What I mean with a leader is not the one who made it (good idea though), but the best one of that board. Glad you like it
Oh yeah that's much better. I read your post too fast ...damn, only just noticed Z and X rotate objects. Edit: and Q duplicates.
Wow, really digging what you guys are coming up with at the moment. I decided to give to 'Create A Labyrinth' feature a go and was pleasantly suprised at how user friendly the who interface is. I've only done the one level so far but hopefully it'll give you and idea of what I'm trying to achieve: Krazy Kourse (level 1): NOTE: It seemed that the bottom right section with the Blue Ball Canon was actually impossible to do after many tries and no success. I was debating maybe just slowing down the pace of the Canon Ball but before I did, I finally managed to do it so I decided to leave it as it is and retain it's difficulty.
I think it would be great if you could search for levels, not only IDs. Would make levels a lot easier to find.
I don't think that would help much. You'd still need someone to tell you the name of the pack, so they might as well just tell you the ID instead. Both ways require you to be in contact with the guy. The only slight advantage might be that names are easier to remember, but they could be totally obscure anyway.
They said something about Google's engine (which I'm assuming powers the online part) not allowing searches by name. That's why you can only search by ID.
Yeah there is a limitation in their database (we use Google App Engine for our server stuff). I'm not really sure about the details, Andreas implemented that part, but I think you can only search by one field, and we need to be able to search by IDs as they are unique. But if it was possible we would of course add it. I think App Engine is still in Beta, so it might change.
I think I've nearly finished this level. Typical of me... I started it intending to use no walls, just holes... nice and simple. Now it's turned into the most detailed level I've done so far
Let me know how you like it! My first pack was on the easier side and my second pack is a little bit trickier.
I liked it, the level with the two fans and the hole in between them drove me crazy for a while until I figured out the best way to do it. The only problem was that the first level is too easy, I managed to finish in 1/4 of your time by cheating
Thanks! My first level in LoopyLabyLand was really only decorative. If you turned it into portrait it said TG3g lol. After I published the packs, I ended up beating my score, too! I was just so eager to get them out there that right when I finished the levels, I didn't bother to try for a better score
Just played "What the fridge?". I liked the idea in the last level of opening up the exit after a certain amount of time, it lets people who are getting frustrated pass the level but at the expense of getting a good completion time. I might have to steal that idea sometime
Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying my first pack (see signature for ID) This is a little off the discussion topic but I was wondering if anyone knew what the 3rd and 4th balls (rewards) are like? 1st- Steel 2nd- Bronze 3rd- ? 4th- ? Thanks