No it stays the same size it was before falling into a hole. We actually use it in some levels to make them a bit tricky. Is this something you would like to be added? If so, it won't work for existing levels, only new levels can utilize this feature (i.e. created after the update).
Well I noticed that you can set the lasers to turn back on when you fall down a hole, so it would be nice to have the option to reset the ball size too. Maybe just put an option on the resizer like "reset upon death" or something I'll work around it for now!
Either way, I'm adding it to our never-ending todo-and-nice-things-to-add-list Thanks for pointing it out.
Just polished off the first three levels of my pack, here are the finished versions: I know you can't play 'em yet, but don't be afraid to drop me some feedback judging by what you see
How did u make Pictures of them? U got an iPhone? i can't transfer pictures from my phone to my PC, the PC is crashing when I open the iPhone photo folder... there are some files who are named exactly the same (i guess they ARE the same, but sorting out200 of 400 pictures isn't so easy) which lets the copy function malfunction... hmm Anders, you don't know DDA? Do you know the game N? If not: There are some custom Levels inside, some of them are marked as "DDA Gametype"... just open these levels, press play and see what DDA means...
Btw, please add the "Size when dead" function to the ball, since its an action not directly connected to a specific resizer... with some more options like "Toggle size", "Big size", "Small Size", maybe even Buttons/lasers as trigger
I feel I am the only person in the world who has got problems with copying photos from an iDevice to a PC I'm still working on the first DDA Level... hmm they won't be as spectacular as in N, since the obstacles are much bigger than in N. AND I dont have time to make an automated button-movingwall-laser-bumper-multipletimesacrossthefield-level. The first one will just be obstacles lined up and automaticly bringing the ball to the goal.
It works great on my Mac, but on my PC I always end up emailing them from the device instead Looking forward to your DDA levels!
Haha, it's a curse. Everything has to be pixel-perfect or I'm not happy. I actually have Windows Calculator open while I'm editing so I can make sure stuff is equal distance from the middle and so on
Then you're like me Some useful info: level is 320x480 pixels, so the center is (160, 240). Could be useful, and WASD do come in handy quite often
Well ok, im not a SUCH an extreme perfectionist, but the tiles have to fit into each other, no one-pixel-edges etc. Emailing may be an option... But I bought a MacMini 2 days ago (really ) and I need to find a place where to put it right now ...
My first level pack is nearly ready to be published. It will be called "Ving's Practice Pack #1"... the first one will be the simple DDA, the others will be much more simple levels (which means they were simple to build, but they won't be simple to beat ) 1.: DDA 2.: Panic Bumpers => this is simple to do 3.: Merry-Go-Rounds => the main part is, as you may guess... RIGHT ITS THE LASER! Touch a laser and your toast 4 and 5 are still in development, and I have to go to bed now (Germany => 21:45) so I'll finish them later.
Hey thx for playing it, so would you rate it hard? I didnt know which difficulty cause I havent played official hard levels, dont know if a should have rated it medium or hard.
My new level pack is called "Increasing Difficulty"...beware - the last level took me about 20 minutes to beat . I changed it to make it slightly easier. (Check under "All Levels" => "Hard"). I forgot that Labyrinth 2 was meant to be played landscape...I designed the levels to be played portrait (even though it doesn't really make a difference). Please don't cheat on the last level...I realize you can quickly dash through before the gates close. Silly me, forgetting to reduce the gate time. Edit: Wow Midian! Your levels are so polished . Level 1: Level 5:
I just did that, 4.3 seconds. I was just about to mention it then you edited your post Nice levels though, the one with the timed door made me go "wtf?" for a moment, amazing how something so simple can throw you off track.