some really well designed levels that are lost in my Finished list now :
It's hard to make a good easy pack although it's easy to test them. It hard to make something easy and at the same time, satisfying to play. I know of two creators who seem to have gotten it though - Masmo (AKVAQ8F9) and Lars Peterson (MKAY AWMTQMYB.02). I think there are a few others, but these two are the two that stuck in my mind.
My next pack should fall under Easy or Medium, and I've decided I'm gonna finish it tonight. It's not fantastic, although it's been a while since release this is basically still my first time playing around with the editor using anything other than walls and holes, so I'm a bit of a noob... but they should be nice and clean, nothing overly frustrating in there.